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Forensic Science Exam 1 Flashcards

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12677366420Mathieu OrfilaFather of Forensic Toxicology perfected the Marsh test to test for poison and their effects famous from 1840 Marie Lafarge arsenic case0
12677378797Alphonse BertillionFather of Criminal Identification developed body measuring system to classify captured criminals that was used until the Will West Identical twin incident1
12677394437Francis Galtondeveloped the method of classifying fingerprints first used criminally in the Francis Rojas case in 18922
126774047491892First criminal use of fingerprint identification in Franics Rojas case3
12677411617Calvin Goddarddeveloped the method for comparing bullets and their casings with a comparison microscope unique indentations left on the soft metal of a bullet can be traced back to a certain gun4
12677429265Albert S. Osborna forensic document examiner hand writing analysis first used during the Lindbergh baby kidnapping case5
12677437277Walter C. McCronepremier microscopist proved the Shroud of Turn never enveloped the body of Jesus6
12677446965Hans Grossjudge that developed the process of crime scene investigation developed the first detective system7
12677456660Edmond Locardset up the first workable crime lab in France formulated Locards Exchange Principle: every contact leaves a trace8
12677465455Karl Landsteinerdiscovered that blood can be routed into 4 categories A B AB O9
12677473181Leone Lattesdeveloped a method of bloodtyping from dried blood as well as using the Preciptin test to determine whether blood is human or animal10
12677492653Fingerprint PatternsPlain Arch Tented Arch Radial Loop Ulnar Loop Plain Whorl Central Pocket Whorl Double Loop Accidential Whorl11
12677508213loop patternridges flow inward and the recurve in the direction of the origin12
12677516505radialonly 5% flow and recourse toward the radius/thumbside of the hand13
12677523180ulnar60% flow and recurve toward the pinkie side14
12677527840archesridges enter and exit, no deltas15
12677531850deltascurve, triangular ride pattern16
12677544060plain archwave, rise, and exit smoothly17
12677544061whorlat least 2 delta type divergences with recurving ridges- resembles a bulls eye18
12677553194plain whorlone or more ridges form a complete revolution19
12677557641central pocketform a loop pattern delta connection line will not intersect the center20
12677566459double loop2 separate loops are present21
12677570253accidentalrandom shapes, no conformity, rare22
12677581185dermal papillaeformed in the fetal stage and remain the same throughout a lifetime23
12677584234latent fingerprintsnot visible until dusted24
12677630992plastic printsridge impressions left on a material25
12677635462hard surface detectionpowder- grey black, fluorescent, magnetic super glue lighting techniques26
12677643404soft surface detectioniodine fuming- nonpermanent visualization ninhydrin- reacts with protein27
12677665432Primary Classificationdeveloped by Edward Henry in 1897 first class-action step in the FBI system fingerprint cards can be divided into 1,024 groups28
12677745981unbroken cortical intrusions29
12677791254DNADeoxyribonucleic Acid30
12677795017Nucleotidesmall subunits of DNA31
126778023393 parts of nucleotidesugar, phosphate, base32
12677805482Four Nitrogen Bases in DNAthymine, guanin, adenine, cytosine33
12677817514Pureringsnitrogen single ring structures of adenine and thymine34
12677858712pyridinesnitrogen use of guanine and cytosine35
12677876349Crick and Watsontwo scientist that discovered the structure of the DNA molecule36
12677881874double helixDNA looks like a ladder twisted37
12677886681Phosphate and sugartow molecules that make up the sides of the ladder of a DNA molecule38
12677892622Basesmolecules that meet across the middle, forming the steps of the ladder39
12677911746Chargaffs rulesthe percentages of adenine are equal to hose of thymine and the percentages of cytosine are qual to those of guanine in DNA40
12677918171hydrogenholds together nitrogen bases in the center of the molecule41
12677934510deoxyribotype of sugar found in the DNA42
12677950319DNA backbonesinformation sotred within the helix43
12677956416DNA moleculehundreds of millions of base models44
12677965660Franklins Photo 51photo of double helix most famous photo in biology45
12678070941nuclear dnafrom both parents46
12678075325mitochondrial dnafrom maternal47
12678082027Short Tandem Repeatsevaluate specific regions (loci) within nuclear DNA FBI uses 13 stand specific regions for CODIS48
12678093717CODISCombined DNA Index System49
12678103664DNA TechnologiesRestriction Fragment Length Polymorphism PCR Analysis STR Analysis Mitochondrial DNA Analysis Y chromosome analysis50
