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100163473ulamamuslim scholars0
100163474ummaMuslim religious community1
100163475zakatTax for charity; obligatory for all Muslims2
100163476five pillarsbeliefs that all Muslims needed to carry out: Faith, Prayer, Alms, Fasting, and Pilgrimage3
100163477ramadanmonth in which muslims fast4
100163478hajjpilgrimage to Mecca5
100163479caliphthe title of the successor to Muhammad6
100163480abu bakrfirst caliph after death of muhammad7
100163481ridda warswars that followed muhammad's death; resulted in the defeat of rival prophets and some of larger clans; restored unity of islam8
100163482jihadIslamic holy war9
100163483coptschristian sects of egypt10
100163484nestoriansa christian sect found in asia11
100163485uthmanthird caliph of Muslims12
100163486battle of siffinfought in 657 between forces of ali and umayyads13
100163487muawiyacaliph of Umayyad Dynasty, 661-68014
100163488sunnisclaimed that the only mediator between believers and Allah was the Koran15
100163489shiasdon't believe in the caliph16
100163490karbalaSite of defeat and death of Husayn, son of Ali; marked beginning of Shi'a resistance to Umayyad caliphate17
100163491mawalinon-arab converts to islam18
100163492jizyaper capita tax on non-Muslim adult males to freely worship19
100163493dhimmipeople of the book20
100163494hadithsTraditions of the prophet Muhammad.21
100163495abbasidDynasty that succeeded the Umayyads as caliphs within Islam; came to power in 750 C.E.22
100163496battle of the river zabVictory of Abbasids over Umayyads; resulted in conquest of Syria and capture of Umayyad capital23
100163497baghdadCapital of Abbasid dynasty located in Iraq near ancient Persian capital of Ctesiphon.24
100163498wazirchief administrative official under the Abbasid caliphate; initially recruited from Persian provinces of empire25
100163499dhowsArab sailing vessels with triangular or lateen sails; strongly influenced European ship design26
100163500ayanThe wealthy landed elite that emerged in the early decades of Abbasid rule27
100163501lateenTraiangular sail that catches the wind from sides and back28
100163502al mahdithird abbasid caliph29
100163503harun al rashidcaliph (r. 786-809) who is responsible for a Golden Age in the Muslim World and the House of Wisdom in Baghdad30
100163504buyidsPersian invaders of the 10th century; captured Baghdad and acted as sultans through Abbasid figureheads31
100163505Seljuk turksnomadic Turks from Asia who conquered Baghdad in 1055 and allowed the caliph to remain only as a religious leader. they governed strictly32
100163506crusadesA series of military expeditions launched by Christian Europeans to win the Holy land back from Muslim control.33
100163507saladin(1137-1193) Powerful Muslim ruler during Third Crusade, defeated Christians at Hattin took Jerusalem34
100163508ibn khaldunan early Muslim Historian35
100163509shah namaan exquisite piece of Islamic art, depicting an epic history by Firdawsi.36
100163510al ghazalimost important of Sufis, Persian theologian, Human reason was too frail to understand the nature of Allah37
100163511mongolsA member of any of the traditionally nomadic peoples of Mongolia38
100163512chinggis kahnMongral leader who conqured part of the Abissid region39
100163513huleguruler of Ilkhan Khanate; grandson of Chinggis Khan; responsible for capture and destruction of Baghdad40
100163514mamluksMuslim slave warriors; established a dynasty in Egypt; defeated the Mongols at Ain Jalut in 1260 and halted Mongol advance41
100163515Muhammad of ghazniled a series of expeditions that began 2 centuries of Muslim raiding and conquest in northern India42
100163516muhammad of ghurmilitary commander of persian extraction; began attempt to establish muslim control of india43
100163517bhaktic cultsHindu religious groups who believed in a relationship with the deities44
100163518mira baiCelebrated Hindu writer of religious poetry; reflected openness of bhaktic cults to women45
100163519kabirMuslim mystic during 15th century; played down the importance of ritual differences between Hinduism and Islam46
100163520SrivijayaSoutheast Asian kingdom, based on the island of Sumatra that used a powerful navy to dominate trade.47
100163521malaccaPort town that the Portuguese seized, giving them control of the strait with the same name48
100163522demakmost powerful of the trading states on the north coast of Java; converted to Islam and served as point of dissemination to other ports49
100163523swahilia Bantu language with Arabic words spoken along the East African coast50
100163524shariaIslamic Law51
100163525hausaWest African people who lived in what is now Northern Nigeria after AD 100052
100163526songhaysuccessor state to Mali; dominated Middle reaches of Niger Valley; capital at Gao; reached imperial status under Sunni Ali53
100163527MedinaMuhammed fled to _______54
100163528Kaabaimportant shrine in mecca55

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