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English 11 AP Vocabulary

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119005202appellationa name or title that identifies.
119005203diphthongtwo vowels or a vowel and a semivowel in a single syllable
119005204eponyma person for whom something is named
119005205linguisticsthe study of human speech
119005206neologisma newly made-up word or phrase
119005207parlancea particular manner of speech
119005208patoisa nonstandard dialect of a language
119005209polyglotconsisting of any groups speaking different languages
119005210solecismthe ungrammatical usage of a word
119005211vulgarspoken by the common people; vernacular
119005212amuletan object worn to bring luck or protection; charm
119005213capriciouscharacterized by unpredictable changes; fickle
119005214fatalismthe view that all events are determined by fate
119005215incantationwords spoken as a magic charm or to cast a spell
119005216propitiouspresenting favorable circumstances; advantageous
119005217providentialseeming to result from divine will; opportune
119005218quirka peculiarity of behavior
119005219serendipitythe ability to make valuable discoveries by chance
119005220vagaryan unpredictable idea or action; odd fancy
119005221vicissitudea change, usually sudden or unexpected
119005222continuitythe condition of being without a stop or interruption; an uninterrupted succession or flow
119005223convergeto approach the same point from different directions; move toward a common conclusion
119005224cruxthe basic or essential feature of something
119005225initiateto begin; admit into membership
119005226pivotalcentral or crucial to something
119005227sequelsomething that follows; a result or consequence
119005228subordinateone subject to the authority of another; of a lower class or rank
119005229tangetialonly superficially relevant or related
119005230terminateto bring to an end; conclude
119005231ultimatelast; farthest; greatest possible
119005232complicityinvolvement as an accomplice in a crime or wrongdoing
119005233deployto station (persons or forces) systematically over an area
119005234explicateto explain; make meaning clear
119005235implicateto involve or connect incriminatingly
119005236implicitimplied or understood although not directly expressed
119005237inexplicableincapable of being explained or interpreted
119005238plighta condition or situation of difficulty or adversity
119005239replicaa copy or reproduction of a work of art
119005240replicateto duplicate, copy, or repeat
119005241supplereadily bent; pliant
119005242aspersiona damaging or false statement; the act of slandering
119005243deprecateto express disapproval of; belittle
119005244derideto laugh at in scorn; mock
119005245execrableextremely inferior; hateful
119005246ostracizeto banish or exclude from a group; shun
119005247rebuketo criticize or reprimand sharply; a scolding
119005248scurriloususing or expressed in vulgar and abusive language
119005249spurnto reject or refuse disdainfully
119005250vitriolicbitterly severe; harsh; sharp
119005251vituperationsustained and bitter attack or condemnation
119005252accommodatingwilling to help; obliging
119005253accordagreement; to be in agreement
119005254acquiesceto consent or comply passively or without protest
119005255adamantfirm and unyielding in purpose or opinion; inflexible
119005256camaraderiea spirit of loyalty, mutual trust, and good will between or among friends
119005257compliancean act of doing as another wishes or commands; a tendency to yield to others
119005258propitiateto prevent or reduce the anger of; soothe
119005259tractableeasily managed or controlled; docile
119005260volitionan act of willing, choosing, or deciding; a conscious choice
119005261willfulnessunreasonable stubbornness; the inclination to impose one's will on others
119005262auspicesprotection or support; patronage
119005263auspiciousattended by favorable circumstances
119005264circumspectheedful of circumstances or consequences; prudent
119005265despicabledeserving of scorn or contempt; vile
119005266introspectiveself-examining; thinking about one's own thoughts and feelings
119005267perspicuitythe quality of being clearly expressed; the ability to perceive keenly
119005268prospectivelikely to become or be
119005269specioushaving the ring of truth but actually false
119005270spectera phantom; apparition
119005271spectruma broad sequence or range of related qualities, ideas, or activities
119005272acuityacuteness of perception; keenness
119005273consummatesupremely accomplished or skilled
