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H Spanish III Pre-AP Vocab

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274114203durarto last
274114205deletrearto spell
274114206la copawine glass, glass, cup
274114209desvanecerseto be nonexistent, to disappear
274114210el aire libreoutdoors
274114211el albergue juvenilyouth hostel
274114212la camionetaSUV, truck
274114213la cantimplorawater bottle, canteen
274114214el descuentodiscount
274114215el equipoequipment
274114216la estufa (de gas)(gas) stove
274114217la fogatacampfire
274114218el fósforomatch
274114219la guíaguide
274114220el kayackayak
274114221la ollapot
274114222el saco de dormirsleeping bag
274114223la tarifafare
274114224la tienda de campañatent
274114225el transporte públicopublic transportation
274114226hacer una caminatato take a walk
274114227ahorrarto save (money, time)
274114228conseguirto get, to find
274114229divertirse (ie, i)to enjoy, to have fun
274114230encender (ie)to light (a match), to make a fire, to turn on
274114231escalar montañasto climb mountains
274114232hacer una excursiónto go on an excursion, guided tour
274114233llenarto fill up
274114234meterse ento go into
274114235montarto put up
274114236navegar por rápidosto go whitewater rafting
274114237navegarto navigate, to sail
274114238observarto observe
274114239ofrecerto offer
274114240remarto row
274114241seguir (i, i)to follow
274114242utilizarto use
274114243el agua dulcefresh water
274114244la arañaspider
274114245el árboltree
274114246el bosqueforest, woods
274114247la florflower
274114248la mariposabutterfly
274114249la naturalezanature
274114250el pájarobird
274114251el pezfish
274114252el ríoriver
274114253la selvajungle
274114254el senderopath
274114255la serpientesnake
274114257al extranjeroabroad
274114258con anticipaciónin advance
274114260frente afacing
274114261fuera (de)outside (of)
274114263junto anext to
274114265el chorizosausage
274114266molerto chew
274114267plancharto iron
274114268bordarto embroider
274114269coserto sew
274114270el apellidolast name
274114271el (la) bebébaby, infant
274114272el (la) bisabuelo (a)great-grandfather/great-grandmother
274114273el (la) biznieto (a)great-grandson/great-granddaughter
274114274el (la) cuñado (a)brother-in-law/sister-in-law
274114275el (la) esposo (a)husband; wife; spouse
274114276la madrinagodmother
274114277el matrimoniomarriage; married couple
274114278el (la) nieto (a)grandson/granddaughter
274114279el (la) novio (a)boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancé/fiancée
274114280la nueradaughter-in-law
274114281el padrinogodfather
274114282el parienterelative
274114283el (la) sobrino (a)nephew/niece
274114284el (la) suegro (a)father-in-law/mother-in-law
274114285el yernoson-in-law
274114286la arenasand
274114287la brisabreeze
274114288el calor agobiantestifling heat
274114289el caracolshell
274114290hacer frescoto be cool (weather)
274114291la orillashore
274114292el puertoport
274114293la sombrillaparasol
274114294ver el amanecerto watch the sunrise
274114295ver la puesta del solto watch the sunset
274114296el carrocar
274114297la casa rodanteRV
274114298conducirto drive
274114299la cubiertadeck (of boat)
274114300la escapadagetaway
274114301hacer un cruceroto go on a cruise
274114302la canoacanoe
274114303el chaleco salvavidaslife jacket
274114304la moto acuáticapersonal watercraft
274114305el (la) surfistasurfer
274114306la tabla de surfsurfboard
274114307el velerosailboat
274114308el voleibol playerobeach volleyball
274114309en absolutonot at all
274114310juntarseto get together with
274114311mantener (el equilibrio)to keep (one's balance(
274114312marearseto get seasick/to become dizzy
274114313merendarto have a snack
274114314pararseto stand up
274114315parecerse a (alguien)to look like (someone)/to be like (someone)
274114316recogerto pick up
274114317recostarseto lie down
274114318refrescarseto cool down
274114319refugiarseto take refuge from
274114320reunirseto get together, to meet
274114321la neverarefrigerator
274114322el pavoturkey
274114323el chismegossip
274114324la ciudadaníacitizenship
274114325los ancianosthe elderly
274114326la bolsa de plásticoplastic bag
274114327el comedor de beneficenciasoup kitchen
274114328el envasecontainer
274114329la gente sin hogarthe homeless
274114330los guantes de trabajowork gloves
274114331el hogar de ancianosnursing home
274114332el hospitalhospital
274114333la latametal can
274114334la pobrezapoverty
274114335el proyecto de acción socialsocial action project
274114336el (la) voluntario (a)volunteer
274114337la agencia de publicidadad agency
274114338el anuncioannouncement, ad
274114339el artículoarticle
274114340la campañacampaign
274114341el canal de televisiónT.V. channel
274114342la creatividadcreativity
274114343el diseñodesign
274114344la emisora (de radio)radio station
274114345el lemamotto
274114346el letrerosign, poster
274114347las noticiasnews
274114348el periódiconewspaper
274114349la prensapress
274114350la publicidadpublicity
274114351la revistamagazine
274114352apoyarto support
274114353el chequecheck
274114354colaborarto collaborate
274114355contar con los demásto count on others
274114356la cooperacióncooperation
274114357cumplirto fulfills, to carry out
274114358de antemanobeforehand
