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Combo with Spodek Chapters 1-4 Terms and 4 others Flashcards

Study guide of terms for a Midterm of Chapters 1-5. Thank you everyone who made these flashcards, you're my saviors.

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517731515City-StateSelf-governing city surrounded by its territory.
517731516ArchaeologyThe study of cultures through their material remains.
517731517Neolithic AgeThe New Stone Age which went from about 8000 B.C to 3000 B.C. People who lived during this learned to polish stone tools, make pottery, grow crops, and raise animals.
517731518Bronze AgeEra when cities began to form (instead of small villages). Tools were being made of metal.
517731519monotheismbelief in a single God
517731520polytheismbelief in many gods
517731521Tigris and Euphrates RiverRivers in Mesopotamia; earilest known cities appeared from this river, in modern-day Iraq.
517731522MesopotamiaFirst civilization located between theTigris & Eurphrates Rivers in present day Iraq; Sumerian culture.
517731523SumerWorld's 1st civilization, Mesopotamia 3,000 years. Sumerians invented irrigation, cuneiform, and religious concepts.
517731524The Fertile Crescent"Land between the rivers" where agricultural villages were formed & Mesopotamia was located
517731525Gift of the NileThe Tigris and Euphrates which provide water, irrigation and fertilizer for the dry desert
517731526Sargon of AkkadLeader of the Akkadians, overran the sumerian city-states and set up the first empire-united city states
517731527cuneiformSumerian writing that represented whole words with 1 symbol
517731528Zigguratsrectangular tiered temple constructed by ancient Mesopotamians.
517731529AmenhotepPharoah of Egypt who adopted a new monotheistic religion
517731530Amon-reThe most popular and influential religious figure/god through out Egyptians history
517731531Andes MountainsHome to the early Incan Civilization
517731532AryansNomadic people who spread to Ganges Valley & became successors of the Harappan civilization of India.
517731533CitadelsA strong building to protect from attacks.
517731534IdeogramA character in a writing system that represents the idea of a thing rather than its name.
517731535Mohenjo-daroOne of the largest cities of the indus valley civilization of ancient India
517731536NomesThe administrative units of upper Egypt
517731537Osiris and HorusTwo of the most important gods in Eqyptian Civilizations.
517731538The Book of the DeadA compilation of many ancient Egyptian texts about the security of eternal happiness after death.
517731539The Epic of GilgameshA series of tales about the hero Gilgamesh.
517731540HammurabiBabylonian ruler (1750 BCE) Wrote the first laws (The Code of Hammurabi) on stone which connected Sumer and Akkad
517731541Code of HammurabiThe collection of laws organized by Hammurabi for the people of Babylon to follow. Earliest set of laws.
517731542Epic of GilgameshA series of Sumerian tales that show Sumerian values and beliefs
517731543pictogramsA writing system where a symbol represents an object or concept.
517731544HarappaOne of the largest urban settlements in the Indus Valley.
517731545Nile RiverRiver in Egypt that provided nutrient rich land to support civilization.
517731546Yellow River (Huang He)River in China.
517731547Niger RiverRiver flowing from western Africa into the Gulf of Guinea. First urbanized by the nomadic Bantu people
517731548HieroglyphsEgypt's writing system
517731549New Kingdom of EgyptEgypt 1550 to 1050 BCE Irrigation improved and kings became known as Pharaohs
517731550Middle Kingdom of EgyptEgypt 2040-1640 BCE Trade, art and literature flourished, better state organization, ended when the Hyskos invaded
517731551Old Kingdom of EgyptEgypt 2700 to 2200 BCE Big architecture projects. Nomarchs, famine and death. fell due to political disintegration
517731552ma'atJustice and order. The Pharaoh's duty in Egypt
517731553PharaohRuler of Egyptian people. Thought of as a God.
517731554King AkhenatenStarted monotheism with Aten, the Sun God. Was a Pharoah. Built a new capital-Ahkenaten. People destroyed it after his death and went back to old ways
517731555Rosetta StoneLanguage stone that helped decipher Egyptian writing. Three kinds of writing-hieroglyphics, demotic and Greek
517731556Menes/NarmerUnified Upper and lower Egypt into a single kingdom
517731557Indus River ValleyThe earliest Indian civilization(2500 BCE) Little known of political, social, religious and economic state. Strong government, irrigation system, and developed cities.
