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Chapter 8 Unit III Flashcards

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106464274Arabian PeninsulaFamous for poetry and story telling -no river or lakes0
106464275OasisUnderground water systems -helps to shape the culture1
106464276BedouinsPastorlists who created their own tribes/clans CLANS FOLOW THE RELIGION BASED ON THE LEADER.2
106464277MeccaPilgrimage center of the Kaaba and made its income off of tourists.3
106464278KaabaMost prominant pilgrimage site. -cubical shrine4
106464279Jinns and ShaitansArabs believed in these desert spirits THIS IS WHY PEEPS BELIEVED MUHAMMADs calling5
106464280MuhammadCaravan merchant convinced there was a god ALLAH6
106464281ISLAMMonotheistic religion -Religion would have died in mecca if they did not move to medina7
106464282The Structure of IslamIslam became popular because of it's SIMPLICITY (Compared to Christianity and Judiasm)8
106464283Why was mecca opposed to Islam?Because it was monotheistic when everyone there were polytheistic believers (kaaba)9
106464284What does the word "Muslim" Literally mean?It means "one who submits to Allah"10
106464285UmmaThe community of all believers -women were respected -a community defined solely by acceptance of Islam11
106464286Qu'ranA the holy book composed of Muhammad's revelations. -"Words of God" -Final form was in 65012
106464287Five Pillars-Public profession of Faith-public submission to allah -Prayer-5 times a day facing mecca, wash all visible parts of the body -Tithing of Charity-Giving ten percent -Fasting-Ramadan- fasting from sunrise to sunset -Pilgrimage to Haj-Making a trip to mecca at least once in a lifetime13
106464288Medina SocietyIn 622-sent representatives to mecca to meet with muhammad -place where muhammad came to mediate problems -Momentious moment in Islam history14
106464289what did moving to medina do?Beginning of the Islamic calendar.15
106464290How it differs from Jud or ChristianityAll power is in the hands of Muhammad -Jud and Chris were minor religions -NO PROFESSIONAL CLERGY- no priest etc16
106464291Shari'alegal code -concerned with behavior rather than doctrine17
106464292CaliphLeader of an Islamic Community -Located outside of Arabia18
106464293Office of the CaliphWas more secular than religious19
106464294"People of TraditionMuslims who supported the first three caliphs20
106464295CaliphateBuilt on the conquests the arabs carried out after muhammad's death21
106464296ConquestsMen of political and economic sophistication guided the conquests -no evidence of spreading ISLAM -little material incentive22
106464297MamluksTurkish slaves purchased from central asia by caliphs -took in on themselves to seat and unseat caliphs23
106464298Kingdom of GhanaEarliest known sub-saharan beneficiancy of the new exchange system "Land of gold" -First land outside caliphate to experience a gradual and peaceful conversion to Islam24
106464299FatimidsRuled from complex called Cairo -conquered egypt25
106464300CrusadesLittle impact on Islamic lands POLITICAL NOT RELIGIOUS26
106464301FALL OF CALIPHSMongols invaded leaving few ethnic traces and WAR27
106464302Islam WomenSeldom traveled -Urban women lived in seclusion and did not leave the house before covering themselves -Islamic law granted greatest status than Christian or Jewish law28
106464303Islam Slavesonly slave women could perform as musicians or dancers29
106464304SchismDivision of Islam30
106464305SunniBelieve that "We are a community" -religious authority comes from the community31
106464306UlamaSunni religious scholars32
106464307Shi'aBelieve that they caliph should be a blood line connection to muhammad -only the Imans can explain the true meaning of the koran33
106464308ImamReligious leaders from the Shi'a34
106464309Sufi'sRepresents Islam's Mystical side. -Wanting a direct and personal exp with allah -used to meditate to commute with allah -ESCAPING FROM PHYSICAL SELF35

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