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Cracking the AP Language: Chapter 9 Flashcards

Terms : Hide Images
2817579575Fallacy(n.) a false notion or belief; an error in thinking0
2817579990Ad HominemIn an argument, this is an attack on the person rather than on the opponent's ideas. It comes from the Latin meaning "against the man."1
2817580736Argument from Authoritytempts us to agree with the writer's assumptions based on the authority of a famous person or entity or on his or her own character2
2817582941Appeal to Ignorancebased on the assumption that whatever has not been proven false must be true3
2817583355Begging the Question/Circular ReasoningA fallacy in which a claim is based on evidence or support that is in doubt.4
2817585280Hasty Generalizationa fallacy in which a speaker jumps to a general conclusion on the basis of insufficient evidence5
2817586490Non Sequitur / Does not followA statement that does not follow logically from evidence6
2817587763False DichotomyConsists of a consideration of only the two extremes when there are one or more intermediate possibilities7
2817588979Slippery SlopeA fallacy that assumes that taking a first step will lead to subsequent steps that cannot be prevented.8
2817590354Faulty Causalitysetting up a cause-effect relationship when none exists9
2817590535Straw Man Argumentoversimplification of an opponent's argument that makes it easier to attack10
2817591308Sentimental AppealsArguments that use tender emotions excessively to distract readers from the facts. Emotions become an impediment to civil discourse when they keep people from thinking clearly.11
2817591430Red HerringA fallacy that introduces an irrelevant issue to divert attention from the subject under discussion12
2817591743Scare TacticsTry to frighten people into agreeing with the arguer by threatening them or predicting unrealistically dire consequences13
2817592219Bandwagon Appealsencourages the audience to agree because everyone else does14
2817592930Dogmatismdoes not allow for debate or discussion because speaker believes s/he is beyond question15
2817594905Equivocationthe use of ambiguous language to conceal the truth or to avoid committing oneself; prevarication16
2817596002Faulty Analogyan illogical, misleading comparison between two things17

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