517731558MesoamericaLatin America. Not a major river body, instead lakes and small rivers.
517731559Olmec CultureMesoamerica. 1,500 BCE Strong religion, art, hieroglyphs not yet deciphered. Before Maya and Aztec
517731560Zapotec CultureMeso- america in Oaxaca valley. 1,150 BCE Temples, pyramids and tombs. 50,000 people.
517731561TeotichuacanMesoamerica. 200 BCE-700 CE Beginning of urbanization, 100.000 people, job specialization, religious rituals.
517731562MayaMesoamerica. 300-600 CE developed cities, monumental architecture and numerous amounts of sacrifice
517731563TikalLarge/elaborate Mayan city with 5 temple pyramids. Religious, political and economic hub.
517731564Jenne-jeno1st indigenous city in sub saharan Africa. People lived in neighboring independent clusters not a single urban center
517731565BantuIron smelting, were nomadic and traveled across Africa. Covered most of South Africa.
517731566Warring states periodHigh levels of social class divisions. The first cities that were religious centers with kings with govt. army & religious control.
517731567Xia Dynasty1st. 1st Dynasty in China (bronze age). Clans, shaman, flood control with large work gangs, bronze weapons, art with carved jade and ceramics.
517731568Shang Dynasty2nd. 1st cities in China. Ruler in the capital city, blood relatives ruled, oracle bones, 40,000 sq mi.s Conflict on the borders.
517731569Zhou Dynasty3rd. 1st written records and improved religion and administration in China. Literary book of poetry, cavalry.
517731570Mandate of HeavenJustifies the kings power as long as he remains good to the people .
517731571Oracle BonesThe earliest writing in China often on turtle shells. Used by Shang dynasty priests to predict the future of their dynasty.
517731572AmenhotepPharoah of Egypt who adopted a new monotheistic religion
517731573Amon-reThe most popular and influential religious figure/god through out Egyptians history
517731574ArchaeologyThe study of cultures through their material remains.
517731575AryansA group of nomadic and pastoral people who spread to south Asia. They reached the Ganges Valley in 1000 BCE and became the successors of the Harappan civilization of India.
517731576BantuEarly language of Africa
517731577CitadelsA strong building to protect form attacks.
517731578Cosmo-magical CityA city deemed to be sacred or has a mythological association. Uruck of Mesopotamia is said to have been ruled by the great her/king Gilgamesh.
517731579CuneiformThe first written language characterized by its slim, triangular elements.
517731580Fertile CrescentGeographical area of fertile land stretching from the Nile to the Tigris/Euphrates
517731581GizaHome of the most famous pyramids and tombs including the Sphinx which looks like a lion but is said to depict King Kafre. Located near the modern city of Ciaro.
517731582HammurabiKing who connected Sumer and Akkad into one large superpower under the Code of Hammurabi.
517731583HarappaOne of the largest urban settlements in the Indus Valley.
517731584HieroglyphsA system of writing derived from pictograms and ideograms which is responsible for giving archaeologists insight to the culture of the Egyptians.
517731585HistoriographyThe study of history and the writing of history.
517731586IdeogramA character in a writing system that represents the idea of a thing rather than its name.
517731587Indus RiverOne of the 7 first sites of primary urbanization located in West India.
517731588Jenne JenoThe first well known indigenous city in sub saharan Africa where inhabitants lived in neighboring independent clusters rather than a single urban center
517731589JerichoAn ancient city of Palestine, north of the dead sea
517731590Longshan CultureA more sophisticated modern improvement of the neolithic culture
517731591MayaA meso-American civilization characterized by its developed cities, monumental architecture and numerous amounts of sacrifice
517731592MesopotamiaA civilization located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The oldest of seven locations that innovated primary urbanization
517731593Mohenjo-daroOne of the largest cities of the indus valley civilization of ancient India
517731594Niger RiverFirst urbanized by the nomadic Bantu people
517731595Nile RiverProvided natural irrigation and fertile land to the early Egyptians
517731596NomesThe administrative units of upper Egypt
517731597Old KingdomPeriod from 2700 to 2200 BCE that fell due to weakened central government.
