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Ch 21 WHAP Flashcards

Africa and the Africanism the age of the Atlantic Slave Trade

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283977577What were the Portuguese trading forts called?Factories0
283977578What was traded in "Factories"?Slaves, ivory, pepper, animal skins, gold1
283977579What did they try to do besides trade w/ Africans?Tried dominating the existing trading system of African ports.2
283977580Who took over the Portuguese later?Dutch, English, and French3
283977581What good did they originally seek? and What replaced it?Gold, pepper, and other products; replaced by slaves4
283977582What crop required constant labor and was hardest on them?Sugar5
283977583What is the estimated number of slaves forced to migrate?12 million6
283977584Morality rate during Middle Passage?10-20%; about 10-11 million actually arrived7
283977585Slavery difference between N.America and S.America & Caribbean?S.America & Caribbean: Slave mortality high, fertility low, more men less women N.America: Slave pop. grew, less dangerous jobs8
283977586Trans-Saharan and Trans-Atlantic differenceTrans-Saharan: used women as servants Trans-Atlantic: used men as servants9
283977587What is the changing demography of Africa?Population was less, and as trade developed, new crops were introduced which provided new food resources10
283977588What is the Triangular Trade?Slaves were carried to Americas (Africa to America) --> Sugar and tobacco were carried to Europe (America to Europe) --> European production sent to Africa (Europe to Africa)11
283977589How did Europeans rationalize their part in slave trade?They would say slavery had already existed in Europe12
283977590What is chattel slavery?When people were considered property. Hint: Chatell sounds like cattle, which is property.13
283977591Why did slavery pay a bigger role in Africa then any other civilization?The control of slavery was one or the only way for the wealth & status of individuals to increase14
283977592How does slavery relate to polygyny?The fact that the excess of female slaves led to polygyny (having more than one wife at a time)15
283977593Who did Africans enslave?Their neighbors16
283977594What is the "gun-slave cycle"?It was a cycle where African tribes would sell their own people in return for guns, etc.17
283977595How did the "gun-slave cycle" influence African politics?The guns gave the states more power, this let them expand to other places and gain slaves. They would later trade their slaves for gun powder.18
283977596What did the Asante kingdom trade?Gold and slaves19
283977597What did the Benin kingdom trade?Pepper, textiles, and ivory instead of slaves20
283977598Who was known as the slaving state?Dahomey21
283977599What were some of the creative features of their societies that were on part w/ Europe?The growing divine authority22
283977600What kind of power did the kings have?Limited power23
283977601Where are most of the slaves going from the east coast of Africa?Households of Arabia and Middle East24
283977602What 2 things combined caused extreme violence in the region?New political units and centers of trade?25
284556146When did the Dutch establish the first colony in South Africa? Why?1652; To serve as a provisioning place for ships sailing to Asia26
284556147What drove the Dutch farther inward?Their want for finding new lands27
284556148Who eventually gained this as their colony?Great Britain28
284556149When did the Great Britain gain this as their colony?179529
284556150What was the Great Trek?The movement of Boer settlers in Cape Colony to escape influence of British colonial gov. in 183430
284556151Who rose as a great leader?Shaka31
284556152When did Shaka rise as a great leader?181832
284556153What other great leader could we compare him to?...33
284556154When and how was the Zulu's dominance ended?1870's; Great Britain crushed their power34
284556155Who starts questioning modern slavery in the 17th Century?English historian; Charles Boxer35
284556156What event or change caused them to change them to think it may be outdated?The Enlightenment36
284556157What are the estimates of how many Africans were forced to migrate?10-12 million37
284556158How many died marching to the slave pens on the coast?One third of the captives38
284556159How many died during their trip in the Middle Passage?Average: 18% of them In some cases, 700 out of 716 slaves died39
284556160What were some of the distinctions made within the slave class?There were African-born (salt water slaves), American born descendants (Creole slaves), mulattos (part white), and free colored people40
284556161What differed between South and North American slave societies?Slaves, in South America, formed most of the population41
284556162When did Britain abolish slavery?180742
284556163When was slavery abolished in Brazil?188843

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