931994750 | Seed plants originated about ____ years ago | 360 million | 1 | |
931994751 | A seed consists of an ______ and ______ surrounded by a protective coat. | Embryo; nutrients | 2 | |
931994752 | The following are common to all seed plants: | -reduced gametophytes -heterospory -ovules -pollen | 3 | |
931994753 | What are the advantages of reduced gametophytes? | The gametophytes of seed plants develop within the walls of spores that are retained within tissues of the parent sporophyte -nourished and protected | 4 | |
931994754 | The ancestors of seed plants were likely _______, while seed plants are ________. | homosporous;heterosporous | 5 | |
931994755 | Megasporangia | produce megaspores that give rise to female gametophytes | 6 | |
931994756 | Microsporangia | produce microspores that give rise to male gametophytes | 7 | |
931994757 | An ovule consist of: | a megasporangium, megaspore, and one or more protective integuments | 8 | |
931994758 | Gymnosperm megaspores have __ integument. | 1 | 9 | |
931994759 | Angiosperm megaspores usually have __ integuments. | 2 | 10 | |
931994760 | Microspores develop into ______, which contain the male gametophytes | pollen grains | 11 | |
931994761 | Pollination: | the transfer of pollen to the part of a seed plant containing the ovules -pollen eliminates the need for a film of water and can be dispersed great distances by air or animals | 12 | |
931994762 | If a pollen grain germinates, it gives rise to a pollen tube that discharges sperm into the female gametophyte within the ______. | ovule | 13 | |
931994763 | A seed is a __________, along with its food supply, packaged in a protective coat | sporophyte embryo | 14 | |
931994764 | A seed develops from the ________. | whole ovule | 15 | |
931994765 | Evolutionary advantages of seeds over spores: | -they may remain dormant for days to years, until conditions are favorable for germination -seeds have a supply of stored food -they may be transported long distances by wind or animals | 16 | |
931994766 | Gymnosperms means: | "naked seeds" | 17 | |
931994767 | Gymnosperms seeds are exposed on ______ that form cones | sporophylls | 18 | |
931994768 | Angiosperm seeds are found in _______. | fruits | 19 | |
931994769 | Fossil evidence reveals that by the late Devonian period some plants, called _________, had begun to acquire some adaptations that characterize seed plants | progymnosperms | 20 | |
931994770 | Living seed plants can be divided into two clades: | gymnosperms and angiosperms | 21 | |
931994772 | __________ appear early in the fossil record about 305 million years ago and dominated Mesozoic (251-65 Mya) terrestrial ecosystems | Gymnosperms | 22 | |
931994773 | ________ were better suited than nonvascular plants to drier (and cooler) conditions | Gymnosperms | 23 | |
931994775 | ______ began to replace gymnosperms near the end of the Mesozoic | Angiosperms | 24 | |
931994777 | Conifers: | cone-bearing gymnosperms | 25 | |
931994779 | Four phyla of gymnosperms: | -Cycadophyta (cycads) -Gingkophyta (one living species: Ginkgo biloba) -Gnetophyta (three genera: Gnetum, Ephedra, Welwitschia) -Coniferophyta (conifers: pine, fir, redwood, etc.) | 26 | |
931994780 | Phylum Cycadophyta | Individuals have large cones and palmlike leaves These thrived during the Mesozoic, but relatively few species exist today | 27 | |
931994782 | Phylum Ginkgophyta | This phylum consists of a single living species, Ginkgo biloba It has a high tolerance to air pollution and is a popular ornamental tree | 28 | |
931994784 | Phylum Gnetophyta | This phylum comprises three genera -Species vary in appearance, and some are tropical whereas others live in deserts | 29 | |
931994786 | Phylum Coniferophyta | This phylum is by far the largest of the gymnosperm phyla -Most conifers are evergreens and can carry out photosynthesis year round | 30 | |
931994787 | Three key features of the gymnosperm life cycle are: | -dominance of the sporophyte generation -development of seeds from fertilized ovules -the transfer of sperm to ovules by pollen | 31 | |
931994788 | The pine tree is the sporophyte and produces ______ in male and female cones | sporangia | 32 | |
931994790 | Small cones: | produce microspores called pollen grains, each of which contains a male gametophyte | 33 | |