119005274cunningskill or adeptness in performance; dexterity
119005275deftskillful; adroit
119005276endowmenta natural gift or quality
119005277faciledone with little effort or difficulty
119005278incompetentnot capable; not properly or well qualified
119005279ineptawkward or clumsy
119005280proficientperforming in an art, skill, or branch of learning with expert correctness
119005281propensityan innate inclination; a tendency
119005282beseechto address an earnest request to; implore
119005283blandishmentthe act of coaxing by flattery
119005284cajoleto coax gently and persistently
119005285elicitto bring out; evoke
119005286enjointo direct with authority
119005287exigenturgent; requiring prompt action
119005288imperiousarrogantly domineering or overbearing
119005289injunctiona command, directive, or order
119005290mendicanta beggar
119005291querya question or inquiry
119005292ambivalencethe simultaneous existence of conflicting feelings or thoughts; uncertainty
119005293availuse, benefit, or advantage; to be of use or advantage to
119005294equivalentequal in quantity, meaning, or value
119005295evaluationthe act of judging the value or worth of; appraisal
119005296evinceto show or exhibit; demonstrate clearly
119005297invalidbeing without foundation in fact, truth, or law
119005298invaluableindispensable; priceless
119005299prevailto be greater in strength or influence; be or become effective
119005300valedictorybidding farewell
119005301vanquishto defeat in battle or competition; overcome or subdue
119005302aboundto be great in number or amount; be fully supplied or filled
119005303amplitudegreatness of size; fullness; breadth or range
119005304augmentto make greater in size, extent, or quantity; become greater
119005305brevitybriefness of duration; concise expression
119005306commensurateof the same size, extent, or duration; corresponding in size or degree
119005307diminishto make smaller or less; detract form the authority or prestige of
119005308infinitesimalimmeasurably tiny
119005309modicuma small amount or quantity
119005310prodigiousimpressively great in size, force, or extent; extraordinary
119005311quotaa proportional share; a maximum or fixed number or amount
119005312abdicateto relinquish formally
119005313abnegateto deny to oneself; renounce
119005314absolveto pronounce clear of blame or guilt
119005315catharsisa purifying cleansing or release of tension
119005316countermandto cancel or reverse
119005317recantto make a formal retraction or disavowal of
119005318recoupto receive an equivalent for; make up for
119005319renunciationthe act of giving something up
119005320rescindto make void; repeal or annul
119005321waiveto relinquish or give up voluntarily
119005322adjureto command solemnly, as under oath
119005323affidavitwritten statement sworn before an official
119005324confidanta person to whom secrets are confided
119005325conjureto produce as if by magic
119005326fealtythe loyalty of a vassal to his feudal lord
119005327fiancéa man engaged to be married
119005328fidelityfaithfulness to obligations or duties
119005329infidelone who does not accept a particular faith
119005330jurisdictionauthority, power, or control
119005331perjureto give false testimony under oath
119005332affectto have an influence on
119005333avengeto take revenge or get satisfaction for
119005334disinterestedfree of bias or self-interest
119005335effectsomething brought about by cause or agent
119005336implyto say or express indirectly
119005337inferto conclude from evidence; deduce
119005338precedeto come before in time
119005339proceedto go forward or onward
119005340revengevengeance; retaliation
119005341uninterestednot paying attention; indifferent
119005342culminateto reach the highest point or degree
119005343eclipseto obscure or overshadow the importance of
119005344epitomethe typical or perfect example of an entire class or type
119005345impeccablewithout flaw; perfect
119005346inimitableimpossible to imitate or copy
119005347optimummost favorable or advantageous; best
119005348peerlesswithout equal; unmatched
119005349quintessencethe most complete instance
119005350sublimenot to be excelled; supreme
119005351zeniththe highest point; peak
119005352arborealpertaining to or resembling a tree
119005353burgeonto put forth new buds, leaves, or branches
119005354deciduouslosing foliage after the growing season
119005355faunaanimals of a certain region, period, or environment
119005356floraplants of a certain region, period, or environment
119005357germinationthe process of beginning to grow
119005358horticulturalof the art of cultivation
