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Chapter 18: The Evolution of Invertebrate Diversity Campbell Biology Flashcards

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1274564991Animals aremulticellular, heterotrophic eukaryotes0
1274564993Ingestioneating food1
1274564995Animal cells are held together byextracellular structural proteins2
1274564997The most abundant structural protein holding animal cells together arecollagen3
1274564999M&F adult animals make haploid gametes bymeiosis4
1274565001The zygote divides bymitosis5
1274565003The dividing of the of the zygote forms an early embryonic stage called a:blastula6
1274565005Hollow ball of cellsblastula7
1274565007One side of the blastula folds inward forming stage calledgastrula8
1274565009The internal sac formed by gastrulation becomes thedigestive tract9
1274565011What lines the digestive tractendoderm10
1274565012an outer cell layer that gives rise to the outer covering of the animal and, in some phyla, to the central nervous systemectoderm11
1274565013third embryonic layer in animals which forms the muscles an most internal organsmesoderm12
1274565014an immature individual that looks different from the adult animallarva13
1274565015a major change of body formmetamorphosis14
1274565016The transformation of a zygote into an adult animal is controlled by clusters ofhomeotic genes15
1274565017Animal diversification began more than.5 billion years ago16
1274565018The lineage that gave rise to animals is thought to have diverged from aflagellated unikont17
1274565019flagellated unikonts may have resembled modernchoanoflagellates18
1274565020colonial protist that are the closest living relatives of animalschoanoflagellates19
1274565021The oldest generally accepted animal fossils that have yet been found are how old575-550 million years old20
1274565022animals that lack a vertebral columninvertebrates21
1274565023Edicaran fossil animals had what type of bodiessoft22
1274565024Cambrian animals had what types of fossil bodieshard23
1274565025animals can be characterized by basic features of theirbody plan24
1274565026prominent feature of the body plansymmetry25
1274565027the body parts radiate from the center like the spokes of a bicycle wheelradial symmetry26
1274565028What type of symmetry has a top and body but no left and right sidesradial27
1274565029mirror-image right and left sides, a distinct head and tail, also a back and bottombilateral symmetry28
1274565032dorsal surfaceback31
1274565033bottomventral surface32
1274565034The symmetry of a animal reflects itslifystyle33
1274565035What type of animal is typically sedentary or passively drifting, meeting its environment equally on all sidesradial34
1274565036The brain, sense organs, and mouth are usually located in the head of what type of symmetric animalbilateral35
1274565037Collections of specialized cellstrue tissues36
1274565038sponges lacktrue tissues37
1274565039The cell layers formed during gastrulation give rise totrue tissues, organs38
1274565040Three tissue layersectoderm endoderm mesoderm39
1274565041Animals arising from embryos with three tissue layers may be characterized by the presence or lack of abody cavity40
1274565042Fluid-filled space between the digestive tract and outer body wall cushions the internal organs and enables them to grow and move independently of the body wallbody cavity41
1274565043In soft-bodied animals, a noncompressible fluid in the body cavity form ahydrostatic skeleton42
1274565044body cavitiy completely lined by tissue derived from mesodermtrue coelom43
1274565045Not completely lined by tissue made from mesoderm, functions like coelomspseudocoelom44
1274565046Animals that arise from three tissue layers can be separated into two groups base on details of theirembryonic development45
1274565047Two types of bilateral animalsprotostomes deuterostomes46
1274565048In _______the opening formed during gastrulation becomes a mouthprotostomes47
1274565049In _______ the opening formed during gastrulatin becomes a anus and the mouth forms a second openingdeuterostomes48
1274565050Differences between protostomes and deuterostomespattern of early cell division, the way the coelom forms49
1274565051animals with true tissues (true animals)eumetazoans50
1274565052Animals that have bilateral symmetry belong to the cladebilaterians51
1274565053The bilaterians are divided into two clades based onembryology52
1274565054The two clades of bilaterians areprotostomes and deutrostomes53
1274565055The simplest of all animalssponges54
1274565056Some sponges are radially symmetric but most lackbody symmetry55
1274565057The body of a sponge consist of two layers of cells separated by agelatinous region56
1274565058cells which help sweep water through the sponges body are calledchoanocytes57
1274565059Wander through the middle body region, produce supportive skeletal fibers composed of a flexible protein called spongin are calledamoebocytes58