274114359delegarto delegate
274114360elegir (i)to choose
274114361gastarto spend
274114362juntar fondosto fundraise
274114363organizarto organize
274114364la planificaciónplanning
274114365prestarto lend
274114366el presupuestobudget
274114367la prioridadpriority
274114368recaudar fondosto raise funds
274114369reciclarto recycle
274114370solicitarto ask for, to request
274114371tirar basurato litter
274114372trabajar de voluntarioto volunteer
274114373enojonaan easily angered person
274114374desfilarto march
274114375la recámarabed
274114376regañarto scold, to reprimand
274114377dar vergüenzato be embarrassed
274114378felicitarto celebrate
274114379el accesoaccess
274114380el anuncio clasificadoclassified ad
274114381el anuncio personalpersonal ad
274114382el artículo de opinióneditorial
274114383la citaquote
274114384la columnacolumn
274114385el cortometrajeshort documentary
274114386la cuestiónissue, question
274114387los dibujos animadoscartoons
274114388el (la) editor (a)editor
274114389la entrevistainterview
274114390la fecha límitedeadline
274114391el (la) fotógrafo (a)photographer
274114392el grabadortape recorder
274114393la gráficagraphic
274114394el largometrajefeature, full-length movie
274114395el noticieronews broadcast
274114396la publicidad por correomailing
274114397el públicoaudience
274114398la reseñareview
274114399la subtitulación para sordosclosed captioning for the hearing impaired
274114400el (la) telespectador (a)TV viewer
274114401la teletóntelethon
274114402el titularheadline
274114403distribuirto distribute
274114404emitirto broadcast
274114405entrevistarto interview
274114406investigarto investigate
274114407presentarto present
274114408publicarto publish
274114409traducirto translate
274114410el debatedebate
274114411describirto describe
274114412estar/no estar de acuerdo conto agree/disagree with
274114413explicarto explain
274114414a beneficio deto the benefit of
274114415donarto donate
274114416la obra caritativacharitable work
274114417otorgarto grant
274114418el (la) patrocinador (a)sponsor
274114419patrocinarto sponsor
274114420el programa educativoeducational program
274114421los volantesflyers
274114422gozojoy, happiness
274114423desdichamisfortune, bad luck
274114424devenirfuture, things going to happen
274114425vejezold age
274114426esplendorperfect timing, perfection
274114427el aire puroclean air
274114428el basurerogarbage container
274114429la biodiversidadbiodiversity
274114430la capa de ozonoozone layer
274114431el climaclimate
274114432la contaminaciónpollution, contamination
274114433la deforestacióndeforestation
274114434el derrumbelandslide
274114435el efecto invernaderogreenhouse effect
274114436la erosiónerosion
274114437las especies en peligro de extinciónendangered species
274114438la inundaciónflood
274114439el medio ambienteenvironment
274114440no renovablenonrenewable
274114441el petróleooil
274114442el planetaplanet
274114443el recurso naturalnatural resource
274114444la responsabilidadresponsibility
274114445el riesgorisk
274114446la sequíadrought
274114447el smogsmog
274114448el suelogroud, soil
274114449el temblorearthquake
274114450dañarto harm
274114451destruirto destroy
274114452disminuirto diminish, to decrease
274114453fomentarto foment, to support
274114454protegerto protect
274114455respirarto breathe
274114456reutilizarto reuse
274114457valorarto value
274114458apreciarto appreciate
274114459complejo (a)complex
274114460desarrollarto develop
274114461el desarrollodevelopment
274114462la innovacióninnovation
274114463el inventoinvention
274114464la investigaciónresearch
274114465mejorarto improve
274114466reemplazarto replace
274114467amenazarto threaten
274114468extinguirseto become extinct
274114469informarseto keep informed
274114470el porvenirfuture
274114472la transformacióntransformation
274114473volarto fly
274114474votarto vote
274114475la lechuzafemale owl (symbol of death)
274114476búhomale owl
274114477el zopilotevulture
274114478el venadodeer
274114479el ruiseñornightingale
274114480el zorrofox
274114481la ardillasquirrel
274114482el (la) ciudadano (a)citizen
274114483el compromisocommitmnet
274114484la conciencia socialsocial awareness
274114485encargarse deto take charge of, to make oneself responsible for
274114486la irresponsabilidadirresponsibility
274114487penalizarto penalize
274114488la políticapolitics
274114489el principioprinciple/moral
274114490respetarto respect
274114491satisfacerto satisfy
274114492la sociedadsociety
274114493la unidadunity
274114494comercializarto market
274114495invertir (ie, i)to invest
274114496novedoso (a)novel, original
274114497el patentepatent
274114498el productoproduct
274114499advertir (ie)to warn
274114500cometerto make (a mistake)
274114501emprenderto undertake
274114502el errormistake, error
274114503insistirto insist
274114504lucharto struggle
274114505persistirto persist
274114506progresarto progress
274114507prosperarto prosper
274114508seguir adelanteto continue on, to carry on
274114509solucionarto solve
274114510superarto overcome
274114511la advertenciawarning
274114512el fracasofailure
274114513la mejoreimprovement
274114514el obstáculoobstacle
274114515el sufrimientosuffering
274114516criticarto criticize
274114517es imprescindible que...it is indispensable/imperative that...
