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Danforth Groups 1-15 Vocabulary

Terms : Hide Images
43923751incubusa monster or demon
43923752inculcateto learn or teach by repetition
43923753exiguousscanty, small, or insufficient
43923754incumbentobligated or required
43923755exoticstrangely fascinating or foreign
43923756mundaneordinary, dull, or uninspired
43923757munificentgenerous or lavish
43923759hypercriticalquick to find fault
43923760debaclea complete disaster or total failure
43923761debilitya physical weakness
43923762debonairsmooth or suave
43923763couchto express carefully or appropriately
43923764covertsecret, undercover, or clandestine
43923765cowerto shrink in fear
43923766decadencemoral decline
43923767decimateto destroy or wipe out a large number of
43923768euphonya pleasant sound or harmony
43923769evanescentbrief or short-lived
43923770travestya ridiculous or absurd imitation
43923771tersedirect or to the point
43923772treatisea long formal work
43923773subsidiarya company owned by a larger company
43923774substantiateto prove true, to verify, or to confirm
43923775impunityfreedom or exemption from punishment
43923776stinta period of association or employment
43923777stipplingan arrangement of dots
43923778tenuousweak, insubstantial, or flimsy
43923779emaciatedsickly thin, extremely thin
43923780tenurea period of association
43923781stringentharsh, rigid, or severe
43923782stupora state of surprise or awe
43923783subservientsubmissive or inferior
43923784impassea deadlock or stalemate
43923785impeccableperfect or flawless
43923786impecuniouspoor or bankrupt
43923787translucentclear or transparent
43923788therapeutichealing or curing
43923789titularhonorary or symbolic
43923790teemto overflow
43923791temporalworldy or secular
43923792temporizeto update or modernize
43923793tenablebelievable or defendable
43923794tortuoustwisting or winding
43923795transcendto rise above or exceed
43923796transienttemporary, short-lived, or brief
43923797improviseto make up off hand
43923798allegationan unproved assertion
43923799teneta major or important belief
43923800commiserateto express sympathy or sorrow for
43923801allayto calm or soothe or to make less severe
43923802ineffableindescribable or unable to be put into words
43923803fetidfoul smelling or stinking
43923804iridescentbright colored or shiny
43923805primordialof the earliest ages
43923806apatheticindifferent or unconcerned
43923807agglomerationa mass, group, or cluster
43923808sequesterto seclude or isolate
43923809licentiouswithout moral restraint
43923810stridentshrill or grating
43923811immutableunable to be changed
43923813importuneto beg or plead
43923814impregnableunconquerable, secure, and unyielding
43923815improvidentwasteful or reckless
43923816superficialshallow, lacking depth, and lacking insight
43923817superfluousunnecessary or not needed
43923818supernumeraryan extra of something
43923819supplelimber or compliant
43923820tawdrycheap and showy
43923822egregiousobvious, noticable, or flagrant
43923823elicitto draw out
43923824topography(the study of) surface features
43923825torpora state of dullness
43923827dallyto waste time
43923828crypticmysterious or puzzling
43923830emissarya representative
43923831emitto give off or put out
43923832emollienta softener
43923833emolumentpayment or compensation
43923834tacitimplied or understood
43923836tactilepertaining to touch
43923838tantamountthe same as
43923839tauttight or tense
43923841swatha clear path or strip
43923842imputeto credit or to assign to
43923843sycophanta flatterer
43923844emancipationthe act of setting free
43923845embellishto exaggerate
43923846embossto adorn or decorate
43923847efficaciouseffective or productive
43923848effigyan image of someone or something that is disliked
43923849eminentnoteworthy or outstanding
43923850crassvulgar or crude
43923852excerpta short passage or selection
43923853exigencyan emergency
43923854excoriateto criticize harshly or severely
43923855cumbersomedifficult to handle
43923856cupidityextreme selfishness
43923857cursorycareless or hasty
43923858cynicone who is negative
43923859hypotheticaltheoretical or possible
43923860dastardlycowardly or evil
43923861infirmweak, feeble, or sick
43923862ingeniousbrilliant, clever, or resourceful
43923863inherentnaturally possessed
43923864inhibitionsomething that restrains or blocks
43923865inimicalunfriendly or hostile
43923866inimitableunique or matchless
43923867innateinstinctive or possessed at birth
43923868innocuousharmless or innocent
43923869deartha scarce supply
43923870contemnto hate, despise, or scorn
43923871contentiousquarrelsome or argumentative
43923872contiguoustouching or joining
43923873contingentdependent on; a group or delegation
43923874contriteapologetic, sorry, or repentant
43923876conversantfamiliar with or knowledgeable about
43923877convivialfriendly or sociable
43923878copiousfull, abundant, or plentiful
43923880deftagile, skillful, or dexterous
43923882deignto lower one's self or condescend
43923883delectabledelicious or good-tasting
43923884demagoguea rabble-rouser
43923885demeanoroutward behavior or conduct
43923886demureshy or modest
43923887denoteto signify, indicate, or suggest
43923888depravedevil, wicked, or immoral
43923889deprecatorymocking or insulting
43923891expedientquick and easy
43923892explicitexact or specific
43923893execrablerevolting, disgusting, or abominable
43923895credulousgullible or overly-trusting
43923896criteriona standard or measurement
43923897consoleto comfort or cheer up
43923898misconstrueto misinterpret or misunderstand
43923899subsideto lessen or decrease

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