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Mr. Cahill's vocabulary (FHS)

Vocab words from chapters 1-9. Good luck on the test tomorrow everyone!

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107805213abhorto regard with horror or loathing, to hate deeply.
107805214amendto change in a formal way for the better
107805215buffetto slap or cuff; to strike repeatedly
107805216chaosgreat confusion or disorder
107805217commodiousroomy, spacious
107805218corrosiveeating away gradually, acidlike. bitterly sarcastic
107805219discernto see clearly, recognize
107805220extantstill existing, not exterminated, destroyed or lost
107805221implicateto involve in, to connect with or be related to
107805222interto bury, to consign to oblivion
107805223martineta strict disciplinarian
107805224obviateto anticipate and prevent, remove, dispose of
107805225renegadeone who leaves a group (negative connotation)
107805226reprehensibledeserving blame or punishment
107805227somberdark, gloomy
107805228squalidfilthy, wretched
107805229turbulentdisorderly, riotous
107805230vociferousloud and noisy, compelling attention
107805231voluminousof great size, numerous
107805232waiveto do without, to give up voluntarily
107805233animositystrong dislike, bitter hostility
107805234apathya lack of feeling or interest
107805235apprehensivefearful or anxious
107805236commendto praise
107805237compatibleable to get along or work well together
107805238condolencean expression of sympathy
107805239consecreateto make sacred, to set apart for a special purpose
107805240decrepitold and feele
107805241derideto ridicule, laugh a with contempt
107805242ingenuousinnocent, simple, frank
107805243multifarioushaving great variety
107805244obsoleteout of date
107805245omnivorouseating every kind of food
107805246parsimoniousstingy, "cheap"
107805247quandarya state of perplexity or doubt
107805248recalcitrantstubbornly disobedient
107805249reprisalan injury done in return for injury. (payback)
107805250revelto take great pleasure in
107805251stultifyto make useless; cripple
107805252suavepleasing to the senses
107805253allocateto set apart or designate for a special purpose
107805254ardentvery enthusiastic, impassioned
107805256brashprone to act in a hasty manner
107805257capricioussubject to whims or passing fancies
107805258chastiseto scold severely
107805259copiousabundant, plentiful
107805260deviateto stray from a norm
107805261emaciatedmade unnaturally thin
107805262exultto rejoice greatly
107805263gnarledknotted, twisted, lumpy
107805264indemnitya payment for damage or loss
107805265inklinga hint
107805266limpidclear, transparent
107805267omnipotentalmighty, having unlimited power or authority
107805268palatableagreeable to one's tastes or senses
107805269poignantdeeply affecting, touching
107805270rancorbitter resentment, ill will
107805271sophomoricimmature but overconfident
107805272spontaneousarising naturally
107805273adversaryan oponent
107805274alienateto turn away
107805275artifacea skillful or clever trick
107805276coerceto compel, force
107805278culinaryrelated to cooking
107805279deleteto erase
107805280demisea death, usually of someone important
107805281exhilarateto enliven
107805282fallowplowed but not seeded, inactive
107805283harassto disturb with repeated attacks
107805284inclementstormy, harsh
107805285museto think about in a dreamy way
107805286negligableso unimportant that it can be disregarded
107805287perpetuateto make permanent
107805288precedentand example that serves as a basis for later actions
107805289punitiveinflicting or aiming at punishment
107805290redressto set right, remedy
107805291sojourna temporary stay
107805292urbanerefined in mannor or style
107805293adroitskillful with hands or mind
107805294amicablepeaceable, friendly
107805296belligerentgiven to fighting
107805297benevolentkindly, charitable
107805298cursoryhasty, not thorough
107805300extolto praise extravagantly
107805301feasibleable to be done
107805302grimacefacial distortion
107805303holocaustlarge-scale destruction, especially by fire
107805304imperviousnot affected or hurt by
107805305impetusmoving force
107805307meticulousextremely careful
107805308nostalgiaa longing for something past
107805309quintessencepurest form of something
107805310retrogressto move backwards
107805311scrutinizeto examine closely
107805312tepidlukewarm, unenthusiastic
107805313adulterateto corrupt
107805314ambidextriousto use both hands equally skillfully
107805315augmentto make larger, increase
107805316bereftdeprived of
107805317deployto position or arrange
107805318dourstern, unyielding
107805319fortitudecourage in facing difficulties
107805320gapeto stare at with open mouth
107805321gibeto utter taunting words
107805322guisean external appearance
107805323insidiousintended to deceive
107805324intimationa hint
107805326pliableeasily bent or flexible
107805327reiterateto say again, repeat
107805328stolidnot easily moved
107805329tentativeuncertain, hesitant
107805331verbatimword for word
107913125affiliatedassociated; connected
107913126acertainto find out
107913127attainmentan accomplishment; act of achieving
107913128bequeathto give or pass as an inheritance
107913129cogentforceful; convincing
107913130convergeto move towards one point
107913132esteem eto regard highly
107913133expungeto erase
107913134finitehaving limits
107913135invulnerablenot able to be wounded
107913136malevolentspiteful; showing ill will
107913137nonchalantcool and confident
107913138oniscientknowing everything
107913139panacearemedy for all ills
107913140scrupulousexact, careful, thorough
107913141skulkto move about stealthily
107913143uncannystrange, mysterious
107915687assentto express agreement
107915688benefactorone who does good to others
107915690chivalrousmarked by honor
107915692clemencymercy, humaneness
