12677366420 | Mathieu Orfila | Father of Forensic Toxicology perfected the Marsh test to test for poison and their effects famous from 1840 Marie Lafarge arsenic case | 0 | |
12677378797 | Alphonse Bertillion | Father of Criminal Identification developed body measuring system to classify captured criminals that was used until the Will West Identical twin incident | 1 | |
12677394437 | Francis Galton | developed the method of classifying fingerprints first used criminally in the Francis Rojas case in 1892 | 2 | |
12677404749 | 1892 | First criminal use of fingerprint identification in Franics Rojas case | 3 | |
12677411617 | Calvin Goddard | developed the method for comparing bullets and their casings with a comparison microscope unique indentations left on the soft metal of a bullet can be traced back to a certain gun | 4 | |
12677429265 | Albert S. Osborn | a forensic document examiner hand writing analysis first used during the Lindbergh baby kidnapping case | 5 | |
12677437277 | Walter C. McCrone | premier microscopist proved the Shroud of Turn never enveloped the body of Jesus | 6 | |
12677446965 | Hans Gross | judge that developed the process of crime scene investigation developed the first detective system | 7 | |
12677456660 | Edmond Locard | set up the first workable crime lab in France formulated Locards Exchange Principle: every contact leaves a trace | 8 | |
12677465455 | Karl Landsteiner | discovered that blood can be routed into 4 categories A B AB O | 9 | |
12677473181 | Leone Lattes | developed a method of bloodtyping from dried blood as well as using the Preciptin test to determine whether blood is human or animal | 10 | |
12677492653 | Fingerprint Patterns | Plain Arch Tented Arch Radial Loop Ulnar Loop Plain Whorl Central Pocket Whorl Double Loop Accidential Whorl | 11 | |
12677508213 | loop pattern | ridges flow inward and the recurve in the direction of the origin | ![]() | 12 |
12677516505 | radial | only 5% flow and recourse toward the radius/thumbside of the hand | 13 | |
12677523180 | ulnar | 60% flow and recurve toward the pinkie side | 14 | |
12677527840 | arches | ridges enter and exit, no deltas | 15 | |
12677531850 | deltas | curve, triangular ride pattern | 16 | |
12677544060 | plain arch | wave, rise, and exit smoothly | 17 | |
12677544061 | whorl | at least 2 delta type divergences with recurving ridges- resembles a bulls eye | 18 | |
12677553194 | plain whorl | one or more ridges form a complete revolution | 19 | |
12677557641 | central pocket | form a loop pattern delta connection line will not intersect the center | 20 | |
12677566459 | double loop | 2 separate loops are present | 21 | |
12677570253 | accidental | random shapes, no conformity, rare | 22 | |
12677581185 | dermal papillae | formed in the fetal stage and remain the same throughout a lifetime | 23 | |
12677584234 | latent fingerprints | not visible until dusted | 24 | |
12677630992 | plastic prints | ridge impressions left on a material | 25 | |
12677635462 | hard surface detection | powder- grey black, fluorescent, magnetic super glue lighting techniques | 26 | |
12677643404 | soft surface detection | iodine fuming- nonpermanent visualization ninhydrin- reacts with protein | 27 | |
12677665432 | Primary Classification | developed by Edward Henry in 1897 first class-action step in the FBI system fingerprint cards can be divided into 1,024 groups | 28 | |
12677745981 | unbroken cortical intrusions | 29 | ||
12677791254 | DNA | Deoxyribonucleic Acid | 30 | |
12677795017 | Nucleotide | small subunits of DNA | 31 | |
12677802339 | 3 parts of nucleotide | sugar, phosphate, base | 32 | |
12677805482 | Four Nitrogen Bases in DNA | thymine, guanin, adenine, cytosine | 33 | |
12677817514 | Purerings | nitrogen single ring structures of adenine and thymine | 34 | |
12677858712 | pyridines | nitrogen use of guanine and cytosine | 35 | |
12677876349 | Crick and Watson | two scientist that discovered the structure of the DNA molecule | 36 | |
12677881874 | double helix | DNA looks like a ladder twisted | 37 | |
12677886681 | Phosphate and sugar | tow molecules that make up the sides of the ladder of a DNA molecule | 38 | |
12677892622 | Bases | molecules that meet across the middle, forming the steps of the ladder | 39 | |
12677911746 | Chargaffs rules | the percentages of adenine are equal to hose of thymine and the percentages of cytosine are qual to those of guanine in DNA | 40 | |
12677918171 | hydrogen | holds together nitrogen bases in the center of the molecule | 41 | |
12677934510 | deoxyribo | type of sugar found in the DNA | 42 | |
12677950319 | DNA backbones | information sotred within the helix | 43 | |
12677956416 | DNA molecule | hundreds of millions of base models | 44 | |
12677965660 | Franklins Photo 51 | photo of double helix most famous photo in biology | 45 | |
12678070941 | nuclear dna | from both parents | 46 | |
12678075325 | mitochondrial dna | from maternal | 47 | |
12678082027 | Short Tandem Repeats | evaluate specific regions (loci) within nuclear DNA FBI uses 13 stand specific regions for CODIS | 48 | |
12678093717 | CODIS | Combined DNA Index System | 49 | |
12678103664 | DNA Technologies | Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism PCR Analysis STR Analysis Mitochondrial DNA Analysis Y chromosome analysis | 50 | |
12678126900 | chromosomes | our body way of organizing all the info that our genetic materials contain each pair contains one from mom, one from dad contains 100s to 1000s of genes | 51 | |
