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Beta-1 act primarily on heart. Beta-2 act primarily on lungs.
Atropine used to treat bradycardia.
Asthma Block (heart block) COPD Diabetes mellitus Electrolyte (hyperkalemia)
Digitalis (.5-1.5) Toxicity = 2. Lithium (.6-1.2) Toxicity = 2. Theophylline (10-20) Toxicity = 20. Dilantin (10-20) Toxicity = 20. APAP (1-30) Toxicity = 200.
Bradycardia & hypotension Anorexia Diminished pupilary size Analgesia Miosis Euphoria Respiratory depression Increased smooth muscle activity (biliary tract constriction) Constipation Ameliorate cough reflex Nausea and vomiting Sedation
Glycerol Urea Mannitol
ACE inhibitors Beta blockers Calcium antagonists Diuretics (sometimes vasoDilators also)
K-sparing diuretics Beta blockers ACE inhibitors NSAIDs K supplements
Cataracts Up all night (sleep disturbances) Suppression of HPA axis Hypertension/ buffalo Hump Infections Necrosis (avascular) Gain weight Striae Bone loss (osteoporosis) Acne Diabetes Myopathy, moon faces Depression and emotional changes
Air into NPH Air into Regular Draw up Regular Draw up NPH
Norepinephrene is secreted by the Sympathetic Acetylcholine is secreted by the Parasympathetic
Loop diuretics Osmotics Thiazides Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors Aldosterone inhibitors Na (sodium) channel blockers
Amiodarone Cimetidine Aspirin Dapsone Erythromycin Metronidazole Indomethacin Clofibrates Quinidine Azapropazone Ciprofloxacin Statins
Dose Route Time Patient Med
Appearance: cyanosis--peripheral, central, none Pulse: pulse rate Grimace: response to stimulation Activity: movement of the baby (muscle tone) Respiration: respiratory rate
Hepatitis A and E transmitted by fecal-oral route.
Vertigo Ataxia Nystagmus Intention tremor Slurred (or Staccato) speech Exagerrated broad based gait Hypotonic reflexes Dysdiadochokinesia.
Troponin CK-MB AST LDH1
1 Day: Rubella 2 Days: Scarlet fever/ Smallpox 3 Days: Chickenpox 4 Days: Measles (and see the Koplik spots one day prior to rash) 5 Days: Typhus & rickettsia (this is variable) 6 Days: Nothing 7 Days: Enteric fever (salmonella)
emPhysema has letter P (and not B) so Pink Puffer. chronic Bronchitis has letter B (and not P) so Blue Bloater.
Diuretics Alcohol Renal disease Kicked (trauma) · And, the attack occurs most often at night [thus "dark"].
Left Atrium: Bicuspid Right Atrium: Tricuspid
From I to XII: Sensory Sensory Motor Motor Both Motor Both Sensory Both Both Motor
Appendicitis/ Abscess PID/ Period Pancreatitis Ectopic/ Endometriosis Neoplasia Diverticulitis Intussusception Crohns Disease/ Cyst (ovarian) IBD Torsion (ovary) Irritable Bowel Syndrome Stones
-----CNS causes include HEAD: Hypoxia/ Hypoglycemia Epilepsy Anxiety Dysfunctional brain stem (basivertebral TIA) -----Cardiac causes are HEART: Heart attack Embolism (PE) Aortic obstruction (IHSS, AS or myxoma) Rhythm disturbance, ventricular Tachycardia -----Vascular causes are VESSELS: Vasovagal Ectopic (reminds one of hypovolemia) Situational Subclavian steal ENT (glossopharyngeal neuralgia) Low systemic vascular resistance (Addison's, diabetic vascular neuropathy) Sensitive carotid sinus
Electrolytes LBBB Early repolarization Ventricular hypertrophy Aneurysm Treatment (eg pericardiocentesis) Injury (AMI, contusion) Osborne waves (hypothermia) Non-occlusive vasospasm
PROlactin stimulates the mammary glands to PROduce milk. Oxytocin stimulates the mammary glands to Ooze (release) milk.
