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38302213IndianMisnomer created by Columbus when referring to indigenous American peoples; implies social and ethnic commonalty that did not exist among Native Americans; still used to describe Native Americans0
38302214ToltecsNomadic peoples from beyond the northern frontier of sedentary agriculture in Mesoamerica; established capital at Tula after migration into central Mesoamerican plateau; strongly militaristic ethic, including cult of human sacrifice.1
38302215AztecsThe Mexica; one of the nomadic tribes that penetrated into the sedentary zone of the Mesoamerican plateau after the fall of the Toltecs; established empire after 1325 around shores of Lake Texcoco.2
38302216TenochtitlanFounded circa 1325 on a marshy island in Lake Texcoco; became center of Aztec power.3
38302217HuitzilopochtliAztec tribal patron god; central figure of human sacrifice and warfare; identified with old sun god.4
38302218ChinampasBeds of aquatic weeds, mud, and earth placed in frames made of cane and rootedin lakes to create "floating islands"; system of irrigated agriculture used by Aztecs.5
38302219PochtecaMerchant class in Aztec society; specialized in long-distance trade in luxury items.6
38302220Inca socialismAn interpretation describing Inca society as a type of utopia; image of the Inca Empire as a carefully organized system in which every community collectively contributed to the whole.7
38302221IncaGroup of clans (ayllu) centered at Cuzco; created an empire in the Andes during the 15thcentury; also title of the ruler.8
38302222Split inheritanceInca practice of ruler descent; all titles and political power went to the successor, but wealth and land remained in the hands of male descendants for support of dead Inca's mummy.9
38302223Temple of the SunInca religious center at Cuzco; center of state religion; held mummies of past Incas.10
38302224TambosWay stations used by Incas as inns and storehouses; supply centers for Inca armies; relay points for system of runners used to carry messages.11
38302225MitaLabor extracted for lands assigned to the state and the religion; all communities were expected to contribute; an essential part of Inca control.12
38302226QuipuSystem of knotted strings used by the Incas in place of a writing system; could contain numerical and other types of information for censuses and financial records.13
38302227Hernan Cortes(1485 - 1547) Led expedition of 600 Spanish soldiers to coast of Mexico in1519; conquistador responsible for defeat of Aztec Empire; captured Tenochtitlan.14
38302228AnasaziNative American culture which thrived in the Southwest from 200 to 1200 C.E.;known for cliff dwellings and maize growing.15
38302229HopewellNative American culture which centered in the Ohio valley from 200 to 500 C.E.; known for earthen burial and defensive mounds.16
38302230Flowery deathDeath while taking prisoners for the sacrificial knife.17

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