517731598New KingdomPeriod from 1550 to 1050 BCE when irrigation improved and kings became known as Pharohs
517731599OlmecsA southern Mexican civilization that was the predecessor of Maya and Aztec
517731600Oracle BonesPieces of animal bones used by Shang dynasty priests to predict the future of their dynasty.
517731601Osiris and HorusTwo of the most important god in Eqyptian Civilizations.
517731602PatriarchyA system of society where the male is the head of the family.
517731603PictogramA pictoral representation of an object or thought.
517731604Popul VahMayan collection of creation myths.
517731605Rosetta StoneA rock that is covered in inscriptions of hieroglyphs, Egyptian Demotic and Greek.
517731606SemitesArabs, Armenians, Jews and Ethiopians
517731607Shang DynastyThis Dynasty came after the Xia Dynasty and before the Zhou Dynasty. Oracle bones were used during this dynasty.
517731608Occupation specializationDevoting oneself to a particular occupation.
517731609SumeriansLived in modern day Iran and Iraq.
517731610TeotihuacanOne of the first areas of urbanization in the new world.
517731611The Book of the DeadA compilation of many ancient Egyptian texts about the security of eternal happiness after death.
517731612The Epic of GilgameshA series of tales about the hero Gilgamesh.
517731613The Great Pyramids of KhufuA monument in Egypt showing that the Pharoah was seen as a god
517731614TikalONe of the largest, most elaborate Mayan cities. It was a religious and political city.
517731615Xia DynastyDynasty during CHina's bronze age from 2700 BC to 2600
517731616Zhou dynastyDynasty with many advancements in religion and administration from 1122 to 480.
517731617Zigguratsrectangular tiered temple constructed by ancient mesopotamians.
517731618ZimbabewesLocal rulers lived in these for protection in modern Zimbabwe and Mozambique.
517731619Beginning 35,000 years ago...discoveries of human cultural achievements (sophisticated toolkits, cave paintings and small sculptures, long distance migrations by land and sea) *added to our appreciation of the accomplishments of our ancestors
517731620Questions about the earliest human beings are hard to answer because...left no written records or obvious oral traditions
517731621Myth and history share common purpose...trying to explain how the world came to be as it is
517731622Myth's affect...people's values and behaviors
517731623Creation~an explanation for people about their place in the world and their relationship with the god's ~provide guidance on how people should understand and live their lives Until late 18th century, these= only accounts on origins of humans
517731624Enuma Elish epicone of the earliest known stories >AKKAD people (in Mesopotamia) >(2000 B.C.E) *Goddess Tiamat and consort Kingu revolt against existing gods of Mesopotamia *gods call upon Marduk (young god) *Marduk defeats >humans made out of blood of defeated leader of rebels= humans were to devote selves to service of victors (gods) This epic gave meaning/direction to human life and affirmed the authority of priest
517731625Rigveda epic(1000 B.C.E) India (hindu religious traditions) *emphasizes the mystical, unknowable qualities of life and it's origins
517731626Purusha-sakata(1000 B.C.E)-- famous hymn of Rigveda epic *describes the creation of the world by the god's sacrifice and dismemberment of the giant man, Purusha >humans part of nature, subject to the laws of the universe, but not equal among selves (justifies caste system)
517731627Book of GenesisHebrew Bible *5 days God created the earth *6th day God created larger animals and reptiles, and humans "in his own image" >humans have unique and privileged position as the crown and master of creation
517731628paleoanthropologythe study of the earliest humans and their environments
517731629mythan interpretive story of the past that cannot be verified historically but may have a deep moral message *many historians and anthropologist now accept myths as important aids in understanding how different societies have interpreted the origins of the human world *myths can have a powerful effect on people's values and behavior
517731630castea hierarchical ordering of people into groups, fixed from birth, based on their inherited ritual status and determining [for example] whom they many marry and with whom they may eat
517731631teleologythe philosophical study of final causes or purposes. Teleology refers especially to any system that interprets nature or the universe as having a design or purpose. It had been used to provide evidence for the existence of God
517731632hominidany of a family (Hominidae) of erect bipedal primate mammals, which includes humans and human like species
517731633Homo sapiensHomo, "human", is the genus in which modern humans are placed; sapiens meaning wise
517731634Homo erectusthe most widespread of all prehistoric hominids, and the most similar to humans. Evolved about two million years ago and became extinct 100,000 years ago.