1274565060Most sponges have both types ofskeletal components59
1274565061Example of a suspension feedersponges60
1274565062animals that collect food particles from h2o passed through some type of food-trapping equipmentsuspension feeders61
1274565063A sponge must filter roughly _________kg of seawater to obtain enough food1,00062
1274565064What traps food particles in mucus on the membraneous collars hat surround the base of their flagella then engulf the food by phagocytosischoanocytes63
1274565065pick up food in packaged vacuoles choanocytesamoebocytes64
1274565066Means they are anchored in placesessile65
1274565067Radial animals with tentacles and stinging cells, two tissue layerscnidarians66
1274565068Phylum containing hydras, sea anemones, corals, and jelliescnidaria67
1274565069Two types of radial body forms of cnidarianspolyp medusa68
1274565070Common in freshwater ponds and lakeshydras69
1274565071Have a cylindrical body with tentacles projecting from one endhydras and sea anemones70
1274565072mostly stationarypolyps71
1274565073move freely about in water and shaped like an umbrella with a fringe of tentaclesmedusas72
1274565074cnidarians capture small animals and protist and are consideredcarnivores73
1274565075In a ______ the mouth is on the top of the body at the hub of radiating tentaclespolyp74
1274565076In a ____________the mouth is in the center of the undersurfacemedusa75
1274565077Fluid in the ______________________ circulates nutrients an oxygen to internal cells and removes metabolic wastegastrovascular cavity76
1274565078cnidarian have unique stinging cells calledcnidocytes77
1274565079cnidocytes contain afine thread coiled within a capsule78
1274565080coral animals arepolyp form cnidarians79
1274565081Flatworms are the simplestbilateral animals80
1274565082length of flatworms range from1mm-20m81
1274565083Three major groups of flatwormsfree-living flukes tapeworms82
1274565084Worms called the planarians representfree living flatworms83
1274565085has a head with a pair of light-sensitive eyecups and a flap at each side that detects chemicalsplanarian84
1274565086Planarians feed through a mouth locatedmid-ventral surface of the body85
1274565087Live on the undersurfaces of rocks in freshwater ponds and streamsplanarians86
1274565088second type of flat worm that lives as parasites in other animalsflukes87
1274565089have complex life cycles that facilitate dispersal of offspring to new hostflukes88
1274565090Spend part of their life cycle in snails (blood flukes)schistosomes89
1274565091anterior end of a tapewormscolex90
1274565092tapeworms have no _________ mouth they _______nutrients across their body surface and have no ____________mouth absorb digestive tract91
1274565093complex life cycle involving more that one host (like flukes)tapeworms92
1274565094Flatworms and cnidarians differ in symmetry with flatworms being _____- and cnidarians being ____ but the animals of both phyla have a ________bilateral radial gastrovascular cavity93
1274565096Nematodes have apseudocoelom and a complete digestive tract95
1274565097Nematodes make up the phylumnematoda96
1274565098True/False nematodes are bilaterianstrue97
1274565099Cylindrical with a blunt head and tapered tailnematodes98
1274565100tough nonliving material covering roundworms bodycuticle99
1274565101Extension of a tube from the mouth to the anus near the tip of the tailcomplete digestive tract100
1274565102fluid in the __________ distributes nutrients absorbed from the digestive tract throughout the bodypseudocoelom101
1274565103free-living nematodes live virtually everywhere there isrotting organic matter102
1274565104other nematodes thrive as ____ in the moist tissues of plants and in the body fluids and tissues of animalsparasites103
1274565105the dog heartworm is anematode104
1274565106humans are host to at least how many nematode species50105
1274565107snails, slugs, oysters, clams, octopuses, and squids are a fewmolluscs106
1274565108soft bodied animals usually protected by a hard shellmolluscs107
1274565109three main parts of a molluscfoot visceral mass mantle108
1274565110functions in locomotion of a molluscmuscular foot109
1274565111contains most of the organs of a molluscvisceral mass110
1274565112a fold of tissue that drapes over the visceral mass and secretes a shell in molluscs such as clams and snailsmantle111
1274565113the mantle extends beyond the visceral mass producing water filled chamber called themantle cavity112
1274565114unique rasping organ in molluscradula113
1274565115the radula is used to scrape upfood114
1274565116most molluscs have separatesexes115
1274565117reproductive oragans of molluscs are located in thevisceral mass116
1274565118the life cycle of many marine molluscs includes aciliated larval or trochophore117
1274565119flatworms have no body cavity, nematodes have pseudocoelom molluscs have atrue coelom118
