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Chp 9&10 Flashcards

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264015270byzantine empire1 of 2 major christian civilizations to develop in Europe during the 300s-14530
264015271justinianwas both the best and the worst of the BYzantine emperors. (before Islam even began)1
264015272theodorathe wife of Justinian2
264015273nika revoltsalmost destroys Constantinople. rioting due to high taxes (is ended by general Bellisarius)3
264015274bellisariusends the nika revolts by killing 35,000 rioters in one day4
264015275hagia sophia"church of the Holy Wisdom." was originally christian but then became a mosque and is now a museum5
264015276ravennatemporary capital in Italy. artistic center for Christian mosaics6
264015277rebuilt constantinoplepositive effect of the Byzantine empire7
264015278bulgariaslavic kingdom just to the nort of BYzantine empire. controlled by the byzantines via military or marriage alliances.8
264015279Tsarthe title of the Bulgarian king (aka Czar=caesar)9
264015280Emperor Basil IIbribred bulgarian nobles and generals. defeated bulgarian army in 1014 and blinded 15,000 captive soldiers10
264015281constantinoplecenter of the empire. is vital economically not just to the Byzantine but to all of Europe in general11
264015282preserving hellenistic pastwhat did byzantine cultural life center on?12
264015283iconoclasmthe controversey with christian icons, no Islamic icons, and idolatry13
264015284iconoclaststhose who believed that all of the christian icons had to go because of fear of idolatry14
264177852western Europevery decentralized. dont have an emperor but their leader is the pope. was a separation between church and state15
264177853greekwhat kind of bible did Eastern Europe follow?16
264177854latinwhat bible did the Western Europe read?17
2641778551054when did the arguement over the type of bread to use in mass (leading to the official split of the east and western churches) occur?18
264177856seljuksmuslim turks that seized Asian provinces and cut off Byzantine form most lucrative tac revenue as well as area that produced empire's food supply19
264177857serbiaindependent kingdom that appeared in the Balkans20
267186628eastern europecivilization of Russa significally influenced by Byzantine empire via conquest, commerce, and Christianity (Orthodox)21
267186629cyril and Methodiusbyzantine monks who knew how to speak Slavic. created the Cyrillic alphabet22
267186630kievwhere trade centered. slavic city that was associated with the emergence of the Russian civilizaiton23
267186631Prince rurikkievan rus. is going to create a monarchy and sort of the very beginnings of Russia24
267186632first russiansmix of Scandenavian and slavic25
267186633prince vladimir Iconverted to orthodox christianity on behalf of his people. created a state controlled Russian orthodox church.26
267186634boyarsrussian nobles who wont allow an emperor to take that kind of absolute power away from them. Russian aristocrats27
267186635western europewhat do the middle ages only refer to?28
267186636christendomwhen the spread of western (non-orthodox) christianity "unifies" western europe not politically but religiously under the pope29
267186637when rome fallswhen do all of these germanic tribes begin to settle down?30
267186638early middle ageswhen was the time of invasion of the Vikings and Muslims?31
267186639popehad the power of excommunication, inderdict, and later on, the inquisition32
267186640inquisitionchurch courts33
267186641local priestsowed allegiance to the pope34
267186642st. benedictestablished the monastic rules. modeled a holy life for ordinary people35
267186643monasteriesfor those men who wanted to devote themselves to prayer and religious discipline. promoted christian unity in Western Europe, and provided technological innovations in agriculture and promoted education and literacy36
267186644charlemagne"charles the great" established a substantial empire in France and Germany by 800. crowned emperor by the pope and saw himself as the heir to the Roman Emperors37
267186645feudalismpolitical and social system of the Middle ages based on military relationships. develops to provide protection for all people--nobility and commoners alike38
267186646greater lords(eventually become known as kings) controlled a lot of land and could afford hourses and weapons necessary to fight39
267186647lesser lordsrecieved protection nd a small part of land in return for military service, some goods or payments, advice and loyalty40
267186648fiefsmall parcel of land41
267186649noblewomenspiritually equal byt still part of a patriarchal structure. often used as pawns in political alliances42
267186650eleanor of Aquitainemarried to king of france then king of england. owned land in both countries and had power43
267186651manorialismeconomic system of the middle ages. went hand and hand with the feudalism44
267186652manorlocal, self-sufficient agricultural estates based on individual fiefs45
267186653crusadesbrought western europe into contact with more advanced eastern and islamic civilizations46
267186654growth of monarchieswill develop out of the feudal system and will challenge the power of the church47
267674682franceslow growth of centralized monarchy under Capetian family. took several years to unite france under 1 monarch48
267674683englandcentralized monarchy introduced abruptly and eventually had to be balanced against lords (nobility/aristocrats)49
267674684william the conquerorinvaded England from Normandy in 1066; extended tight feudal system to England. esablished administrative system based on sheriffs and a central monarchy50
267674685magna cartafirst attempt to limit any king's power51
267674686parliamentgoverning body of England; represents the nobility and the commoners. created by the english people52
267674687spainmarriage of ferdinand of aragon and isabella of castille created a unified chrristian monarchy.53
267674688reconquistachristians reconquering the Iberian Peninsula form the Muslims (the Moors)54
267674689medieval fairsmost common system of trade. centers for western exchange and some exotic products from other civilizations55
267674690italyactively trading with both Western Europe and outside of it56
267674691hanseatic leaguenorthern Germany and southern Scandinavia. merchants in cities organized to encourage trade57
267674692guildssworn associations of people in the same business or trade in a single city; stressed security and mutual control;58
267674693capitalismto produce what you need to make profit. (isnt just about surviving anymore)59
268308798thomas aquinasbest example of a church clergy man that brings together church and reason (science)60
268308799gothic architecturearchitecture using height and light to glorify God61
274549118roman catholicwhat religion took control of the byzantine's land in eastern europe in 146162
274549119tartarsthe turkish word used by the Russians to describe the Mongols who invaded them63

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