119005359lichenplants consisting of a fungus and certain algae
119005360sylvanabounding in trees; wooded
119005361verdantgreen with vegetation
119005362a cappellawithout musical accompaniment
119005363ariaan elaborate vocal piece sung by a single voice
119005364cadencebalanced, rhythmic beat of poetry, dance, or music
119005365crescendoa gradual increase, especially in volume
119005366dissonancea harsh, disagreeable combination of sounds
119005367librettothe text of an opera or other dramatic musical work
119005368motifrepeated significant phrase that identifies an idea
119005369octavethe musical interval of eight full tones
119005370sonataan instrumental musical composition
119005371staccatoin music, cut short crisply; disconnected
119005372accountablerequired to answer for one's actions
119005373commitmentemotional or intellectual obligation
119005374defaultfailure to fulfill an obligation
119005375fecklesscareless; irresponsible
119005376incumbentimposed as an obligation or duty
119005377liabilitycondition of being legally responsible
119005378mandatoryrequired; compulsory
119005379negligencelack of proper care or attention
119005380oneroustroublesome; oppresive
119005381remisslax in attending to duty
119005382accrueto increase or grow; accumulate
119005383auditto examine, verify, or correct
119005384cartela combination of independent businesses
119005385collateralproperty pledged to secure a loan
119005386commodityan article of trade that can be transported
119005387conglomeratea corporation
119005388liquidateto settle the affairs of; pay off
119005389lucrativeprofitable; producing wealth
119005390recompensepayment made in return for something done
119005391securitywritten evidence of ownership
119005392abstrusedifficult to understand
119005393acumenquickness and accuracy of judgement
119005394ascertainto discover through examination
119005395cerebralcharacterized by reason rather than emotion
119005396facultyany of the powers possessed by the human mind
119005397relativehaving pertinence or relevance
119005398ruminateto meditate at length; ponder
119005399surmiseto conclude without sufficient evidence
119005400tenetopinion, doctrine, or principle held as being true
119005401theoreticalof conclusions reached through logic
119005402apocryphalof doubtful authorship or authenticity
119005403bona fidedone or made in good faith; sincere
119005404candorfrankness of expression
119005405cantinsincerely pious language
119005406charlatana person who pretends to possess skill
119005407chicanerydeception by trickery
119005408feignto give a false appearance of
119005409insidiousspreading harmfully in a subtle mannder
119005410rectitudemoral uprightness; righteousness
119005411veritableunquestionable; true
119005412adulterateto make impure or inferior by adding extraneous, unusual, or improper ingredients
119005413banea cause of death, destruction, or ruin
119005414boonsomething beneficial that is bestowed; blessing
119005415exorciseto expel an evil spirit
119005416inimicalinjurious; unfriendly
119005417panaceaa remedy for all diseases, evils, or difficulties
119005418pernicioustending to cause death or serious injury; deadly
119005419salutarydesigned to effect an improvement; remedial
119005420toxicpoisonous; harmful
119005421vitiateto impair the value or quality of
119005422contingentdependent upon conditions not yet established; likely
119005423eventualitya possible event; possibility
119005424feasiblecapable of being accomplished; suitable; plausible
119005425implausiblenot valid, likely, or acceptable; difficult to believe
119005426inconceivableincapable of being imagined or comprehended
119005427perchanceperhaps; possibly
119005428preposterouscontrary to nature or common sense; absurd
119005429presumablyby reasonable assumption; probably; likely
119005430proclivitya natural inclination or tendency
119005431pronetending; inclined; lying face downward
119005432evolveto develop or achieve gradually; devise
119005433immutablenot subject or susceptible to change
119005434inveteratefirmly established by having existed for a long time; fixed in habit, custom, or practice
119005435malleablecapable of being altered or influenced
119005436metamorphosisa marked change in appearance, character, or function
119005437modulateto regulate, adjust, or adapt to a certain proportion; soften
119005438proteanreadily taking on a different shape, form, or character
119005439sporadicoccurring at irregular intervals; having no pattern or order
119005440transmuteto change from one form, nature, or state to another
119005441volatilechangeable; fickle; explosive
