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Chapter 12 Flashcards

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107928935220End of the Han Dynasty0
107928936220-589Era of Division; political discord in China; time of greatest Buddhist influence1
107928937589-618Sui Dynasty; building of the Grand Canal2
107928938618-626Gaozu emperor3
107928939618-907Tang Dynasty4
107928940627-649TAng Taizong Emperor5
107928941686Korean conquest; vassal state of Silla6
107928942690-705Empress Wu; Buddhist influence in China Peaks.7
107928943712-756Xuangzong emperor8
107928944840sPeriod of Buddhist persecution9
107928945907End of the Tang dynasty10
107928946960- 1279Song dynasty; Neo- Confucian revival11
1079289471050invention of block printing with movable type12
1079289481067-1085Shenzong emperor; reforms of Wang Anshi13
1079289491100invention of gunpowder14
1079289501115Jurchen (Qin) kingdom in north China15
1079289511119First use of the compass to our knowledge16
1079289521127-1279Southern Song dynasty17
1079289531279-1368Mongol (Yuan) Dynasty rules all of China18
107928954HangzhouCapital of Song Dynasty - was said to be the best in the world - great market place and entertainment -singing girls - boating - restaurants - bath houses - acrobats - tea houses - opera preformances19
107928955Sui Dynasty; when, who, how.-580 -Wendi -secured power through marriage and had the support of neighboring nomadic leaders.20
107928956Wendi- northern elite family - Won the support of people by lowering taxes and the creation of food granaries.21
107928957Son Yangdi; how and what he did that was positive.-murdered his father to become the emperor -extended his father's conquests -drove back nomads -established a milder legal code -restored the examination system22
107928958Son Yangdi; the negative effects of his rule-built palaces -built canal links -built an extensive game park -many military failures23
107928959Li Yuan; aka? what he did.-Duke of Tang (beginning of Tang Dynasty) -former nomadic leaders were forced to submit -created frontier armies made up of sons of tribal leaders -Korea was overrun by Chinese armies and the Kingdom of Silla was created as a tributary state.24
107928960Ministry of Rites-in charge of examinations.25
107928961Jinshititle given to men who passed examinations on the philosophical or legal classes and Chinese literature26
107928962What was the problem that continued to show up in the Chinese bureaucracy?-The bureaucracy was still overwhelmingly run by established families.27
107928963What were the two types of Buddhism?-Mahayana Buddhism -Chan/Zen Buddhism for the elite28
107928964Mahayana Buddhism-more popular to the masses -more about rebirth -lotus flower29
107928965Chan/Zen Buddhism-elite -stressed mediation and the appreciation of natural/artistic beauty30
107928966Empress Wu; when and what.- 690-705 - Tried to make Buddhism the state religion - Commissioned Buddhist painting/sculpture - Had statues of Buddha carved - Had large pagodas built - had 50,000 monasteries31
107928967pagodasa Hindu or Buddhist temple or sacred building, typically a many-tiered tower, in India and the Far East.32
107928968monasteriesa community of persons, esp. monks or nuns, living under religious vows. • the place of residence occupied by such persons33
107928969Tell when, why, and what happened during the attack on Buddhism- 840s, mid 9th century34
107928970Emperor Wuzong; what he did- tried to please the Neo- Confucianists -had thousands of shrines destroyed -monks/nuns were forced to abandon monastic life - lands were divided among taxpaying landlords/peasants (Buddhism had already left it's mark in law, arts, language, heaven, and charity35
107928971Empress Wei-Attempts to take throne for son by poisoning her husband.36
107928972Xuanzong; what he wanted and did- eventually wanted political/economic reforms -devoted self to arts, pleasures, and music -had a relation with Yang Guifei, a woman from the harem of another prince.37
107928973Xuanzong and Yang Guifei <3- ill-fated romance38
107928974Yang Guifei- Gave power to her family which angered others - neglected the economy - military was weak39
107928975Zhao KuangyinFearless warrior40
107928976What Dynasty could the Song Dynasty not overcome? what eventually happened?-Liao Dynasty - The Song Dynasty was always plagued by pressure from the north -Had to pay heavy tribute to north -north military was dominant.41
107928977How was the Song Dynasty superior to the Liao Dynasty- the Song Dynasty was culturally superior to the Liao Dynasty42
107928978Neo- Confucians- Personal morality was the highest goal - Virtue was attained through the book of learning, personal observations, and contact with wise people. -Hostile to foreign philosophies (Buddhism) -Focus was on tradition.43
107928979Decline of the Song Dynasty was a result of?- Weakness -tribute paid to the Liao Dynasty weakened the economy - Cost of the army was too expensive - Focus was on civilian leaders - money was not spent on fortifications, but was spent on scholarly pursuits and entertainment44
107928980fortificationsa defensive wall or other reinforcement built to strengthen a place against attack.45
107928981Grand Canal- used for the movement of people and goods. - million forced laborers were forced to build46
107928982Silk Roadexpanded and protected - horses, Persian rugs, tapestries were imported - silk textiles, porcelain, and paper were exported47
107928983Junks- small ships used for importing and exporting stuff -watertight bulkheads - sternpost rudders -oars, sails, compasses, and bamboo fenders48
107928984how did the economy get better?- governments supervised hours/marketing methods at trade centers - merchants banded together in guilds -expanded credit - deposit shops found throughout empire - paper money, credit vouchers, and flying money reduced the danger of robbery49
107928985Changan-Imperial city - elaborate gardens and hunting park50
107928986agricultural improvements- encouraged peasant migrations -supported military garrisons in rural areas - state- regulated irrigation/canals - new seeds (champa rice from Vietnam) - great poo - inventions (wheelbarrow) - break up land of aristocracy51
107928987describe the role of women- slowly improved, then deteriorated -upper class women could yield considerable power initially - divorce had to be mutual - there was more defense against husband's negative behavior than in India -wealthy women even took lovers in Hangzhou.52
107928988what happend to womens role when Beo- Confucianists came into play- women were put back in their place - main role was bearer of sons - they were excluded from education for civil service - footbinding, which was equal to veil/ seclusion in Islam53
107928989footbinding- men prefered small feet - it limited mobility - mothers had to bind daughter's feet54
107928990inventions-new agricultural tools - banks and paper money -engineering feats. (grand canal, dikes, dams) - bridges - explosive powder - drinking tea -chairs - coal for fuel - kites - abacus - compass - movable type printing press55

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