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~ FINAL VOCABULARY ~ (world) Flashcards

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185174172(prehistory) Agriculture Revolutionwhen nomads started settling in one place and began to grow things0
185174173(greece) Alexander the Greatn/a for now1
185174174(islam) Allahn/a for now2
185174175(prehistory) Animismreligion that believes everything in nature has a soul3
185174176Anti-Semitismhatred against jews4
185174177(rome/christianity) Apostles...5
185174178(rome/christianity) Aqueductwaterway6
185174179Angkor Wat...7
185174183(all of india) Ashoka...11
185174185Bread and Circusespeople without money would go to get a free meal/show13
185174186Bronze vs. Iron...14
185174187(middle ages/feudalism/commercial rev/crusades) Bubonic Plague / Black Deathbrought be means of fleas on rats, killed THOUSANDS!!!15
185174189(mongols/japan/korea/turks) Bushidojapanese code of chivalry17
185174190(islam) caliphate...18
185174191(all of india .. islam) calligraphyancient writings in india19
185174192camel caravansused in egypt to transport goods... used in the desert20
185174193canon law...21
185174194caste systemin india where each person's place and job in life was determined by your past family, not to be changed until reincarnated22
185174195(middle ages/feudalism/commercial rev/crusades) charlemagne...23
185174196(middle ages/feudalism/commercial rev/crusades) chivalryarmy24
185174197church hierarchy...25
185174199(all of india) civil service exambiased way to get the wealthy to be political leaders, only wealthy were educated27
185174200columbian exchange...28
185174201commercial revolutioninterchangeable parts were created and mass amounts of products were available29
185174203(byzantine) constantine...31
185174204(rome/christianity..byzantine) constantinople...32
185174205cortes vs montezuma II...33
185174207cultural diffusionmore than one empire's way of life was exchanged with another, combining or changing how lives are lived.35
185174208cuneiforman ancient wedge-shaped script used in Mesopotamia and Persia36
185174212delhi sultanate...40
185174213deltatriangular end of a river (mouth)41
185174214democracy vs. republic...42
185174217dhowchinese boat45
185174219dictatorshipone ruler in command.. people have no say47
185174220dynasty cycle...48
185174221edict of milan...49
185174223excommunicationsomeone is banned from the church, as in pope51
185174224Ferdinand and isabellaspanish king/queen, re conquistadors52
185174225fertile crescentbest place to grow things, man53
185174226feudal contract...54
185174227fiefpiece of land in exchange for work or loyalty55
185174228filial piety...56
185174229florence and venice...57
185174230food surplusmore food was grown then needed, led to job specialization58
185174231foot bindingchinese way of making a patriarchal society, women literally couldnt walk59
185174232four noble truths...60
185174233genghis khan...61
185174234ghana and mali...62
185174235gold for salt...63
185174237gothic cathedral...65
185174238grand canalconnected Huang he/yangzi rivers66
185174239great wall of chinaused as fortification... failed67
185174242hagia sophiamost important church during justinian's reign70
185174243hajjmuslim trip one a lifetime to mecca71
185174245harappa and mojenjo-daro...73
185174246hellenistic age...74
185174247hieroglyphicsegyptian writing75
185174248homerblind roman writer of illiad and odyssey76
185174250humanism..., a philosophy in which interests and values of human beings are of primary importance78
185174251hundred years war...79
185174252(rome/christianity) huns / visigoths...80
185174253(prehistory) hunter-gatherer/nomadwent around kept moving until all resources were used81
185174254ibn battuta...82
185174256indian ocean maritime trade network...84
185174257(all of india) india's golden age...85
185174258(middle ages/feudalism/commercial rev/crusades) inquisition...86
185174259(rome/christianity) jesusfounder of christianity87
185174260(islam) jihad..., a holy struggle or striving by a Muslim for a moral or spiritual or political goal88
185174261job specializationfrom a food surplus people could start working on other things such as pottery and not tending crops89
185174262(rome/christianity) julius caesar...90
185174263(all of china) junksships91
