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Ch. 20 Flashcards

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48235386Marco PoloMarco Polo and his brothers were sent on a mission by the Pope0
48235387Otto Iestablished himself as Kingin Northern Germany, ventured into Italy to quell political disturbances, protect the church, and seek opportunities in the south.1
48235388Pope John XIIproclaimed the Otto emperor in 962ce2
48235389Pope Gregory VII1073-1085 ordered an end to the practice of lay investiture-the selection and installation of church officials by lay rulers such as the emperors3
48235390Henry IV1056-1106, when he challenged the pope's policy , Gregory excommunicated him and released his subjects from their duty to obey him4
48235391Frederick Barbarossa"the red beard"- a vigorous and gallent man who reigned from 1152 to 1190. Had resorces to control Germany but the popes stopped him5
48235392Hugh Capet987 he was elected King of France(he was only a minor nobel) after last of the Carolingians died6
48235393Duke William of Normandy1066 invaded England and and ruled decendents of Angles, Saxons, and other Germans and introduced Norman principles of government and land tenure to England7
48235394Elenor of Aquitainemost celebrated women of her day(1122-1204)8
48235395St. Dominicfounded orders of beggars and worked to pursuade heretics to return to the Roman Catholic Church9
48235396St. Thomas Aquinascombined Aristotle's rational power with the teachings of Christianity10
48235397St Francisfounded orders of beggars and worked to pursuade heretics to return to the Roman Catholic Church11
48235398Pope Innocent IIIthe church he went to called for military capmaign to destroy the Cathars12
48235399Eric the Reddiscovered Greenland and established colonies13
48235400Leif Ericssonson of Eric the Red, found Canada14
48235401Robert Guiscardcarved out a state for himself in southern Italy15
48235402Rodger GuiscardConqured Sicily, later established his authority thoughout the island16
48235403Pope Urban IIlaunched the crusades in 1095, said, Christian knights to take up arms and seize the holy land17
48235404Peter the Hermitpreacher, organized a ragtag army of poor knights and enthusiastic peasants including women and men and was not successful18
48235405Saladinrecaptured Jerusalem, sealed Christianity in the Mediterranean19
48235406Holy Roman Empirethought Christian revival of the earlier Roman Empire20
48235407Investiture Contesteither the Pope or the Emperor can dominate the other21
48235408Capetian DynastyRuled and fonded by Hugh Capet22
48235409Normansdeccendants of Vikings, developers of English Monarchy23
48235410Champagne Fairsallowed merchants from all over Europe to compare exchanged goods24
48235411Hanseatic Leaguewell developed trade network25
48235412Three EstatesThose who pray-cleargy of the Roman Catholic Church; those who fight- feudal nobles, the military estate; those who work- mostly peasants and serfs26
48235413Chivalrybehavior and ethics for nobles27
48235414Troubadoursdrew inspiration from a long tradition of love poestry produced nearby Muslim Spain28
48235415Guildsgroup made by merchants and workers in arts, craft, and regulated the production of sale goods within their jurisdiction.29
48235416Cathedral Schoolsschool, invited many well known scholars to teach30
48235417Universitiestransformed cathedral school31
48235418Sacramentsholy rituals that bring blessing32
48235419Saintspeople who live perfect lives and think Gods are within them33
48235420Relicsremiains of a holy person34
48235421Pilgrimagesa trek to a holy area35
48235422Waldensiansdeprised the roman catholic clergy as immoral and corupt, and thet advocated modest and simple lives36
48235423Cathars(Albigensians)rejected roman catholic chruch, adopted the teachings of heretical groups in eastern Europe37
48235424Vinlandvikings attempted to settle here but left because of few resources38
48235425Teutonic Knightstook vows to fight against Muslims and Pagans39
48235426Reconquistathe reconquest of spain40
48235427Crusadesholy war41

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