517731635B.P.Before the present. Archaeologist often use this notation, especially for dates older than about 20,000 B.C.E.
517731636Homo sapiens sapiensThe first human being of the modern type
517731637shamanin the religious beliefs of some ASIAN and AMERICAN tribal societies, a person capable of entering into trances and believed to be endowed with supernatural powers, with the ability to cure the sick, find lost or stolen property, predict the future, and protect the community from evil spirits. A shaman may act as a judge or ruler, and, as a priest, the shaman directs communal sacrifices and escorts the souls of the dead to the next world
517731638bipedalwalking upright on two legs
517731639Fertile CrescentArea in Middle East where earliest agricultural villages were formed. Located between Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
517731640Neolithic AgeThe New Stone Age which went from about 8000 B.C to 3000 B.C. People who lived during this learned to polish stone tools, make pottery, grow crops, and raise animals.
517731641MesopotamiaFirst civilization located between the Tigris & Eurphrates Rivers in present day Iraq; term means "land between the rivers;" Sumerian culture.
517731642Tigris Rivera river running through Sumer, Mespotamia, provided resources for the Mespotamians.
517731643Euphrates RiverRiver in Mesopotamia; earilest known cities appeared from this river, in modern-day Iraq.
517731644Nile RiverRiver in Egypt that provided nutrient rich land to support civilization.
517731645Indus RiverThe earliest Indian civilization, dating back to 2500 BCE, began in the valley of this river in the northwestern part of the subcontinent of south Asia
517731646Huang He RiverThe Yellow River in China.
517731647Niger RiverRiver flowing from western Africa into the Gulf of Guinea
517731648Bronze AgeEra when cities began to form (instead of small villages). Tools were being made of metal.
517731649SumeriansCreated cuneiform writing.
517731650Sargon of AkkadConquered Mesopotamia & united the city-states
517731651zigguratA huge mud-brick temple built by the ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia.
517731652pictogramsA writing system where a symbol represents an object or concept.
517731653cuneiformSumerian writing made by pressing a wedge-shaped tool into clay tablets
517731654ideogramsThe system of writing used in China and other East Asian countries in which each symbol represents an idea or concept rather than a specific sound, as is the case with letters in English.
517731655Epic of GilgameshA series of Sumerian tales that show Sumerian values and beliefs
517731656Code of HammurabiThe collection of laws organized by Hammurabi for the people of Babylon to follow. Earliest set of laws.
517731657polisA Greek city-state.
517731658Scientific methodthe direct observation of nature, the recording and analysis of observation, and the discussion and debate of findings throughout an international community of scholars.
517731659Natural SelectionDarwin's idea of "survival of the fittest".
517731660Homo habiliscalled "handy person" because of the stone tools used
517731661Thomas Kuhn and scientific revolutionwrote "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"
5177316627 Creative Behaviors of Homo sapiens sapiens1. We are the lone survivors among all hominids of the last 6 million years. 2. We continued to spread to all parts of the globe (migrate). 3. We built small, temporary settlements. 4. We continued to craft more sophisticated tools. 5. We elaborated language. 6. We began painting and sculpting art around 25,000 b.c.e. 7. We began the domestication of plants and animals around 10,000-15,000 b.c.e.
517731663Sally SlocumAn anthropologist who in 1971, published on of the first feminist critiques of the current understand of hominid evolution.
517731664Venus figurinescarved female figurines which pay scant attention to facial or personal features, but rather emphasize a shapely woman's figure.
517731665Chauvet PaintingsA cave in France which contains 300-plus Paleolithic wall paintings of horses, buffalo, and lions. Earliest examples known anywhere in the world

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