185174264(byzantine) justinians codeA law code created by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian about 530 CE. It was a revision of the old Roman law system.92
185174265(islam) ka'aba...93
185174266(all of india) karmawhat you do in this life affects the next94
185174267legalismpolitical philosophy that emphasized the unruliness of human nature and justified state coercion and control. The Qin ruling class invoked it to validate the authoritarian nature of their regime95
185174268leonardo da vinci..., Italian painter and sculptor and engineer and scientist and architect96
185174269long bow/cannon..., New technology during the Hundred Years War; brought an end to knights and castles; gave the common soldier a new importance on the battlefield97
185174270manchu picchuan ancient stone city built by the Inca.98
185174271magna cartathe royal charter of political rights given to rebellious English barons by King John in 121599
185174272mamluksturkic military slaves100
185174273mandate of heaven..., a political theory of ancient China in which those in power were given the right to rule from a divine source101
185174274manorialismmiddle-age economic system based on the manor and lands including a village and surrounding acreage which were administered by a lord. increased agricultural production.102
185174275mansa musa..., this Mali king brought Mali to its peak of power and wealth from 1312 the 1337; he was the most powerful king in west africa103
185174276marco polo..., Venetian traveler who explored Asia in the 13th century and served Kublai Khan (1254-1324)104
185174277mecca..., the holiest city of Islam; Muhammad's birthplace105
185174278medieval women..., were admired, valued for beauty • But few rights; basically property to be protected by men Rules106
185174279mercenary..., a person hired to fight for another country than their own107
185174281michaelangelo..., painter, sculptor, and architect; painiting on the ceiling of the SIstine Chapel in Rome109
185174282missionarysomeone to convert another person in religion110
185174283moctezuma II..., Last Aztec emperor, overthrown by the Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes.111
185174284monarchy..., an autocracy governed by a monarch who usually inherits the authority112
185174285monasticism..., The practice of living the life of a monk113
185174286mongols..., a large collection of nomadic tribes that lived north of china in the "steppes" who were later united by Genghis Khan114
185174287monotheismone god115
185174288monsoondivine wind116
185174289moscow..., In the 1400s the capital of Russia was changed from Kiev to this117
185174290mosquemuslim place of worship118
185174291motives for exploration...119
185174292muhammad..., The prophet and founder of Islam120
185174293mummificationpreservation of a body121
185174294muslim...by muhammad122
185174296nirvana..., a condition of great peace or happiness124
185174297nomadismway of being nomadic...dur125
185174298octavian augustus..., Caesar's adopted son who defeated Mark Anthony for title of ruler of Rome after Caesar's death126
185174299oil painting..., A painting technique using oil-based pigments that rose to prominence in northern Europe in the 15th century and is now the standard medium for painting on canvas.127
185174300oligarchy..., form of government in which a few people have the power128
185174301oracle boneswere thought to predict the future129
185174302paleolithic vs. neolithic stone agedomestication and farming used130
185174303papacy..., The central administration of the Roman Catholic Church, of which the pope is the head. (pp. 258, 445)131
185174304patrician..., a member of the aristocracy132
185174305paulnever saw jesus but had a vision from gabriel133
185174306pax mongolicamongol peace, golden age134
185174307pax romanaroman peace, golden age135
185174308peloponnesian warathens/sparta, athens lost136
185174309pericles..., Athenian statesman whose leadership contributed to Athen's political and cultural supremacy in Greece137
185174310persian war..., conflict between Persia and Greece; Persia wanted to punish Athens for helping another city- state138
185174311pharaohegyptian ruler139
185174312phoenicians..., Sailing and trading people who had many colonies on the Mediterranean coast140
185174313plebian..., an ordinary citizen in the ancient Roman republic141