931994792 | Larger cones: | contain ovules, which produce megaspores that develop into female gametophytes | 34 | |
931994794 | How many years is it from cone production to mature seed? | 3 | 35 | |
931994796 | The reproductive adaptations of angiosperms include ______ and _____. | flowers;fruits | 36 | |
931994798 | What are the most widespread and diverse of all plants? | Angiosperms | 37 | |
931994800 | Anthophyta: | phylum of angiosperms | 38 | |
931994802 | Flower: | an angiosperm structure specialized for sexual reproduction | 39 | |
931994803 | Four types of modified leaves on a flower | -sepals -petals -stamens -carpels | 40 | |
931994804 | Sepals: | enclose the flower | 41 | |
931994805 | Petals: | brightly colored; attract pollinators | 42 | |
931994806 | Stamens: | produce pollen -consists of a stalk called the filament with a sac called an anther | 43 | |
931994807 | Carpels: | produce ovules -has ovary at the base and a style leading up to a stigma | 44 | |
931994808 | Anther: | Where pollen is produced on the filament | 45 | |
931994809 | Stigma: | where pollen is received | 46 | |
931994810 | A fruit consists of a _________. | mature ovary | 47 | |
931994811 | Mature fruits can be either _____ or ______. | fleshy; dry | 48 | |
931994812 | In the flower male gametophytes are contained within: | within pollen grains produced by the microsporangia of anthers | 49 | |
931994813 | Embryo sac: | develops within an ovule contained within an ovary at the base of a stigma | 50 | |
931994814 | A pollen grain that has landed on a stigma germinates and the pollen tube of the male gametophyte ______________. | grows down to the ovary | 51 | |
931994815 | Micropyle: | pore in which the ovule is entered | 52 | |
931994816 | Double fertilization occurs when: | the pollen tube discharges two sperm into the female gametophyte within an ovule -One sperm fertilizes the egg, while the other combines with two nuclei in the central cell of the female gametophyte and initiates development of food-storing endosperm | 53 | |
931994817 | Triploid endosperm | nourishes the developing embryo | 54 | |
931994818 | Within a seed, the embryo consists of a root and two seed leaves called _____. | cotyledons | 55 | |
931994819 | Angiosperms originated at least ___ million years ago | 140 | 56 | |
931994820 | Angiosperms may be closely related to ________, extinct seed plants with flowerlike structures | Bennettitales | 57 | |
931994821 | Angiosperms were divided into two main groups | -monocot -dicot | 58 | |
931994822 | monocot: | one cotyledon -veins usually parallel -vascular tissue scattered -root system usually fibrous -pollen grain with 1 opening -floral organs usually in multiples of three | 59 | |
931994823 | dicot: | two cotyledons | 60 | |
931994824 | DNA studies suggest that monocots form a clade, but dicots are __________. | polyphyletic | 61 | |
931994825 | Polyphyletic: | group with no common ancestor | 62 | |
931994826 | The clade _______ ("true" dicots) includes most dicots | eudicot | 63 | |
931994827 | basal angiosperms | -dicot lineage -are less derived and include the flowering plants belonging to the oldest lineages | 64 | |
931994828 | magnoliids | -dicot lineage -share some traits with basal angiosperms but evolved later | 65 | |
931994829 | Three lineages that constitute the basal angiosperms: | Amborella trichopoda, water lilies, and star anise | 66 | |
931994830 | Three lineages that constitute the magnollids: | magnolias, laurels, and black pepper plants | 67 | |
931994831 | More than one-quarter of angiosperm species are ________. | monocots | 68 | |
931994832 | More than two-thirds of angiosperm species are ________. | eudicots | 69 | |
931994833 | Eudicot: | Two cotyledons -veins usually netlike -vascular issue usually arranged in a ring -taproot usually present -pollen grain with 3 openings -floral organs usually in multiples of four or five | 70 | |
931994834 | Animals influence the evolution of plants and vice versa; for example: | -animal herbivory selects for plant defenses -interactions between pollinators and flowering plants select for mutually beneficial adaptations | 71 | |
