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Clinical Psychology Final Flashcards

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678192190BanduraSocial Learning theory. Observation learning. EX: Abuse
678192191Bobo doll studyPart of Bandura social learning theory. Low SES = more TV
678192192MilgramObedient study. 65% followed order to shock people
678192193ZimbardoSocial roles theory. Guards and prisoner
678192194Biological neurophysiological theoryBoth environmental and physical factors contribute. I.E. alcohol, hormone, NT
678192195Stress theoryMore crime in crowded enviroments
678192196What part of brain is affected when confronted with death, disease, puppies, etcPrefrontal cortex
678192197Most common broken bone in physical abuseRib
678192198Most common form of abuseneglect
678192199dissassociate identity disorder is a sign ofabuse
678192200How many girls sexually abused1/4
678192201How many boys sexually abused1/6
678192202How much sex abuse occurs under 1770%
678192203How does emotional trauma effect the nerveincreased thick myelination
678192204What type of therapy for abused childrenPlay therapy
678192205DIDdissassociative identity disorder AKA multiple personality disorder. Associated with physical or sexual abuse. Splintering 2 distinct identities, inability to recall important information or events
678192206Number one response to addictiondenial
678192207Substance dependent DSM criteriaTolerance Withdrawal symptoms Compulsive use Loss of control Need 3 in one year
678192208KorsakoffAlcohol induced anemia
678192209ConfabulationFilling in gaps with fictitious events from alcoholism
678192210Alcohol in 1st trimesterPhsyical problems
678192211Alcohol in 3rd trimesterPsychological problems
678192212OpioidsSedatives and analgesics
678192213Cocaine in newbornsIrritable learning disorder premature
678192214AnhedoniaLoss of pleasure
678192215Major depression disorder DSM Criteria5 of the symptoms below for 2 weeks Loss of appetite uncontrolled crying worhlessness/guilt helplessness hopelessness lack of concentration loss of energy oversleeping or insomnia Fatigue Suicidal Tendencies
678192216Treatment for depressionSSRI TCA
678192217Dysthymia disorderLow level depression. Unipolar Must have for 2 years with 2 or more: Poor appetitie Insomnia Low self esteem Poor concentration Hopelessness
678192218Adjustment disorder with depressed moodMaladaptive reaction to social stressor - Onset within 3 months of stressor that remits within 6 months of termination Best prognosis
678192219SSRI compared to TCAWorks faster, less toxic. Major sexual impact
678192220WHen do you use MAOIWhen others don't work. Treat atypical depression such as hypersomnia
678192221Bipolar I1 or more manic episodes of At least 7 days. Full mania/full depression. Psychotic and out of control Treatment: Antimaniac, anticonvulsant, antipsychotic
678192222Bipolar II4 days of hypomanic episode 1 depression 1 hypomania episode no psychosis Treatment: Antimaniac, anticonvulsant, antipsychotic
678192223CyclothymiaBipolar branch of dysthymia Low level mood swings for 2 years fluctuating amounts of hypomania
678192224Antimaniac drugsAnticonvulsant Lithium
678192225Post Partum depression DSM timingWithin 4 weeks of birth
678405536Who attempts suicide morewomen
678405537Who dies from suicide moremen
678405538Best predictor of depressive symptomshopelessness state
678405539GAS (steps)General Adaptive Syndrome Alarm Resistance Exhaustion
678405540Anxiety Disorder occurs with what other two disorders and when does the first episode have to occurDepression & Substance abuse Before 21 YO
680003453Panic disorder usually accompanies which conditionagoraphobia
680003454Panic disorder criteria2 or more unexpected attacks. Peaks within 10 minutes 4 or more: rapid heartbeat, swetting, shorness of breath, fear of losing control, choking, trembling, chest pain, Medication: Antianxiety