3A's: Three Airways: Airway obstruction, Anaphylaxis, Asthma 3P's: Three Pulmonary's: Pneumothorax, PE, Pulmonary edema 3C's: Three Cardiacs: Cardiogenic pulmonary edema, Cardiac ischemia, Cardiac tamponade 3M's: Three Metabolics: (DOC) DKA, Organophosphates (pesticides), Carbon monoxide poisoning
Prostate Thyroid Lung Kidney Breast
Central obesity/Comedones (acne) Urinary glucose increase Striae/ Suppressed immunity Hypercortisolism/ Hypertension/ Hyperglycemia/ Hirsutism Iatrogenic (Increased administration of corticosteroids) Noniatrogenic (Neoplasms) Glucose intolerance/ Growth retardation
Asthma Brochiectasis Chronic bronchitis Dyspnea [hallmark of group] Emphysema
Dilated superficial veins/ dscoloration Venography is gold standard Tenderness of thigh and calf
Vascular trauma Increased coagulability Reduced blood flow (stasis)
Acute tubular necrosis Vascular obstruction Infection Diffuse intravascular coagulation Glomerular disease Urinary obstruction Tubulointerstitial nephritis
Heat Induration Pain Edema Redness
Sugar (Glucocorticoids) Salt (Mineralcorticoids) Sex (Androgens)
Pain Paresthesia Paralysis Pulse Pallor (Paleness)
Daily Weight Intake and Output (I & O) Urine Output Response of BP Electrolytes Take Pulses Ischemic Episodes (TIA) Complications: 3C's (CAD, CHF, CVA)
Tetralogy of Fallot Truncus Arteriosus Tricuspid Atresia
Olfactory I Optic II Oculomotor III Trochlear IV Trigeminal V Abducens VI Facial VII Auditory (vestibulocochlear) VIII Glossopharyngeal IX Vagus X Spinal Accessory XI Hypoglossal XII
Rest Ice Compression Elevation
Temperature (Extremity, Infection) Ropes hang freely Alignment Circulation Check (5 P's) Type & Location of fracture Increase fluide intake Overhead trapeze No weights on bed or floor
Hemolysis Elevated Liver function tests Low Platelet count
Amniocentesis L/S Ratio Oxytocin test Non-Stress test Estriol level
Redness Edema Ecchymosis Discharge, Drainage Approximation
Choking Lie on back Evaluate Airway Feed Slowly Teaching -- Larger nipple opening Incidence increase in males Prevent crust formation and aspiration
Cane Opposite Affected Leg -- Walker With Affected Leg
Airway Breathing Circulation Disability Examine Fahrenheit Get Vitals Head to Toe Assessment Intervention
Allergies Medications Past Medical History Last Meal Events Surrounding Injury
Pulmonary Bronchial Constriction Possible Foreign Body Pulmonary Embolus Pneumothorax Pump Failure Pneumonia
Theophyline Dilantin Coumadin losone (Erythromycin)
Lidocaine Epinephrine Atropine Sulfate Narcan
Isoproterenol Dopamine Epinephrine Atropine Sulfate
Salivation Lacrimation Urination Defecation
Can't see (blurred vision) Can't spit (dry mouth) Can't pee (urinary retention) Can't **** (constipation)
Anemia Neutropenia Thrombocytopenia
Feeding difficulty Inspiratory Stridor Nares Flares Expiratory Grunting Sternal Retractions
Adrenergics (Albuterol) Steroids Theophylline Hydration (IV) Mask (Oxygen) Antibiotics
Tricuspid Pulmonic Mitrial Aortic
Morphine Oxygen Nitroglycerine ASA Thormbolytics Anti-Coagulants Stool Softeners
Upright Position Nitrates (in low dose) Lasix Oxygen Aminophylline Digoxin -- Fluids (decrease) Afterload (decrease) Sodium restriction Test (Dig level, ABGs, K level)
Drug and alcohol Eyes and ears Metabolic and endocrine disorders Emotional disorders Neurologic disorders Tumors and trauma Infection Arteriovascular disease
Alcohol Use Corticosteroid Use Calcium low E-trogen low Smoking Sedentary lifestyle/s
Acid-Base Problems Electrolyte Problems Intoxications Overload of fluids Uremic Symptoms
Banana Rice Apple Toasted Bread
Frequency Urgency Nocturia
Barley Rye Oats Wheat
Polyuria (excessive urination) Polydypsia (excessive thirst) Polyphagia (excessive hunger)
Kayexalate (orally/ enema) Insulin Na HCO3 Diuretics (Furosemide & Thiazides)
