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Mr Steer's Final Exam Flashcards

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112430793civilizationhighly organized society0
112430794radiocarbon datingscientific technique that measures the rate of decay in organic matter1
112430795glacierlarge, slowly moving mass of snow and ice2
112430796nomadwanderer who travels from place to place in search of food3
112430797historyrecord of events since people first developed writing4
112430798culturewhat a human group develops through living together5
112430799anthropologistresearcher who studies the skeletal remains of early people6
112430800artifactmaterial object shaped by a human being7
112430801artisanskilled craft worker8
112430802irrigationproviding water by means of canals and ditches9
112430803monsoonseasonal wind named for the direction in which it blows or the season in which it occurs10
112430804citadelstrong central fortress11
112430805epiclong poem describing heroes and great events12
112430806caste systemform of social organization in which groups of people are divided into distinct classes13
112430807rajaIndian prince14
112430808stupahemispherical, or dome-shaped, shrine15
112430809yogaphysical and mental discipline harmonizing body and soul16
112430810BrahminIndian priest17
112430811karmapositive or negative force generated by a person's actions, which will determine the person's status in the next life18
112430812monismbelief that God and humans are one19
112430813rhetoricthe study of public speaking and debating20
112430814polisGreek word for city-state21
112430815democracygovernment in which all citizens participate22
112430816popular governmentthe idea that people could and should rule themselves rather than be ruled by others23
112430817terracingcreating small, flat plots of land by building low walls and filling the space behind them with soil24
112430818meticnon-Athenian who was free but could not own land or take part in government25
112430819helotagricultural laborer who was a member of the lowest class in Sparta26
112430820mythtraditional story about the deeds of gods and goddesses27
112430821tyrantruler who seizes power by force28
112430822aristocracypriveliged ruling class29
112430823Phillip II of Macedoniaconqueror of Greece and father of Alexander the Great30
112430824Herodotusfather of history and the first great historian of the western world31
112430825Hippocratesfounder of medicine who taught that all disease comes from natural causes32
112430826Platogreek philosopher who wrote the Republic33
112430827ArchimedesGreek mathemetician who invented the compound pulley and built machines with levers34
112430828Sophoclesauthor of the Greek tragedy Oedipus Rex35
112430829Phidiassculptor who designed the statue of Zeus at the Temple of Olympia36
112430830Socratesgreat teacher who was sentenced to death for criticizing Greek democracy and leadership37
112430831EratosthenesHellenistic geographer who calculatedthe circumference of Earth with amazing accuracy38
112430832Euclidmathematician who developed geometry into a system and wrote the textbook Elements39
112430833Patricianmember of the powerful aristocratic class in the Roman Republic40
112430834checks and balancesdivision of power that prevents any one part of the government from becoming too powerful41
112430835anarchyabscence of any government at all42
112430836indemnitymoney paid for war damages43
112430837republicform of government in which voters elect their leaders44
112430838inflationrise in prices caused by a decrease in the value of the exchange medium45
112430839consulone of two chief executives who ran the government and who was also an army commander46
112430840patriarchbishop of one of those cities that served as administrative centers for the church47
112430841plebiancitizen of the Roman Republic who was not a patrician48
112430842vetoto refuse to approve49
112430843Ice Agefour cold-weather periods lasting from 50,000 to 110,000 years50
112430844Neanderthalfirst people to believe in a god or gods51
112430845Cro-Magnoncreated paintings in caves in southern France and Spain52
112430846Dog domesticationStone Age53
112430847four river valleyswhere civilization first developed54
112430848copperfirst metal to be used55
112430849division of laborone of the characteristics of a civilization56
112430850Menesunited Egypt around 3200 B.C.57
112430851Tigris and Euphratesimportant rivers that flow from Turkey to the Persian Gulf58
112430852Mosesled Hebrew people out of slavery in Egypt59
112430853Sumeriansfirst to write on clay tablets with a stylus60
112430854Amonmost important god of ancient Egypt61
112430855Hittitesfirst to use iron for weapons62
112430856Chaldeansbuilt the palace of Nebuchadnezzar63
112430857Judaismsystem of laws and religious faith developed by the Hebrews64
112430858Code of Hammurabicontrolled all aspects of life in Babylonia65
112430859Mohenjo-Daro and Harappaprovide info about Indus Valley civilizations66
112430860Deccaninterior region of the Indian subcontinent67
112430861Vedasgreat literature of the Indo-Aryan religion68
112430862reincarnationrebirth of the soul69
112430863Hinduismmajor religion of India70
112430864Indo-Aryansoverran northwestern India in 1750 B.C.71
112430865Chandragupta Mauryaunited northwestern India up to the Hindu Kush72
112430866Ajantasite of famous cave paintings73
112430867untouchablesimpure in Indian society74
112430868dynastic cyclerise and fall of successive families of rulers in China75
112430869Shang priestswrote questions on oracle bones76
112430870Qin dynastyestablished autocracy77
112430871Civil Service Examtaken by prospective individuals who wanted to work in civil service positions78
112430872Wu Diestablished the Han dynasty and the Pax Sinica79
112430873legalistsbelieved in power and harsh laws80
112430874Five Classicsexpected to be learned by well-brought-up young men81
112430875Aegean Seaseparated the Balkan Peninsula and Asia Minor82
112430876Cretesite of Minoans83
112430877Greek city-stateshad acropolis and agora84
112430878Iliad & Odysseywritten by Homer85
112430879Athenian democracygave ppower to the common people86
112430880battle at Plateain 479 B.C. ended the Persian Wars87
112430881commercial rivalrieshelped cause the Peloponnesian War88
112430882Age of Periclesperiod of power and prosperity for Athens89
112430883characteristics of Greek artexpressed in the ideals of harmony, balance, order, and moderation90
112430884Hellenizedto become assimilated into Greek culture91
112430885Octaviandefeated Antony and Cleopatra's fleet92
112430886First TriumvirateCaesar, Pompey, and Crassus93
112430887Senatemost powerful part of Roman government94
112430888Twelve TablesRoman law95
112430889Marcus Aureliuslast of the good emperors96
112430890Cyril and Methodiusbrought Christianity to the Slavs97
112430891Justinianic Codeorganized by Byzantine scholars98
1124308921453end of the Byzantine Empire99
112430893Kievlocated on the Dnieper river100
112430894peasantsKievan society101
112430895Moscowin 1300 became strongest principality in eastern Europe102
112430896Ivan Itook the title of czar103

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