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Chapters 9-11 Flashcards

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99370667Byzantinemember of Byzantine empire0
99370668Orthodoxy: Greek and RussianRussian- Russian form of Christianity imported from Byzantine empire and combined with local religion Greek- from of Christianity1
99370669Byzantine Empireeastern half of Roman empire following western half of old empire; retained Mediterranean culture, particularly Greek; capital- Constantinople2
99370670TsarSlavic version of word "Caesar"; emperor, king3
99370671Icon, Iconoclasmpainting of saints or other religious figures attacking use of religious images in worship4
99370672Cyril and Methodiusmissionaries sent by Byzantine government5
99370673Kievan Rusname of Slavic and Scandinavian kingdom established in Russia; important commercial/cultural center6
99370674BoyarsRussian land owning aristocrats7
99370675TartarsMongols; captured Russian cities8
99370676Caesaro-papismcombining government and Church; head of state is head of church9
99370677Schismsplit of Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox; a split or division10
99370678Medieval, Middle Agesperiod in Europe from fall of Rome until the 15th century11
99370679Manorialismeconomic and political relations between landlords and serfs12
99370680Serfspeasants who farmed land belonging to lords in return fro protection13
993706813-Field Systemsystem of having 1/3 of the land unplanted for fertilization14
99370682(Holy Roman) emperorssuccessors to Charlemagne; they merged Christian and classical cultures; ruled northern Italy and Germany15
99370683Feudal monarch; vassalsgreater lord who provides protection lesser lords who provide military and goods in return for protection16
99370684Feudalismrelationship between military elites and vassals17
99370685Parliaments (Three estates)bodies representing privileged groups (Church, Nobles, Urban Leaders)18
99370686CrusadesHoly Wars where Christians tried to recover Holy Land from Muslims19
99370687Papacyreferring to office of pope, time of pope, or jurisdiction of pope20
99370688investiturepractice of state appointment of bishops21
99370689Scholasticismthe dominant medieval philosophical approach based in schools in medieval times22
99370690Hanseatic Leagueorganizations of cities in northern Germany to establish commercial23
99370691Guildscontrolled commercial and industrial endeavors, manipulate businesses, regulated training24
99370692Black Deathone of many plagues that diminished population; spread by fleas on rats25
99370693Indianmisnomer created by Columbus referring to indigenous peoples of New World26
99370694Toltecnomadic people from bay and northern frontier of the sedentary agriculture area in Mesoamerica; established capital of Tula following migration into central Mesoamerican plateu27
99370695Aztecthe Mexica; one of the nomadic tribes that used political anarchy after fall of Toltecs to penetrate into the sedentary agricultural zone of the Mesoamerican plateu28
99370696Tlaloc and Huitzilopochtlimajor god of Aztecs; identified with old sun god Aztec tribal patron god; central figure of cult of sacrifice and warfare29
99370697Calpulliseven clans in Aztec society expanded to sixty; divided into residential groups that distributed land and provided labor and warriors30
99370698Pipiltinnobility that rose out of calpulli31
99370699Chinampasartificial islands used for agriculture32
99370700Pochtecaspecial merchant class in Aztec society; specialized in long-distance trade in luxury items33
99370701AyulluQuechua-speaking clans34
99370702Incagroup of clans centered in Cuzco that were able to create empire in Andean civilization35
99370703Split inheritanceIncan practice where when the Inca ruler died his power was passed down to his successor; his material wealth pas passed to his descendants for the cult of his mummy36
99370704Curacasthe local rulers who were allowed to maintain the positions and receive privileges from the Inca in return for loyalty37
99370705Mitalabor turns that the communities took38
99370706MitmagIncan colonists39
99370707Tambosway stations40
99370708Yanasclass of people removed from ayllus served as artisans, farmers, servants41
99370709Orejonesbig ears of nobles; military elite of Incas42
99370710Quipuknotted strings43

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