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Chp 15 Reformation Terms Flashcards

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32765326Protestantsa reformer who protested against the abuses of the Catholic church in the 1500.0
32765327indulgenceThe forgiveness of the punishment due for past sins, granted by the Catholic Church authorities as a reward for a pious act.1
32765328Christian HumanistsScholars of the Northern Renaissance valued the Greek and Roman classics but showed more interest in religon than their Italian counterparts. Wanted to improve themselves and society through education.2
32765329The Praise of Follyan essay written by Erasmus that uses satire to point out corrupt practices of the Church. A big influence on Martin Luther.3
32765330Utopiaa book by Thomas More (1516) describing the perfect society on an imaginary island where there was no personal property or greed.4
3276533195 ThesesArguments written by Martin Luther against the Catholic church. They were posted on October 31, 1517 and started The Reformation.5
32765332Holy Roman EmpireLoose federation of mostly German states and principalities in central Europe, headed by an emperor elected by the princes. It lasted from 962 to 1806.6
32765333Diet of WormsAssembly of the estates of the empire, called by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1521. Luther was ordered to recant but he refused. Charles V declared Luther an outlaw7
32765335predestinationdoctrine of John Calvin that adhered to the idea that each person's fate is predetermined by God8
32765336AnabaptistsIn the Reformation, a member of the protestant group that believed in baptizing only those people who were old enough to decide to be Christian and believed in the separation of church and state9
32765337Latin Vulgatethe authorized version of the Bible for the Catholic Church10
32765339Hapsburg DynastyA family that controlled Spain, part of Italy, and part of the Holy Roman Empire. It was extremely powerful until the Thirty Years' War11
32765343HuguenotsFrench Calvinists; brutally suppressed in France12
32765344League of Schmalkaldenin Northern Germany formed by newly Protestant (Lutheran) princes to defend themselves against Charles V's drive to re-Catholicize Germany13
32765345Peace of Augsburg1555 agreement declaring that the religion of each German state would be decided by its ruler14
32765346Council of Trentcalled by Pope Paul III to reform the church and secure reconciliation with the protestants. Lutherans and Calvinists did not attend15
32765347JesuitsAlso known as the Society of Jesus; founded by Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556) as a teaching and missionary order to resist the spread of Protestantism.16
32765348Act of SupremacyDeclared the king (Henry VIII) the supreme head of the Church of England in 1534.17
32765349Church of EnglandChurch created in England as a result of a political dispute between Henry VIII and the Pope, Pope would not let Henry divorce his wife18
900858786Charles VHoly Roman Emperor who strongly supported Catholicism. Opposed the Reformation by trying to keep Martin Luther silent.19
900858787Henry VIIIKing of England who wanted a divorce from his wife because she could not provide him a male heir. Started the Church of England and placed himself in charge of it.20
900858788Ulrich ZwingliInfluenced by Erasmus, this religious leader created a theocracy in Zurich and wanted the Bible to be the sole authority regarding religious practice. Saw the act of communion as only symbolic.21
900858789Ignatius of LoyolaCounter-Reformation leader who founded the Jesuits22
900858790Johann TetzelPriest who sold indulgences in Martin Luther's town in order to fund the Italian pope's patronage of works of art.23
900858791John CalvinFrench lawyer who wrote the Institutes of Christian Religion and started a theocracy in Geneva based on predestination.24
900858792Martin LutherGerman monk who criticized corrupt Catholic practices and started the Reformation. Believed people should focus on the Bible instead of Catholic leaders.25
900858793Katerina von BoraWife of Martin Luther who wanted women to have more power in the church and equal rights.26
900858794William TyndaleTranslated the Bible into English and was executed for his efforts.27
900868195Protestant work ethicCalvinists believed that hard work and financial success were a sign of God's salvation.28
900868196Twelve ArticlesThe Peasant's War was based on the belief that serfdom was oppressive. They were inspired by Luther although he opposed the rebellion.29
900868197simonyThe practice of buying an important position within the church.30
900868198nepotismRewarding friends and family members with chuch positions.31
900868199Elizabethan SettlementAllowed Protestantism and Catholicism to be privately practiced as long as people publicly committed to the Church of England.32
900868200politiqueA leader who reaches compromise by finding a practical middle ground on controversal issues.33
900871138Catholic (Counter) ReformationAn attempt for the Catholic Church to reform itself by ending corrupt practices and opposing the spread of Protestantism.34
901718153Pope Paul IIICatholic leader of the Counter Reformation who sought to improve the church from within and challenge the influence of Protestantism. Organized the Council of Trent.35

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