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Middle East AP Notes- Israel & the "Gunpowder Empires" Flashcards

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103751733What types of empires were the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires?Gun powder empires0
103751734Who founded the Ottoman Empire?Osman Bey1
103751735Who are Ghazi?Semi nomadic Turks, from the 10th century, who wanted to become Muslim2
103751736What happened in the Ottoman empire during 1326?The Ghazis took Bursa in Anatolia3
103751737What happened in the Ottoman empire during 1352?The Ghazis took Gallipoli4
103751738BursaIt became a major commercial and intellectual center5
103751739How many forces were the Ghazis seperated into? What types?2 forces; light cavalry with heavy armor, and volunteer infantry6
103751740Who was Osmen Bey?Chief of a band of semi-nomadic Turks who migrated in the 10th Century; Sultin7
103751741Who was Mehmed II?Ruler of two land: Asia and Europe; Ruler of Two seas: Black and Mediterranean; created absoulte monarchy; took over Serbia, Greece, Albania. Did not get Italy; Sultin who took over Constantinope in 14538
103751742Who was Selim the Grim?Sultin who occupied Syria and Egyptfrom 1512-15209
103751743Who was Suleyman the Magnificant?Sultin who gained SW Asia and Europe for Ottoman Empire; conquered Baghdad in 1534; Hungary in 1526; created a naval10
103751744Who founded the Safavid Emire? When?Shah Ismail; 149911
103751745Who was Shah Ismail?Shah whos army took control of Persia, Anatolia, Mesopotamia, and central Asia; religion was Twelver Shiism12
103751746Who won in the war between the Sunni Ottomans and the Shiite Safavids?Sunni Ottomanswon with gunpowder but did not take over the Safavids land13
103751747Who was Shah Abbas the Great?Shah who revitalized the Safavid Empire from 1588-1629; Encouraged trade,reformed administrative and military institution; took over NW Iran, the Caucasus, and Mesopotamia14
103751748Who was Babur?Ruler of the Mughal Empire; was muslim like the rest of the Mughal empires rulers15
103751749Who was Akbar the Great?Grandson of Babur; completed conquest of India; Government with tax code, legal system, and religious tolerence16
103751750Who was Aurangzeb?Akbar's great grandson; forced people to Islam, which weakened economy and led to empire's decline in the 1700s17
103751751Ottoman EmpireIn Iraq; ruler is Sultin18
103751752Safavid EmpireIn Iran; ruler is Shah19
103751753Mughal EmpireIn India; 1st capital-Agra(Taj Mahal), 2nd-Delhi; Traded cotton, Hinduism, Buddhism, women aristocrats awarded titles, architecture, painting, poetry; Hindu gods20
103751754Where did all the "Gunpowder Empires" come from?Base from Anatolia21
103751755Why did the empires fall?no gain of land through wars,diverse ethnic groups, no tachnological oreconomical advances22
103751756Who occupied Israel in palestine at the time of the Holy Roman Empire?the Jews(Hebrews)23
103751757DisporaWhen the Jews were taken over several times, most left for Europe and other regions; Jews were kicked out of Isreal for 1000 years+24
103751758Arthur BalfourBritains foreign Secraterywho was convinced by Zionists(Jewish Nationalists) that a Jewish Homeland in Palestine was desirable and just.25
103751759What happened during WW 2?Jews began migrating and 500,000 were in Palestine26
103751760What was created in 1948?a Jewish state (country) and 2 Palestines were made; one named Israel27
103751761Who won the attack from the Arab countries in 1948 and the Six Day War in 1967?Israel; in Six Day War, West Bank- Jordan and Sinai Peninsula were gained.28
103751762Which groups have been fighting over territory for a long time?Israel and PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization)29

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