12678126900chromosomesour body way of organizing all the info that our genetic materials contain each pair contains one from mom, one from dad contains 100s to 1000s of genes51
12678139104genesinfo blocks within chromosomes blueprint for a specific protein in the body dozens of proteins are responsible for synthesis of ATP, digesting food etc52
126781574241991first paper on Short Tandem repeats53
126781659211998FBI launches combined DNA Index System CODIS54
126781724261988FBI starts DNA casework55
12760050416Alexander Weinerworked with rhesus monkeys to notice a type of red cell protein57
12760057625Rh85 percent of the population has the protein58
12760062976blood typebased on the presence or absence of the AB and Rh proteins59
127601105541814scientific paper on poison by Methieu Orfila60
127601137501823whorls, eclipses, and triangles identified by Jan Evangelista61
127601180161836a method for identifying arsenic poisoning was discovered62
127601245621879a system of body measurements for identification was created by Bertillion63
127601316561880fingerprints used in Tokyo by Henry Fooled Sherlock Holmes was written64
127601387831889bullets matched to gun they were fired from65
127601427771892first criminal use of fingerprint identification in the Francis Rojas case66
127601473621901human blood groups identified67
127601503051903NYCPD begin fingerprint files68
127601560231910first forensic lab in France by Edmund Locard69
127601607011923first forensic lab in the U.S in the LA70
127601639321930Nation fingerprint file est. by the FBI71
127601673641987first time DNA evidence was used in the U.S to convict72
12760184140passive blood dropsoften the largest73
12760186481contact stainssmears and wipes of something that came into contact with the blood74
12760190830splatterthe separation and breaking apart of blood75
127601977652-3 blood drops1 billion red blood cells for every 600 red there are 40 platelets and one white76
12760203599dogundeveloped red blood cells- look similar to human77
12760207576locusthe physical position of an STR78
12760226646hair can determinehuman or animal race origin (body part) how it was removed treated hair drugs ingested79
12760233548trace evidenceany small pieces of material, manmade, or natural hair and fiber are the most common80
12760244078hair shaftcontains mitochondrial DNA- can be typed by comparing relatives81
12760247879hair root/follicleonly part of hair that contains nuclear DNA- actively growing82
12760251821amagenphase wehre hair grows83
12760254521catagentransition between active and loss stage- slowed growth84
12760258666telogenfinal phase resulting in hair loss85
12760262083hair cuticleoutermost layer of hair, covered in scales, the scales point toward the tip of the hair86
12760266425scale patternsmosaic pectinate imbricate petal diamond chevron87
12760271764hair cortexgive hair its shape and color pigmentation88
12760275018hair medullahair core that isn't always present, comes in types and patterns if large, it is most likely an animal hair isn't always present in the core89
12760278717medulla typesuniserial multi serial vacuolated lattice amorphous (w/o pattern)90
12760307383basal layergrows quicker than the layers around it , causing it to collapse and fall in on itself, creating ridings in-between the other layers91
12760376163agglutinationclumping of molecules or cells caused by an antigen antibody reaction92
12760380319antibodiesproteins secreted by white blood cells that attach to antigens93
12760392483cell surface proteinsproteins embedded in the cell membrane94
12760397508antigensany foreign substance or cell in the body that reacts with antibodies95
12760403134red blood cellscarry oxygen throughout the body96
12760410522satellitesecondary drop formed when blood breaks free from the main contact drop of blood97
12760416811white blood cellscells that police the body by destroying foreign materials98
12760458504ten cardform used to record and preserve a persons fingerprints99
12760479026class evidencematerial that connects an individual or thing to a certain group100
12760494374individual evidencea kind of evidence that identifies a particular person or thing101
12760501194keratina type of fibrous protein that makes up the majority of the cortex of a hair102
12760505428trace evidencesmall but measurable amounts of physical or biological material found at a crime scene103
12760522040fingerprinting clarity1- vague pattern 2- detail 3- ridges104
12760528538AFISplot points to create a mathematical system over prints105
12761029185Rhrepresented by the +106
12761038697donor/reciever- can't get + + can get -107
12761041915ABuniversal reciever108
12761045389Ouniversal donor109
12761049757clumpingpositive blood type match110
12761049759Aanti B111
12761052221Banti A112

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