274114518es raro que...it is strange that...
274114519evaluarto evaluate
274114520por un lado...on one hand...
274114521por el otro lado...on the other hand
274114522entrometerse (entrometido/metiche)to butt in (one who butts in)
274114523salirle biento get wishes granted
274114524nenaattractive young lady
274114525encajarto fit
274114527comportarse bien/malto behave well/badly
274114528la conductabehavior
274282712destacarse por...to be remarkable for, to stand out (from others) for...
274282713idealizar (a alguien)to idealize (someone)
274282714imitarto imitate
274282715personificarto personify
274282716representarto represent
274282717atrevido (a)daring
274282718comprensivo (a)understanding
274282719considerado (a)considerate
274282720dedicado (a)dedicated
274282723generoso (a)generous
274282725ingenioso (a)clever
274282726modesto (a)/humildemodest/humble
274282727orgulloso (a)proud
274282730presumido (a)presumptuous
274282732sincero (a)sincere
274282734tímido (a)shy
274282735vanidoso (a)vain
274282736el (la) astronautaastronaut
274282737el (la) científico (a)scientist
274282738el (la) detectivedetective
274282739el (la) electricistaelectrician
274282740el (la) empresario (a)businessperson
274282741el (la) entrenador (a)trainer, coach
274282742el (la) mecánico (a)mechanic
274282743el (la) obrero (a)laborer
274282744el (la) pilotopilot
274282745el (la) programadorprogrammer
274282746el (la) trabajador (a) socialsocial worker
274282747aconsejar queto advise that
274282748dejar queto allow that
274282749exigir queto demand that
274282750mandar queto order, command that
274282751prohibir queto prohibit that
274282752sugerir (ie, i) queto suggest that
274282753avergonzarseto feel embarrassed
274282755apretón de manoshandshake
274282756auténtico (a)authentic
274282757práctico (a)practical, down-to-earth
274282760verdadero (a)real, true, sincere
274282761actuarto act
274282762aparecerto appear
274282763arriesgarseto risk
274282764convertirse ento turn into
274282765figurar ento appear in
274282766lograrto attain, to achieve
274282767el (la) artistaartist
274282768el (la) bombero (a)firefighter
274282769el (la) carpintero (a)carpenter
274282770el (la) cartero (a)mail carrier
274282771el (la) músico (a)musician
274282772el (la) periodistajournalist
274282773el (la) policíapolice officer
274282774el (la) político (a)politician
274282775el (la) secretario (a)secretary
274282776el (la) técnico (a)technician, repairperson
274282777el (la) vecino (a)neighbor
274282778el (la) veterinario (a)veterinarian
274282779alegrar se de queto be happy that
274282780dudar queto doubt that
274282781es dudoso queit is doubtful that
274282782es improbably queit is improbable/unlikely that
274282783no creer quenot to believe that
274282784no es cierto queit is not certain that
274282785no es verdad queit is not true that
274282786no estar seguro (a) (de) quenot to be sure that
274282787sentir (siento) queto be sorry that, to feel
274282788sorprenderse de queto be surprised that
274282789la amistadfriendship
274282790el deberduty
274282791la famafame
274282792el honorhonor
274282793el imagenimage
274282794el logroachievement, success
274282795la metagoal
274282796por esofor that reason, that's why
274282797por lo tantotherefore
274282798el propósitopurpose, aim
274282799el sacrificiosacrifice
274282800sin embargonevertheless, however
274282801la valentíabravery

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