12678139104 | genes | info blocks within chromosomes blueprint for a specific protein in the body dozens of proteins are responsible for synthesis of ATP, digesting food etc | 52 | |
12678157424 | 1991 | first paper on Short Tandem repeats | 53 | |
12678165921 | 1998 | FBI launches combined DNA Index System CODIS | 54 | |
12678172426 | 1988 | FBI starts DNA casework | 55 | |
12678177700 | nucleotide | ![]() | 56 | |
12760050416 | Alexander Weiner | worked with rhesus monkeys to notice a type of red cell protein | 57 | |
12760057625 | Rh | 85 percent of the population has the protein | 58 | |
12760062976 | blood type | based on the presence or absence of the AB and Rh proteins | 59 | |
12760110554 | 1814 | scientific paper on poison by Methieu Orfila | 60 | |
12760113750 | 1823 | whorls, eclipses, and triangles identified by Jan Evangelista | 61 | |
12760118016 | 1836 | a method for identifying arsenic poisoning was discovered | 62 | |
12760124562 | 1879 | a system of body measurements for identification was created by Bertillion | 63 | |
12760131656 | 1880 | fingerprints used in Tokyo by Henry Fooled Sherlock Holmes was written | 64 | |
12760138783 | 1889 | bullets matched to gun they were fired from | 65 | |
12760142777 | 1892 | first criminal use of fingerprint identification in the Francis Rojas case | 66 | |
12760147362 | 1901 | human blood groups identified | 67 | |
12760150305 | 1903 | NYCPD begin fingerprint files | 68 | |
12760156023 | 1910 | first forensic lab in France by Edmund Locard | 69 | |
12760160701 | 1923 | first forensic lab in the U.S in the LA | 70 | |
12760163932 | 1930 | Nation fingerprint file est. by the FBI | 71 | |
12760167364 | 1987 | first time DNA evidence was used in the U.S to convict | 72 | |
12760184140 | passive blood drops | often the largest | 73 | |
12760186481 | contact stains | smears and wipes of something that came into contact with the blood | 74 | |
12760190830 | splatter | the separation and breaking apart of blood | 75 | |
12760197765 | 2-3 blood drops | 1 billion red blood cells for every 600 red there are 40 platelets and one white | 76 | |
12760203599 | dog | undeveloped red blood cells- look similar to human | 77 | |
12760207576 | locus | the physical position of an STR | 78 | |
12760226646 | hair can determine | human or animal race origin (body part) how it was removed treated hair drugs ingested | 79 | |
12760233548 | trace evidence | any small pieces of material, manmade, or natural hair and fiber are the most common | 80 | |
12760244078 | hair shaft | contains mitochondrial DNA- can be typed by comparing relatives | 81 | |
12760247879 | hair root/follicle | only part of hair that contains nuclear DNA- actively growing | 82 | |
12760251821 | amagen | phase wehre hair grows | 83 | |
12760254521 | catagen | transition between active and loss stage- slowed growth | 84 | |
12760258666 | telogen | final phase resulting in hair loss | 85 | |
12760262083 | hair cuticle | outermost layer of hair, covered in scales, the scales point toward the tip of the hair | 86 | |
12760266425 | scale patterns | mosaic pectinate imbricate petal diamond chevron | 87 | |
12760271764 | hair cortex | give hair its shape and color pigmentation | 88 | |
12760275018 | hair medulla | hair core that isn't always present, comes in types and patterns if large, it is most likely an animal hair isn't always present in the core | 89 | |
12760278717 | medulla types | uniserial multi serial vacuolated lattice amorphous (w/o pattern) | 90 | |
12760307383 | basal layer | grows quicker than the layers around it , causing it to collapse and fall in on itself, creating ridings in-between the other layers | 91 | |
12760376163 | agglutination | clumping of molecules or cells caused by an antigen antibody reaction | 92 | |
12760380319 | antibodies | proteins secreted by white blood cells that attach to antigens | 93 | |
12760392483 | cell surface proteins | proteins embedded in the cell membrane | 94 | |
12760397508 | antigens | any foreign substance or cell in the body that reacts with antibodies | 95 | |
12760403134 | red blood cells | carry oxygen throughout the body | 96 | |
12760410522 | satellite | secondary drop formed when blood breaks free from the main contact drop of blood | 97 | |
12760416811 | white blood cells | cells that police the body by destroying foreign materials | 98 | |
12760458504 | ten card | form used to record and preserve a persons fingerprints | 99 | |
12760479026 | class evidence | material that connects an individual or thing to a certain group | 100 | |
12760494374 | individual evidence | a kind of evidence that identifies a particular person or thing | 101 | |
12760501194 | keratin | a type of fibrous protein that makes up the majority of the cortex of a hair | 102 | |
12760505428 | trace evidence | small but measurable amounts of physical or biological material found at a crime scene | 103 | |
12760522040 | fingerprinting clarity | 1- vague pattern 2- detail 3- ridges | 104 | |
12760528538 | AFIS | plot points to create a mathematical system over prints | 105 | |
12761029185 | Rh | represented by the + | 106 | |
12761038697 | donor/reciever | - can't get + + can get - | 107 | |
12761041915 | AB | universal reciever | 108 | |
12761045389 | O | universal donor | 109 | |
12761049757 | clumping | positive blood type match | 110 | |
12761049759 | A | anti B | 111 | |
12761052221 | B | anti A | 112 |
Forensic Science Exam 1 Flashcards
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