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Mr. Chapman East Freshman - French Revolution

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228931127Bourgeoisiethe middle class
228931128Deficit Spendinggovernment practice of spending more than it takes in from taxes
228931130Émigrénobles and others who left France during peasant uprisings and who hoped to come back to the old system
228931131Republica form of government in which citizens elect representatives to speak or act for them
228931132Suffragethe right to vote
228931133Nationalisma strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country
228931134SecularConcerned with worldly rather than religious matters
228931135Plebiscitea direct vote in which a country's people have the opportunity to approve or reject a proposal
228931136Annexto add a territory onto an existing state or country
228931137Blockadethe shutting of a port to keep people or supplies from moving in or out
228931138Guerrilla Warfarea hit-and-run technique used in fighting a war; fighting by small bands of warriors using tactics such as sudden ambushes
228931139Abdicateto give up power
228931140LegitimacyPrinciple by which monarchies that had been unseated by the French Revolution or Napoleon were restored
228931141Cahierslist of grievances drawn up by delegates going to the meeting of the estates general
228931142Tennis Court Oathvow by members of the 3rd estate not to disband until a constitution was written
228931143National Assemblya French congress established by representatives of the Third Estate on June 17, 1789, to enact laws and reforms in the name of the French people
228931144BastilleThe political prison and armory stormed on July 14, 1789, by Partisian city workers alarmed by the king's concentration of troops at Versailles
228931145Declaration of Plinitzking of Prussia and emperor of Austria issue declaration threatening to intervene to protect french monarchy.
228931146Great FearThe panic and insecurity that struck French peasants in the summer of 1789 and led to their widespread destruction of manor houses and feudal documents.
228931147Tri colorred, white, and blue badge worn by members of the National Guard that was eventually adopted as the national flag of France
228931148JacobinsVery radical political club that wanted a republic for France Also responsible for the execution of the king
228931149Committee of Public SafetyCreated by the National Convention, 12 people, had almost absolute power, battled to protect the revolution, and prepared France for war by ordering all citizens to join the war-effort, responsible for executing up to 40,000 French deemed as traitors to the revolution
228931150DirectoryPhase 3 - A group of 5 men who were given executive control of France following the Reign of Terror
228931151ConsulatePhase 4 - government established in France after the overthrow of the Directory in 1799, with Napoleon as first consul in control of the entire government
228931152Concordat of 1801Napoleon's agreement with Catholic Church, Church under state control but recognized religious freedom
228931153Napoleonic Codea comprehensive and uniform system of laws established for France by Napoleon. Preserved many of the rights of the people gained by the revolution.
228931154Battle of Trafalgaran 1805 naval battle in which Napoleon's forces were defeated by a British fleet under the command of Horatio Nelson. Ended Napoleon's plans to invade Britain.
228931155WaterlooThe site of Napoleon's defeat by British and Prussian armies in 1815, which ended his last bid for power
228931156Quadruple AllianceAlliance between Prussia, Austria, Russia, and Great Britian. Pledged to act together to maintain balance of power and surpress revolutionary uprisings following the French Revolution.
228931157Louis XVIKing of France (1774-1792). In 1789 he summoned the Estates-General, due to the French financial crisis. His failure to enact reform would led to the French Revolution. Louis and his wife, Marie Antoinette, were executed in 1793.
228931158Neckerfinancial expert of Louis XVI, he advised Louis to reduce court spending, tax the first and second estates, abolish tarriffs on internal trade in order to avoid bankruptcy
228931159LafayetteFrench soldier who fought alongside the Americans in the Revolutionary War and then commanded the French National Guard during the French Revolution
228931160Marie Antoinettequeen of France (wife of Louis XVI) who was unpopular. Known as "madame deficit" due to her lavish spending.
228931161RobespierreA French political leader of the 18th century. A Jacobin, a radical leader of the French Revolution. Headed the Committee of Public Safety, responsible for the Reign of Terror, was later executed.
228931162Dr. Guillotinintroduced the Guillotin as a more humane way of beheading, Equality of Punishment
228931163NapoleonEmperor of France; he seized power in a coup d'état in 1799; he led French armies in conquering much of Europe, placing his relatives in positions of power. Defeated at the Battle of Waterloo, he was exiled on the island of Elba
228931164Metternichthe most influential figure at the Congress of Vienna; wanted to restore the status quo of 1792
228931165CastlereaghBritish prime minister who was the representative at the Congress of Vienna who sought a European balance of power, in which no single state or combination of states would dominate Europe.
228931166TalleyrandFrench diplomat who attended the Congress of Vienna on behalf of King Louis XVIII; He tried to get France the best deal possible
228931167First EstateThey consisted of the Roman Catholic Clergy; they received special privileges and paid no direct taxes. Made up less than 1% of the French population.
228931168Second EstateThe estate that consisted of the noblility, and high-positioned government officials. They made up less than 2% of the French population.
228931169Third EstateLargest of the Three Estates, made up of Bourgeoisie, Peasants, and Urban Workers. Had the least money and power but paid the virtually all of the taxes.
228931170National Assembly PhaseFirst phase of the French Revolution 1789-1791. Moderate Phase that attempted to reform French government and society.
228931171Moderate PhaseFirst Phase of French Revolution. 1789-1791. Key points: Tennis Court Oath, Storming the Bastille, the Declaration of the Rights of Man, Civil Constitution of the Clergy, Constitution of 1791
228931172Radical PhaseSecond phase of the French Revolution 1792-1794, Radicals gain control of National Assembly becoming the National Convention. The Monarchy is abolished, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette executed, Committee of Public Safety created, Reign of Terror
228931173The DirectoryThird Phase of the French Revolution 1795-1799, Constitution of 1795 written, Five Man Directory established Overthrown by Napoleon.
228931174Age of NapoleonFourth phase of the Revolution 1799-1815. Napoleon overthrows the Directory, establishes the Consulate, names himself 1st consul then "consul for life", eventually becomes "Emperor of the French"
229974419Nepotismfavoritism shown to relatives or close friends by those in power (as by giving them jobs)
229974420Congress of Viennaa series of meetings in 1814-1815, during which the European leaders sought to establish long-lasting peace, restore balance of power, protect the system of monarchy
229974421Continental SystemNapoleon's efforts to block foreign trade with England by forbidding Importation of British goods Into Europe.

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