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Chapters 18-20 Test-Cole Flashcards

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135440721Ivan III (the Great)centralized Russia0
135440722Ivan IV (The terrible)became an absolute ruler, killed boyars who he suspected of conspiracy, serfs were treated worse and worse1
135440723Peter I (The Great)wanted to Westernize, had the boyars cut off their beards, would travel incognito to Europe, mainly, seeking allies2
135440724Catherine II (The Great)put down multiple serf rebellions, westernized, her husband was retarded and she assumed power3
135440725boyarsRussian elite/nobles4
135440726cossackspeasant adventurers who explored Russia's new lands; combined farming with military strategies5
135440727Westernizationcultural diffusion of European ideas, technologies, and cultural aspects spreading to other countries6
135440728Third RomeIvan III insisted that Russia had succeeded Byzantium as this7
135440729Time of Troublesafter Ivan IV death, he had no successor; boyars fought, often killing each other, for the throne; Poland and Sweden were attacking8
135440730Romanov Dynastystarting with Micheal (closest decendent to Ivan IV at the time), it continued until 19179
135440731Micheal Romanovreestablished internal order after the Time of Troubles, expanded Russia (Kiev, to Ottoman border), first of the Romanov dynasty10
135440732Alexis Romanovabolished nobles and gained more power over the Russian church, wanting to reform it, 2nd Romanov11
135440733Old Believerswere exiled to Siberia by Alexis Romanov b/c they were conservatives and did not want to reform the church12
135440734tsarRussian for "Caesar", absolute ruler13
135440735Chancery of Secret PolicePeter I established it, and it lasted until the 1990s, surviving under different names (KGB?) and functions14
135440736St. Petersburgafter Peter won against Sweden to gain an ice-free port, he built this grand city to glorify himself15
135440737Great Northern WarRussia defeated Sweden at sea, Russia received Estonia, Livonia, and Ingria, while Sweden received Finland16
135440738Pugachev rebellionled by Emelian Pugachev, Catherine I used it as an excuse to further the powers of the central government17
135440739partitions of Polandin 1772,1793,and 1795; eliminated Poland as an independent state. Russia got the best deal out of the countries18
135440740serfdom1/2 of the peasantry in Russia in 1800, could be bought, sold, gambled away, and punished by their masters; in 1785, a law was passed that tightened landlord power19
135440741Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castilethe married couple who united the Iberian peninsula and outlawed all Jew (had to convert or leave)20
135440742encomiendaslarge estates and grants of Indian laborers, where used to settle the Americas, owned by encomenderos21
135440743Chronology of Conquest1492-1570: main lines of administration and economy 1570-1700: colonial institutions and societies took form 18th century: reform and reorganization ----> revolt22
135440744Caribbean Cruciblethe islands who were a test run for colonies to come23
135440745Hernan Cortesthe leader of an expedition of 600 men to the coast of Mexico where they brought down the Aztecs (Moctezuma II); Tenochtitlan was replaced by Mexico City24
135440746Francisco Pizarroled the conquest of the Incas, who were already weakened by civil war; Spanish moved capital city, Lima, closer to the coast25
135440747Francisco Vazquez de Coronadosearched for the legendary cities of gold and traveled as far north as Kansas26
135440748Pedro de Valdiviaset up the city of Santiago in 1541, after defeating the Araucanian Indians27
135440749Bartolome de Las Casasthought Indians were children of God and had done nothing to hurt Christians, had the right to be shown the path of God, and conversions should be peaceful28
135440750Juan Gines de Sepulvedathought Indians aren't humans b/c they don't accept Christianity so violence is allowed and conversions should be forced29
135440751Ferdinand Magellansailed around the globe, but died before he could return to Europe (Magellan Strait)30
135440752Treaty of Tordesillasin 1494, the pope declared everything West of the line (370 leagues west of the Cape Verde Is.) is Spain's, east is Portugal's31
135440753exploitation of the Indianswere killed by disease and Europeans, but also were wanted for their lands and for laborers, causing their population to decrease32
135440754mitaforced labor (but w/ a wage), made Indians work in mines and on other projects in Peru33
135440755Potosiin present day Bolivia, the largest mine (80% of Peruvian silver) was discovered; 160,000 people lived/worked there34
135440756Huancavelicaa mountain containing mercury essential to silver mining35
135440757haciendasrural estates using Indians for labor36
135440758Casa de Contratacion (Board of Trad)based in Seville, all goods going and coming from Spain was funneled into as to keep records, registered ships and passengers, and worked in conjunction with a merchant guild37
135440759consuladothe merchant guild which handled most of the silver; kept tight control over the trade, keeping prices high38
135440760galleonslarge and heavily armed ships used to transport goods (silver)39
135440761letradoslawyers from Spain who have graduated from a university40
135440762Recopilacioncodified and simplified the laws into the basis for government in the colonies41
135440763Council of the Indiesthe king ruled through this, issuing the laws and advising the king42
135440764viceroyaltieshigh-ranking nobles who were direct representatives of the King, one in Mexico City and another in Lima43
135440765audienciasthe vieroyalties subdivisions, staffed by professional royal magistrates who help to make and apply the law44

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