Medications - ACE inhibitors, NSAIDS Acidosis - Metabolic and respiratory Cellular destruction - Burns, traumatic injury Hypoaldosteronism, hemolysis Intake - Excesssive Nephrons, renal failure Excretion - Impaired
Muscle weakness Urine, oliguria, anuria Respiratory distress Decreased cardiac contractility ECG changes (peaked T at 6, prolonged PR at 7, absent P and wide QRS at 8-9) Reflexes, hyperreflexia, or areflexia (flaccid)
Fever (low grade), flushed skin Restless (irritable) Increased fluid retention and increased BP Edema (peripheral and pitting) Decreased urinary output, dry mouth
Convulsions Arrhythmias Tetany Spasms and stridor
Bleeding gums Ecchymoses (bruises) Epistaxis (nosebleed) Petechiae (tiny purplish spots)
Overflow incontinence (loss when specific volume reached) Urge incontinence (loss from contraction that follows strong, sudden need) Total incontinence (complete loss of urinary control, as from a nonfunctioning urethral sphincter muscle) Stress incontinence (loss of small amounts of urine when abdominal pressure increases through cough, sneeze, laugh)
Wind (pneumonia) Water (dehydration) Wound (infection, dehisence) Walking (PE) Wonder drug (wrong antibiotic)
Toxin or other lethal (cytotoxic) substance Infection Physical insult or injury Deficit, or lack of water, oxygen, or nutrients.
Change in bowel or bladder habits A sore that doesn't heal Unusual bleeding or discharge Thickening or lump Indigestion or difficulty swallowing Obvious changes in a wart or mole Nagging cough or hoarseness.
Atrial Pulmonic Erb's point Tricuspid Matrial
Sick- easier to get sick Sad-causes depression Sex-increases libido Salt-retains more and causes weight gain Sugar-raises blood sugar
Muscle Respiratory Digestive Integumentary Circulatory Endocrine Reproductive Urinary Nervous Skeletal
Stupor/coma Anorexia, N&V Lethargy Tendon reflexes decreased Limp muscles (weakness) Orthostatic hypotension Seizures/headache Stomach cramping
Breasts Uterus Bladder Bowel function Lochia Episiotomy Homan's sign Emotional Status Respiratory System
Hot and dry = sugar high Cold and clammy = need some candy
Lactic Uremic Salicylate Ketoacidosis
Starvation Alcohol DM
Kidney Neuropathy Infection Vascular (Cardio) Eyes Skin lesions
Renal failure Exogenous Pituitary Liver failure Alcohol Infection Neoplasm (insulinoma)
Cough Anaphylaxis Palpitations Taste Orthostatic↓BP Potassium (↑K+) Renal impairment Impotence Leucocytosis
Fat Fluid Feces Flatus Fetus
Amantadine Levodopa Bromocriptine MAO inhibitors
Drugs: opiates Drops: meds for glaucoma Nearly dead: damage in the pons area of the brainstem
Fear: panic, extreme anxiety Fits: seizures Fast Living: cocaine, crack, phencyclidine (PCP)
Delirium Restricted mobility, retention Infection, inflammation, impaction Polyuria, pharmaceuticals
Latch achieved by infant Audible swallow Type of nipple Comfort of mother Help given to mother with nursing
Follicle stimulating hormone Lutinizing hormone Adrenocorticotropin hormone Growth hormone Thyroid stimulating hormone Oxytocin Prolactin
Malignancy Diuretics (thiazide the main culprit) Parathyroid (hyperparathyroidism) Immobilization/ Idiopathic Megadoses of vitamins A,D Paget's disease Sarcoidosis Milk alkali syndrome Endocrine (Addison's disease, thyrotoxicosis)
Cushing is gushing cortisol. Addison's patient's cortisol doesn't add up.
Infection Ischaemia (cardiac, mesenteric) Infarction Ignorance (poor control) Intoxication (alcohol)
Dehydrated Ketones/ Kussmaul breathing/ K drops Acidosis
Diuretics Dehydration Diabetes insipidus Docs (iatrogenic) Diarrhea Disease: kidney, sickle cell, etc
Renin-angiotensin mechanism Na concentraton in blood ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide) Stress
Raynaud's Ischemia of a limb Pulmonary hypertension Erectile dysfunction Peptic ulcers Induce labor

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