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Early Modern Part II

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309735567OttomansPeople of largest of 3 Muslim empires (-North Africa to South Russia, Hungary to Red Sea)0
309735568Mehmed II("The Conqueror") 1453: assaulted/conquered Constantinople for 7 weeks, Ottoman1
309735569Janissaries15th century: troops in infantry division who dominated imperial armies, most powerful component of Ottoman military because of control over artillery/firearms, usually forcibly conscripted adolescents2
309735570Vizier(~Arabian wazir) headed bureaucracy and imperial administration, more power than sultan3
309735571ChaldiranAugust 1514: Place where Sunni Ottomans vs. Shi'ite Safavid- Ottoman victory4
309735572Mullahs(Persian religious scholar) local mosque official/prayer leader, supervised/supported by state5
309735573ImamsSuccessors of Ali6
309735574AkbarHumayan's son/successor to Mughal dynasty at 13 yrs old, one of history's greatest leaders, fine military commander7
309735575Din-i-IlahiNew faith created by Akbar to unite Hindu/Muslim subjects8
309735576SatiBurning of high-caste Hindu women (widows) on husbands funeral pyre9
309735577Shah JahanSuccessor of Mughal emperor Jahangir10
310257921AurangzebSucceeded Shah Jahan as as Mughal emperor, religious zealot11
310257922FactoriesForts/trading posts with resident merchants12
310257923El MinaMost important factory of Portuguese colonies, heart of gold-producing forest zone13
310257924Royal African CompanyCompany chartered for purpose of providing slaves for English colonies (-Barbados, Jamaica, Virginia)14
310257925Indies PieceSpanish slang for healthy man (slave) by which women/children were also priced15
310257926Triangular Trade(African) slaves exported to America, (American) sugar/tobacco/products exported to Europe, (European) products exported to Africa16
310257927Usuman Dan FodioStudious/charismatic Muslim Fulani scholar- (1804) preached reform ideology in Hausa kingdom--revolution/jihad17
310257928Mfecane"wars of crushing and wandering", resulted as rise of Zulu/Nguni chiefdoms18
310257929Shaka1818: leader of Nguni people, brilliant military tactician, reformed loose forces into regiments organized by lineage/age19
310257930VodunAja (Haitain) place where African religion flourished20
310257931Great Trek1834: Boers moved North to be free of British government, across Orange River into Natal21
310257932Middle PassageTraumatic slave voyage to the Americas (-suffered poor hygeine, disease, European abuse)22
310257933CandombleYoruba (Brazilian) place where African religion flourished23
310257934BeninLarge city-state formed 14th century under Ewuare the Great (Niger River to coast) city of great population/broad avenues24
310257935GoaPort on West Indies coast, 1510:captured by Portuguese- point of naval base/factory25
310257936OrmuzPort at South end of Persian Gulf, 1507: captured by Portuguese- point of naval base/factory26
310257937MalaccaPort at tip of Malayann peninnsula, 1511: captured by Portuguese- point of naval base/factory27
310257938Batavia1620: port on island of Java, closer to island sources of key spices, reflected improved European knowledge of Asian geography and Dutch monopoly of certain spices28
310257939Hongwu1368: Zhu Yuanzhange (founder of Ming dynasty) conquered most of China- declared self Hongwu emperor (-reigned 30 yrs)29
310257940ZhengheCourt eunuch, one of most trusted subordinates of emperor Yunglo, led 7 major expeditions between 1405-142330
310257941Manchus (Jurchens)Overthrew Ming dynasty, seized power after military victories/capture of imperial capture- established Qing dynasty31
310257942Jurchens (Manchus)Overthrew Ming dynasty, seized power after military victories/capture of imperial capture- established Qing dynasty32
310257943Matteo RicciJesuit scholar- corrected faulty calendars, forged cannon, fixed clocks33
310257944Nobunaga1st of 3 remarkable military leaders who restored unity/international peace in Japan, from minor warrior household, daring/innovative/determined/cruel(?)34
310257945Toyotomi HideyoshiNobunagas ablest general, matched Nobunaga's military prowess/exceeded diplomatically- military master of Japan by 159035
310257946Tokugawa IeayasuVassal of Hideyoshi, 1603: granted title of shogun after Hideyoshi's death, concentrated on consolidating power at home36
310257947Edo(Tokyo) land in Central Honshu controlled by Tokugawa family37
310257948DeshimaPlace where only limited number of Dutch/Chinese were allowed to carry out commerce in Nagasaki Bay38
310257949ChongzhenLast Ming emperor, hung himself after realizing extend of rebel forces39

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