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Foundations 800BCE-600CE Flashcards

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96372629slash and burn agricultureslashing of bark and burning trees to ground0
96372630pastoral nomadismpastoral nomads depended on their herd for survival and traveled to find grassland or steppe land required for their herds to graze1
96372631steppetall feathery grass that grew in areas where there wasn't enough rainfall, something ideal for animal grazing2
96372632marketplacecenter of political, military, and economic control in first cities3
96372633fertile crescentin mesopotamia and helped to encourage the earliest farming communities4
96372634free commonerspeasants , builders, craftsmen, professionals (scribes) in Sumer5
96372635dependent clientssubgroup of commoners, owned no property, and worked only on the estates of others6
96372636sovereign citytakes own laws and isn't ruled by anyone else7
96372639Vedashymns, songs, prayers, and rituals left from Aryans (currently would be Indians) that reveal a patriarchal, heirarchal society10
96372640loessyellow-brown soil that caused the Yellow River to appear yellow11
96372641oracle bonesquestions about and predictions of the future written on bones as record12
96372642veneration of ancestorsif everyone honored their responsibilities tward the family, society would function smoothly13
96694676Axial Agerepresents the core ideas around which a society revolves. 600 BCE14
96694677dharmaduty to perform in life. if people followed their dharma the would works smoothly. dharma is determined by birth and one's stage in life15
96694678karmathe result of dharma. if one follows his dharma, he will get good karma16
96694679samsaraattained by good karma that allows someone to move into this level in the next life17
96694680reincarnatedrebirth after death (samsara)18
96694681mokshaending cycle of rebirth and becoming one with the universe19
96694682ashokamauryan emperor encouraging spread of Buddhism.20
96694683Era of Warring States7th Centure BCE to 221 constant fighting and disorder because of no strong central govt. control. During this time Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism (philosiphies that attempted to restore order) emerged.21
96694684renconfucian concept (appropriate feeling)22
96694685liconfucian concept (appropriate actions)23
96694686filial pietyrespect for one's parents24
966946875 key relationships of Confucianism1. Ruler to subject 2. Father to son 3. Husband to wife 4 Older bro, to younger bro 5. Friend to friend25
96694688Tao te Ching/ Dao te Chingcollection of Daoist wisdom thought to have been there before the founder Laozi26
96694689Exodusmoses exits along with hebrews followers out of egypt27
96694690Kingdom of Godmessage from Jesus which alarmed authorietes and got him executed to stop potential rebellion in Rome28
96694691Edict of Milanmade Christianity legal in the Roman Empire (issued by Constantine) Emperor Theodosius made it the official religion of Roman Empire29
96694692Nestorian Christianityform of Christianity created by SW Asian Christians spread to India, Central Asia, and China by Silk Roads30
96694693poliscity state in Greece31
96694694Delian Leaguealliance of Greeks against Persians32
96694695Pelopennesian War (431-404 BCE)Sparta and Athens each led 2 conflicting camps, and though Sparta was victorious, internal conflict weekened Greece and left it vulnerable to domination by a stronger power33

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