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Chapter 10 Flashcards

A New Civilization Emerges in Western Europe

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98864212manorialismsystem that described economic and political relations btwn landlords and their peasan laboreres during middle ages involved a hierarchy of recipricol obligations that exchanged labor/rent for land access0
98864213bernard of clairvaux1090-1153emphasized role of faith in freference to logic stressed imporance of mysical union with god successfully challenged abelard and had himdriven from univ.1
98864214three extates3 social groups considered most powerful in w contries: church, noble, urban leader2
98864215carolingiansroyal house of franks after 8th century until their replacement in 10th century3
98864216hundred years warconflict btwn england and france from 1337-1453-fought over lands England possesed in France and feudal vs. emerging claims of national states4
98864217parliamentbodies representing priveleged groups institutionalized feudal principle that rulers should consult with vassals found in england spain germany france5
98864218charles'the hammer' martel686-741 carolingian monarch of franks responsible for defeating muslim in battle of tours in 732 ended muslim threat to w europe6
98864219scholasticsmdominant medival philosophical approach so-called b/c of base in the schools/univ. based on lgic to resolve theological problems7
98864220gregory viipop during 11th century attempted to free church from feudal lord interference quarreled with holy roman empiror henry iv over practice of lay investiture8
98864221black deathplague that struck europe in 14th century significantly reduced european pop. affected social structure9
98864222vikingsseagoing scandanavian raiders from sweden, dnemark, norway-disrupted coastal areas in w europe 8th-11th centuries10
98864223guildssworn group of ppl in same business/craft in a city stressed security, mutual control, limited membership, some had franchises, regualted apprenticeship, qualtiy11
98864224thomas aquinas1225-1274 created a synthesis of medieval learning taught in paris university, wrote several summas about reason, natural order, moral law, god12
98864225vassalsmember of military elite-got land/benefice from feudal lord for military service and loyalty13
98864226magna cartagreat charter issued by king jong 1215 in england confirmed feudal rights against monarch represented mutual limits and feudalsim and lord obligations14
98864227clovisearly frankish king converted franks to christianty around 496 allowed est. of frankish kingdom15
98864228urban iicalled 1st crusade 1095, appealed to christians to mount military assault to free holy lands from muslims16
98864229william the conquerorinvaded england from normandy 1066 extended feudalism to england est. administration based on sheriffes est. centralized monarch17
98864230investiturepractice of state appointing bishops pope gregory vii tried banning-led to war with holy roman emperor henry iv18
98864231hanseatic leagueorganization of cities in n germany and s scandanavia for establishing a common alliance19
98864232moldboardheavy plow introduced into n europe in middle ages plowed deeper soils, technology innovation in agriculture20
98864233charlegmagnecharles the great carolignian monarch who est. empire in france and germany around 80021
988642343-field systemagricultural cultivatior system in 800s in w europe included 1/3 spring grains, 1/3 fallow22
98864235peter abelard1079-1142 wrote 'yes and no' university scholar applied logic to theology showed contradiction in established doctrine23
98864236gothicarchitecture style developed in middle ages in w europe had pointed arches and flying buttresses with extension on main walk supports24
98864237serfspeasant agriculture laborers within manorial system of middle ages25
98864238middle agesperiod in w european history from decline and fall fo roman empire until 15th century26

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