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Chapter 2 and 4 Vocabulary Flashcards

From traditions and encounters, 4th edition
Southwest Asia and south Asia must know voc

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221390359Ancestor WorshipBelief that dead ancestors can influence one's fortunes in life. Those who practice often conduct rituals and ceremonies to the memory or remains of their ancestors.0
221390360AryansEuropean tribes who settled in India after 1500 B.C.E.; their union with indigenous Dravidians formed the basis of Hinduism.1
221390361AssyriansSouthwest Asian people who built an empire that reached its height during the eighth and seventh centuries B.C.E.; it was known for a powerful army and a well-structured state.2
221390362BabylonMesopotamian empire with a centralized bureaucracy and Law Code centered around its capital, Babylon.3
221390363BronzeMaterial made from copper and tin used for weapons and agricultural tools.4
221390364City-stateUrban areas that controlled surrounding agricultural regions and that were often loosely connected in a broader political structure with other city-states.5
221390365CuneiformWritten language of the Sumerians, probably the first written script in the world.6
221390366GilgameshLegendary king of the Mesopotamian city-state of Uruk (ca. 3000 B.C.E.), subject of the Epic of Gilgamesh, world's oldest complete epic literary masterpiece.7
221390367Hammurabi's CodeSophisticated law code associated with the Babylonian king Hammurabi (r. 1792-1750 B.C.E.).8
221390368Hanging GardensGardens at the palace of the New Babylonian empire (600-550 B.C.E.) that showed off its great wealth and luxury.9
221390369HittitesGroup that settles in central Anatolia around 2000 B.C.E., establishes powerful kingdoms, conquers the Babylonian empire in 1595 B.C.E., and dissolves about 1200 B.C.E. Technological feats include iron metallurgy and light horse-drawn chariots.10
221390370Indo-EuropeansSeries of tribes from southern Russia who, over a period of millennia, embarked on a series of migrations from India through western Europe; their greatest legacy was the broad distribution of Indo-European languages throughout Eurasia.11
221390371IronMaterial used for weapons and tools that became cheap and more widely available around 1000 B.C.E.12
221390372Lex talionis"Law of retaliation," laws in which offenders suffered punishments similar to their crimes; the most famous example is Hammurabi's Laws.13
221390373MesopotamiaTerm meaning "between the rivers," in this case the Tigris and Euphrates; Sumer and Akkad are two of the earliest societies.14
221390374MonotheismBelief in only one god, a rare concept in the ancient world15
221390375PatriarchySystem of social organization in which males dominate the family and where public institutions, descent, and succession are traced through the male line.16
221390376PhoeniciansA maritime civilization of the Mediterranean that developed extensive trade and communication networks as well as an early alphabetical script (1500 B.C.E).17
221390377SumeriansEarliest Mesopotamian society.18
221390378Ten CommandmentsMoral and ethical standards for followers of Moses.19
221390379TorahCompilation of teachings that guide Judaism.20
221390380Compilation of teachings that guide Judaism.language that is predominant in Pakistan.21
221390381YahwehGod of the monotheistic religion of Judaism that influenced later Christianity and Islam.22
221390382ZigguratsMesopotamian Temples23
221390383AryansEuropean tribes who settled in India after 1500 B.C.E.; their union with indigenous Dravidians formed the basis of Hinduism.24
221390384BrahminsHindu caste of priests25
221390385DravidiansPeoples who produced the brilliant Harappan society in India, 3000-1500 B.C.E.26
221390386HarappanEarly brilliant Indian society centered around Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro.27
221390387IndraEarly Indian god associated with the Aryans; Indra was the king of the gods and was associated with warfare and thunderbolts.28
221390388JatiIndian word for a Hindu subcaste.29
221390389KarmaHindu concept that the sum of good and bad in a person's life will determine his or her status in the next life.30
221390390KshatriyasHindu caste of warriors and aristocrats.31
221390391Lawbook of ManuA moral code prepared in the first century B.C.E. in India dictating the role of women in Indian society.32
221390392MokshaHindu concept of the salvation of the soul.33
221390393NeolithicNew Stone Age (10,000-4000 B.C.E.), which was marked by the discovery and mastery of agriculture.34
221390394PrakitDaily-use language of the early Aryans35
221390395SamsaraHindu term for the concept of transmigration, that is, the soul passing into a new incarnation.36
221390396SanskritSacred language of the early Aryans37
221390397SatiAlso known as suttee, Indian practice of a widow throwing herself on the funeral pyre of her husband.38
221390398ShudrasHindu caste of landless peasants and serfs.39
221390399UpanishadsIndian reflections and dialogues (800-400 B.C.E.) that reflected basic Hindu concepts.40
221390400VaishyasHindu caste of cultivators, artisans, and merchants.41
221390401VarnaHindu word for caste.42
221390402Vedas"Wisdom," early collections of prayers and hymns that provide information about the Indo-European Aryans who migrated into India around 1500 B.C.E.; Rig Veda is most important collection.43
221390403VarunaAryan god who watched over the behavior of mortals and preserved the cosmic order.44

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