931994835 | Clades with _______ symmetrical flowers have more species than those with ______ symmetrical flowers. | bilaterally; radially -likely because bilateral symmetry affects the movement of pollinators and reduces gene flow in diverging populations | 72 | |
931994836 | Five Derived Traits of Seed Plants | -Reduced gametophytes -Heterospory -Ovules -Pollen -Seeds | 73 | |
932054243 | What are the products of meiosis in the life cycle of a seed plant? | Megaspore or microspores | 74 | |
932054244 | Which of these structures is a separate generation from the plant sporophyte? | A male gametophyte within a pollen grain. | 75 | |
932054245 | Select the correct statement describing the life cycle of angiosperm | Double fertilization in the life cycle of seed plants results in the production of a diploid zygote and a triploid endosperm nucleus | 76 | |
932054246 | In which of the following pairs do the structures play comparable roles in the plant and animal life cycles? | A plant sporophyte and an adult animal | 77 | |
932054247 | In pines, the female gametophyte contains _____, each of which contains a(n) _____. | archegonia ... egg | 78 | |
932054248 | In pines, an embryo is a(n) _____. | immature sporophyte | 79 | |
932054249 | In pine trees, pollen grains get to the ovule via the _____. | micropyle | 80 | |
932054250 | Which of these statements is true about the gametophyte tissue that surrounds the pine embryo? | It functions as a haploid food reserve. | 81 | |
932054251 | Of the four haploid cells produced by a pine cone's megasporocyte (megaspore mother cell), _____ survive(s). | one | 82 | |
932054252 | In the pine, microsporangia form _____ microspores by _____. | haploid; meiosis | 83 | |
932054253 | Which of these is unique to flowering plants? | double fertilization | 84 | |
932054254 | The male gametophytes of flowering plants are also referred to as _____. | pollen grains | 85 | |
932054255 | In flowering plants the integuments of the ovule develop into a(n) _____. | seed coat | 86 | |
932054256 | A carpel is composed of _____. | stigma, style, and ovary | 87 | |
932054257 | In flowering plants one megaspore gives rise to _____ nuclei | eight haploid | 88 | |
932054258 | A stamen consists of _____. | anther and filament | 89 | |
932054259 | In angiosperms, pollination is the transfer of pollen grain to the _____ of a flower on the same plant or another plant of the same species. | stigma | 90 | |
932054260 | Where in an angiosperm would you find a megasporangium? | within an ovule contained within an ovary of a flower | 91 | |
932054261 | A fruit is most commonly | a mature ovary | 92 | |
932054262 | With respect to angiosperms, which of the following is incorrectly paired with its chromosome count? | megaspore-2n | 93 | |
932054263 | Which of the following is not a characteristic that distinguishes gymnosperms and angiosperms from other plants? | alternation of generations | 94 | |
932054264 | Gymnosperms and angiosperms have the following in common except | ovaries. | 95 | |
932054265 | When you look at a pine or maple tree, the plant you see is a _____. | diploid sporophyte | 96 | |
932054266 | All seed plants _____. | are heterosporous | 97 | |
932054267 | The adaptation that made possible the colonization of dry land environments by seed plants is most likely the result of the evolution of _____. | pollen | 98 | |
932054268 | Gymnosperms were most abundant during the _____. | Mesozoic | 99 | |
932054269 | In gymnosperms megaspores develop into _____ . | female gametophytes | 100 | |
932054270 | In pine, the embryo develops within the _____. | female gametophyte | 101 | |
932054271 | The major difference between angiosperms and gymnosperms comes from the _____. | presence or absence of a protective covering over the ovule | 102 | |
932054272 | Angiosperms are different from all other plants because only they have _____. | flowers | 103 | |
932054273 | Unlike most angiosperms, grasses are pollinated by wind. As a consequence, some unnecessary parts of grass flowers have almost disappeared. Which of the following parts would you expect to be most reduced in a grass flower? | petals | 104 | |
932054274 | Human survival literally depends on the produce of _____. | angiosperms | 105 |
Ch. 30: Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants Flashcards
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