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Exercice 6, Unit 2 (Verbs I)

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228172812parlerto speak, to talk
228172813finirto finish, to end
228172814rendreto give back to, to render
228172815acquérirto acquire
228172816allerto go
228172817s'asseoirto sit down
228172818avoirto have
228172819battreto beat
228172820boireto drink
228172821conclureto conclude
228172822conduireto drive
228172823connaîtreto know a person or a place, to be familiar with
228172824coudreto sew
228172825courirto run
228172826couvrirto cover
228172827craindreto fear (synonym: avoir peur de)
228172828croireto believe
228172829cueillirto pick (fruits, flowers)
228172830détruireto destroy
228172831devoirto have to, must
228172832direto say
228172833dormirto sleep
228172834écrireto write
228172835éteindreto turn off, to extinguish
228172836êtreto be
228172837faillirto almost do something
228172838faireto do, to make
228172839falloirto be necessary (conjugated only with "il")
228172840fuirto flee
228172841hairto hate
228172842joindreto join
228172843lireto read
228172844mentirto lie
228172845mettreto put
228172846mourirto die
228172847naîtreto be born
228172848offrirto offer
228172849ouvrirto open
228172850paraîtreto appear, to seem, to come out, to be published
228172851partirto leave
228172852peindreto paint
228172853plaindreto pity, to feel sorry for
228172854se plaindreto complain
228172855plaireto please
228172856pleuvoirto rain (only conjugated with "il")
228172857pouvoirto be able to, can
228172858prendreto take
228172859recevoirto receive
228172860résoudreto resolve
228172861rireto laugh

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