107915694dearthlack, scarcity
107915699discrepancya difference, lack of agreement
107915702embarkto make a start
107915705facileeasily done or attained
107915711infalliblefree from error
107915714plodto walk heavily or slowly
107915716pungentcausing a sharp sensation; stinging or biting
107915722reposeto rest
107915725temerityrashness, boldness
107915726truculentagressive and cruel
107915729unfeignedsincere, real
107915732virulentpoisonous, full of malice
107918548accedeto yield to
107918549brandishto wave or flourish in a menacing fashion
107918550compriseto include or contain
107918551deftnimble, skillful
107918552destitutedeprived of the necessities of life
107918553explicitdefinite; clearly stated
107918554extirpateto tear up by the roots, destroy completely
107918555inopportunecoming at a bad time
107918556ironicsuggestion an incongruity between what might be expected and what actually happens
107918557mustystale, moldy; out of date
107918559ominousunfavorable bad omen
107918560pinnaclea high point; peak
107918561premeditatedconsidered beforehand
107918562rampantgrowing without check, running wild
107918563solacecomfort, relief
107918564statelydignified, majestic
107918565supplebending easily
107918566suppressto stop by force
107918567venalmarked by corruption
122078660abjureto renounce
122078661acridharsh in taste or odor
122078663callousemotionally hardened
122078664clandestinesecret, underhanded
122078666conflagrationlarge fire
122078667elatedin high spirits
122078668indeliblenot able to be erased or removed
122078669indulgentyielding to the wishes or demands of others
122078670inveteratefirmly established, habitual
122078671irrelevantnot to the point
122078672nocturnaloccurring the night
122078673platitudea commonplace remark (cliche)
122078674quellput down forcibly
122078676ruminateto think about at length (like a cow)
122078677tacitunspoken, inferred
122078678tangiblecapable of being touched
122078679trenchantforceful, effective, cutting but true!
122078680alludeto refer to casually or indirectly
122078681clairvoyantsupernaturally perceptive
122078682conclusiveserving to settle an issue
122078683disreputablenot respectable
122078684endemicnative or confined to a particular region or people
122078685exemplaryworthy of imitation
122078686fathomto understand
122078687guiletreacherous cunning
122078689itinerarya route of travel
122078690misconstrueto interpret wrongly
122078691obnoxioushighly offensive
122078692placateto appease, soothe
122078693placidcalm peaceful
122078694plagiarismusing the writings of another person
122078696pretexta false reason
122078697protrudeto stick out
122078698starkharsh, desolate
122078699superficialon or near the surface; shallow
122078700acquiesceto accept without protest
122078701allureto entice, tempt
122078703blithecheerful, casual
122078705covetto desire something belonging to another
122078707disheveledrumpled, hanging in disorder
122078708exponentto who advocates
122078709garrulousgiven to much talking
122078710insuperableincapable of being overcome
122078711lamentableto be regretted or pitied
122078712misnomeran unsuitable or misapplied name
122078713professto affirm openly
122078714respitea period of rest
122078715retributiona repayment; deserved punishment
122078716sinuouswinding; flexible
122078717sonorousfull, deep; rich; impressive
122078718vanguardleading position in any field
122078719wastrela wasteful person; good-for-nothing
147674850antipathya strong dislike, hostile feeling
147674851applicablecapable of being applied; relevant
147674852assetsomething of value; a resource
147674853besetto attack from all sides
147674854compassionsympathy for another's suffering
147674855decorumproper behavior, good taste
147674856duresscompulsion by threat; forcible confinement
147674857exuberanthigh-sprited, enthusiastic
147674858facsimiliean exact copy
147674859imbibeto drink; take in
147674860implacablenot able to be pacified; unyielding
147674861infinitesimalso small as to be immeasurable
147674862innocuousharmless, inoffensive
147674863militateto have and effect on or force against someone
147674864patentexclusive rights over an invention
147674865prowessdistinguished bravery
147674866sedatequiet, settle
147674867stentorianextremely loud
147674868stipulateto arrange specifically, require as a condition of an agreement
147674869ultimatuma final proposal
147674870alacritya cheerful readiness
147674871alleviateto relieve, make more bearable
147674872antithesisthe direct opposite
147674873appallto fill with dismay or horror
147674874bellicosewarlike in manner, quarrelsome
147674875dispargeto belittle, undervalue
147674876dissonantnot in harmony
147674877drollamusingly odd
147674878edictan order issued
147674879elucidateto clarify, explain
147674880laudto praise
147674881lollto act in a lazy manner
147674883magnanimousgenerous in forgiving
147674886phlegmaticslow-moving, sluggish
147674887rescindto repeal, cancel
147674888vivaciouslively, full of energy
147674889whetto sharpen
147674890abrasivecausing irritation
147674891acclimateto adapt to a new climate
147674892chagrinirritation or humiliation caused by disappointment or frustration
147674894concurto express agreement, approve
147674895defamationto slander or libel
147674896explicateto make clear
147674897fracasa noisy quarrel
147674898grotesqueunnatural, distorted
147674899pandemoniuma wild uproar
147674900raucousdisagreeably harsh-sounding; disorderly
147674901receptiveopen and responsive to ideas
147674902renounceto give up something
147674903repressto hold back; to put down by force
147674904reticentnot inclined to speak
147674905savorytasty; not sweet; inoffensive
147674906somnolentsleepy, drowsy
147674907vehementintense, forceful
147674908volublewell-spoken, fluent
147674909zealouseager, ernest

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