119005442adhereto stick together
119005443aggregategathered together into a mass; total
119005444dissimulateto disguise under a feigned appearanc
119005445egregiousoutstandingly bad
119005446ensemblea group of people or parts that contribute to a single effect
119005447facsimilean exact copy
119005448gregariousenjoying the company of others
119005449inherentexisting as an essential, natural part or characteristic
119005450segregateto isolate from the main group
119005451semblancean outward appearance
119005452affrontto insult intentionally
119005453altercationa noisy quarrel
119005454antagonistone who opposes or competes with another
119005455bellicosewarlike in manner or temperament
119005456breacha breaking up or disruption of friendly relations; estrangement
119005458dissensiona difference of opinion, especially one that leads to strife
119005459rancorbitter, long-lasting resentment; ill will
119005460retributionsomething given or demanded in repayment
119005461schisma separation into factions
119005462arbitrationthe process by which parties in a dispute submit their differences to the judgement of an impartial person or group
119005463attachéa member of the staff or a diplomatic office in a foreign country
119005464consulatethe premises occupied by a government official who represents his or her government's interests in a foreign city
119005465covenanta binding agreement between two or more parties; contract
119005466discretioncautious reserve in speech or behavior; freedom to act or judge on one's own
119005467emissaryan agent who represents the interests of a person, group, or nation
119005468ententean agreement between two or more powers for cooperative action
119005469Machiavellianpertaining to the theory that craft and deceit are justified in pursuing and maintaining political power
119005470protocolceremony and etiquette observed by diplomats and heads of state
119005471status quoto existing condition or state of affairs
119005472abrogateto abolish or annul by authority; cancel
119005473acquisitionthe act or process of gaining possession; something gained, especially an addition to an established category or group
119005474conquistadora conqueror, especially one of the Spanish conquerors of Mexico and Peru in the sixteenth century
119005475inquisitiveeager to learn; curious; unduly curious; prying
119005476perquisitea benefit or payment received in addition to a regular salary
119005477presageto indicate or warn in advance
119005478questthe act of seeking or pursuing something
119005479requisiterequired; essential
119005480sagacitykeenness of perception, soundness of judgement, and wisdom
119005481surrogatesomeone or something that takes the place of another; substitute
119005482abeyancethe condition of being temporarily set aside; suspension
119005483abstemioussparing, especially in the use of food and drink; moderate; temperate; restricted to bare necessities; very plain
119005484circuitousbeing or taking a roundabout, lengthy course; indirect; not being forthright in language or action
119005485circumventto avoid by or as if passing around; to overcome or get the better of by artful maneuvering; outwit
119005486eludeto escape from, as by artfulness, cunning, or daring; to escape the understanding of; baffle
119005487evasionthe act of escaping or avoiding by cleverness or deceit; dodging; a means of evading; a trick or excuse used to avoid something
119005488eschewto avoid habitually, especially on moral or practical grounds; shun; abstain from
119005489malingerto pretend to be ill or injured in order to avoid or work
119005490obliqueindirect; not straightforward; devious, misleading or dishonest
119005491shirkto neglect, put off, or avoid discharging (a duty, obligation, or responsibility)
119005492banallacking in freshness or originality
119005493emulateto try to equal to excel, especially through imitation
119005494mimicrya close copying or imitation of the speech, expression, or gesture of another; close resemblance
119005495platitudea trite remark or statement
119005496prototypean original type, form, or instance that serves as a model for later stages; an early or typical example
119005497recapitulateto repeat in concise form
119005498redundantexceeding what is necessary; repeating the same idea
119005499renditionan interpretation of a musical score or dramatic piece
119005500shamsomething false that is supposed to be genuine; fake
119005501simulationthe taking on of the appearance, form, or sound of something else; an imitation

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