185174314polis..., Greek city-state142
185174315polytheism+1 god143
185174316pope urban II..., pope who called for the first crusade to reclaim Jerusalem from the Muslims144
185174317powers of the church..., The church had their own army, political system and had power during the Middle Ages.145
185174318printing presscreated more knowledge to be passed around, easier to make books146
185174319punic wars..., A series of three wars between Rome and Carthage, resulted in the destruction of Carthage and Rome's dominance over the western Mediterranean.147
185174320qinconquered rival states and created the first Chinese empire..Shi Huangdi, standardized many features of Chinese society and enslaved subjects.148
185174321quipoway of keeping track via knots149
185174322quranmuslim holy book150
185174323reconquista..., The effort by Christian leaders to drive the Muslims out of Spain, lasting from the 1100s until 1492.151
185174324republic..., a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them152
185174325river valleys (nile, tigris/euphrates, yellow, indus)...153
185174326patriarchymale dominant154
185174327rock and pillar edicts..., laws written by Ashoka reminding Mauryans to live generous and righteous lives155
185174328role of silkeurope loved it and set of cultural diffusion with china156
185174329roman republic vs roman empire...157
185174330rules of benedict...158
185174331samuraifeudal Japanese military aristocracy159
185174332sanskrithindu writings160
185174333sati..., a ritual that required a woman to throw herself on her late husband's funeral pyre or burn herself. This was done gladly and if a woman didn't comply with this she would be disgraced.161
185174334scribespeople who copied books162
185174336serfslowest in indian hierarchy164
185174337sharia..., the code of law derived from the Koran and from the teachings and example of Mohammed165
185174338shi huang dileader of qin166
185174339shogun..., a hereditary military dictator of Japan167
185174340silk roadchinese path to cultural diffusion168
185174341silt/loessfrom huang he (yellow) river169
185174342smallpox..., A Deadly disease that Europeans brought to the New World. It spreads Rapidly170
185174343socrates..., ancient Athenian philosopher171
185174344song achievements..., PORCELIAN, SILK, LANDSCAPE, AND RICE172
185174345sparta vs athens..., Peloponnesian war173
185174346spread of islamthrough trade174
185174347steppe..., sparse, dry grassland175
185174348sunni..., one of the two main branches of orthodox Islam176
185174349swahili coastafrica..good in trade177
185174350tamerlane..., Mongolian ruler of Samarkand who led his nomadic hordes to conquer an area from Turkey to Mongolia (1336-1405)178
185174351ten commandmentschristian way to live179
185174352tenochtitlan..., Capital of the Aztec Empire,180
185174353the medichi familygave money to renaissance period painters to keep painting181
185174354timbuktu..., a city in central Mali near the Niger river182
185174355town charter..., a legal document listing the privileges of the towns people; people ruled themselves with the charter183
185174356trans-sahara trade network...184
185174357treaty of tordesdillas...185
185174358triangle trade..., the trading system between the Americas, England and Africa; Africa would give slaves and rum to the Americas, including the West Indies; America would offer timber, tobacco, fish, and flour; England would mainly process and ship back186
185174359tributary statelike aztecs, demanded lyalty from their states187
185174360turksnomads who tried at han, china188
185174361(rome/christianity) twelve tables...189
185174363(all of india) untouchableslower than a serf191
185174364(middle ages/feudalism/commercial rev/crusades) vassalmerchant192
185174365vedas..., Ancient Sanskrit writings that are the earliest sacred texts of Hinduism.193
185174366(viking/russia/africa) vikingsfound americas first, actually194
185174367vladimirexplored america. go him.195
185174368(all of china) warring states periodno political unity :O196
185174369(all of china) yin/yangbalance of men/women197
185174370(all of china) zheng he..., Chinese admiral during the Ming Dynasty, he led great voyages that spread China's fame throughout Asia198
185174371(mesopotamia/egypt) zigguratancient pyramids199

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