1274565120unlike flatworms and nematodes molluscs have acirculatory system119
1274565121three different groups of molluscs determined by body featuresgastropods, bivalves, cepalopods120
1274565122the largest group of molluscsgastropods121
1274565123found in fresh water, salt water, terrestrial environments. The only molluscs that live on landgastropods122
1274565124gastropodsare protected by a single spiraledshell123
1274565125most gastropods are ____ and shell collectors delight in their varietymarine124
1274565126includes numerous species of clams, oysters, mussels and scallopsbivalves125
1274565127they have shells divided into two halves that are hinged togetherbivalves126
1274565128most bivalves are what kind of feederssuspension127
1274565129gills in bivalves are used for feeding as well asgas exchange128
1274565130most bivalves live in sand or mud and are consideredsedentary129
1274565131use beak like jaws and a radula to crush or rip prey apartcephalopods130
1274565132all cephalopods havelarge brains and sophisticated sense organs131
1274565133cephalopod eyes are considered the mostcomplex132
1274565134annelids aresegmented worms133
1274565135segmented body resembling a series of fused rings is the hallmark ofphylum annelida134
1274565136subdivision of the body along its length into a series of repeated partssegmentation135
1274565137segmented body allows for greaterflexibility and mobility136
1274565138three main groups of annelidsearthworms, polychaetes, leeches137
1274565139earthworms do not fertilize their own eggs but they arehermaphrodites138
1274565140undigested material mixed with mucus secreted into the digestive tract is eliminated ascastings139
1274565141mostly marine and form the largest group of annelidspolychates140
1274565142most live in tubes and extend feathery appendages coated with mucus that trap suspended food particlespolychaetes141
1274565143segmented animals with jointed appendagesarthropods142
1274565144most successful animal phulumarthoropoda143
1274565145diversity and success of arthropods are largely related to theirsegmentation exoskeleton and jointed appendages144
1274565146exoskeleton is considered acuticle145
1274565147exoskeleton is hardened by layers ofprotein and chitin146
1274565148the exoskeleton of the head and thorax is partly fused forming a body region called thecephalothorax147
1274565149like molluscs arthropods have anopen circulatory system148
1274565150most aquatic species havegills149
1274565151terrestrial insects have _________ that branch through out the bodyair sacs150
1274565152horseshoe crab is a member of thechelicerates151
1274565153collectively called _______scorpions,spiders ticks and mites are members of _________--arachnids chelicerates152
1274565154wormlike terrestrial creatures that eat decaying plant matter classified as a arthropodmillipede153
1274565155terrestrial carnivores with a pair of poison claws used in defense and to paralyze preycentipedes154
1274565156the crustaceans are nearly allaquatic155
1274565157lobsters and crayfish are in which groupcrustaceans156
1274565158_____ are marine crustaceans with a cuticle that is hardened into a shell containing ______barnacles calcium carbonate157
1274565159four lineages of arthropodschelicerates millipedes and centipedes crustaceans insects158
1274565160most successful group of animalsinsects159
1274565161study insectsentomologists160
1274565162only the adult insect issexually mature and has wings161
1274565163percentage of insects that undergo complete metamorphosis80162
1274565164larval stage is specialized foreating and growing163
1274565165transition from larva t adult is achieved through_____ but with out forming a _____multiple molts pupa164
1274565166molts multiple times and does form a pupacomplete metamorphosis165
1274565167insects have three distinct body partshead thorax abdomen166
1274565168most adult insects have __ pairs of legsthree167
1274565169insects are the only invertebrates that canfly168
1274565170sea stars and sand dollars, slow moving or sessile marine animalsechinoderms169
1274565171unique to echinodermswater vascular system170
1274565172network of water filled canals that branch into extensions called tube feetwater vascular system171
1274565173tube feet function inlocomotion feeding and gas exchange172
1274565174some echinoderms are capable ofregeneration173
1274565175sea stars are ______ and sea urchins eat _____carnivores algae174
1274565176a flexible supportive longitudinal rod located between the digestive tract and the nerve cordnotochord175
1274565177located in the pharynx the region just behind the mouthpharyngeal slits176
1274565178small bladelike chordates that live in marine sandslancelets177
1274565179four chordate characteristics in summarynerve cord notochord pharyngeal slits tail178
1274565180master control genes (body building genes ) are calledhomeotic genes179

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