680003455What mimics panic disordermitral valve prolapse
680003456What is social phobia diagnosed withavoidant personality disorder
680003457OCD criteria and treatmentobsessive at least 1 hour/day. Treatment - cognitive behavioral therapy and SSRI (at least 5-8 weeks)
680003458PTSD criteria1 month. Sweat trembling, nightmare, lack of sleep
680003459GAD criteriaGeneralized Anxiety Disorder. 6 months with no known stressor 3 or more: restless, easily fatigued, irritable, muscle tension
680003460What perscribed drug is most addictiveAnti-anxiety
680003461Delirium cause & CriteriaSubstance or general medical condition Reduced Focus Memory deficit/preception disturbance
680003462Delirium treatmentRemove all stimulus
680003463Dementia criteriaMemory impairment 100% of the time plus one of the following - Wernicke - problem understanding - Broca - problem speaking
680003464Alzheimer Age and symptoms30 - 40 YO. Apraxia - purposeful movement Agnosia - inability to identify objects Prosopragnosia - cannot recognize faces
680003465Alzheimer's Stage 10-2 years. Anterograde Difficulty finding words ST memory loss Irritable
680003466Alzheimer's Stage 22-10 years Retrograde Flat personality Assisted living Delusinos/paranoia
680003467Alzheimers Stage 3Cannot speak After 65 Incontinent Systems shut down Confirm with brain biopsy
680003468Somatoform DisorderHypochondriasis Headache = tumor
680003469Somatoform conversion disorderGlove anasthesia. No sensation in hand, but all tests are negative. No concern for problem
680003470Somatization Disorder8 symtoms before 30 YO 4 chronic pain 2 GI 1 Neuro 1 sexual
680003471Factitious DisorderCaretaker presenting child as deathly ill
680003472Sleep Terror disorder4 - 14 YO grow out of it No REM, no stressor
680003473NarcolepsyGet to REM quicker
680003474CataplexyLoss of muscle tone
680003475Hypnagogichallucination upon falling asleep
680003476Hypnopompichallucination upon walking
680194180Schizophrenia ageteens to 20s for men 20s to 30s for women
680194181Schizophrenia symptoms6 months with 2 or more Delussion Illusion/Hallucination Disorganized speech Catatonic Behavior
680194182Schizophrenia Type 1Positive effects Hallucinations and delusions Disorganized speech and behavior Medication is successful (Use antipsychotics to decrease dopamine)
680194183Schizophrenia Type IINegative effects Flat, catotonic, poor prognosis
6801941845 Subtypes of Type I SchizophreniaParanoid MC Disorganized type (echolalia) Catatonic Residual - not currently experiencing symptoms Undifferentiated
680194185What congenital exposure causes increased risk of schizophreniaInfluenza in 2nd trimester
680194186What are antipsychotics, what do they do, name two medsMajor tranquilizers Decrease dopamine Haldol, thorazine
680194187Tardive dyskinesiaEffect of anti-psychotic. Involuntary movement of lips, jaw, extremities, tongue (lapping)
680194188Personality disorder age and axisAxis 2. At least 18 YO
680194189Personality Disorder Type AParanoid, not psychotic Schizoid - flat, hermit like Schizotypal
680194190Personality Disorder Type BAnti-social personality disorder - break rules Borderline personality disorder Histrionic personality disorder Narcissistic personality disorderq
680194191Histrionic personality disorderIncreased emotion about everything
680194192Personality disorder cluster CAnxiety/fearfullness Dependent personality disorder OCD
706464306Manic Disorder Criteria and treatmentAt least one week with 3 or more Inflated ego Decreased sleep Talkative Flightly Distracted Increased Goal activities Pleasure seeking Medication - antimaniac, anticonvulsant, antipsychotic
706464307social phobiaCriteria: Fear of 1 or more social performance situations for at least 6 months Fear of embarassment Provokes anxiety or panic disorder Avoids social situations Treatment: Anti-anxiety
706464308OCD criteriaRecurrent or persistent impulse 1 hour/day for 1 year

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