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Mrs. Kuntz Literary Terms PAGE 2

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seize the day
a cleansing of the spirit brought about by the pity and terror of a dramatic tragedy
a highly regarded work of literature or other art form that has withstood the test of time
deriving from the orderly qualities of ancient Greek and Roman culture; implies formality, objectivity, simplicity, and restraint
the high point, or turning point, of a story
a tale in which a young protagonist experiences an introduction to adulthood
a witty or ingenious thought often stated in figurative language
the suggested or implied meaning of a word or phrase
the repetition of two or more consonant sounds in a group of words or a line of poetry
a pair of rhyming lines in a poem... in iambic pentameter
the dictionary definition of a word
the resolution that occurs at the end of a play or work of fiction
in literature, the use of an artificial device or gimmic to solve a problem
the choice of words in oral/written discourse
refers to sensual, pleasure seeking impulses
a circmstance in which the audience or reader knows more than a character
a poem or prose selection that laments or meditates on the passing or death of something or someone of value
three periods indicating the omission of words in a thought or quotation
a sentence containing a deliberate omission of words
a feeling of association with an ojbect
a term that describes a line of poetry that ends with a natural pause
in poetry, the used of succesive lines with no punctuation or pause between them
an extended narrative poem that tells of the adventures and exploits of a hero that is generally larger than life nd is often considered a legendary figure
a concise but ingenious, witty, and thoughtful statement
pleasing, harmonious sounds
an adjective or phrase that expresses a striking quality of a person or thing
a term for the title character of a work of literature
a mild or less negative usage for a harsh or blunt term
a detailed analysis or interpretation of a work of literature
a piece of writing that reveals weaknesses, faults, frailties
the background and events that lead to the presentation of the main idea or purpose
the interpretation of analysis of a text
a series of comparisons between two unlike objects
a short tale often featuring nonhuman characters that act as people whose actions enable the author to make observations or draw useful lessons about human behavior
the action in the play or story that occurs after the climax and that leads to the conclusion
a story containing uneal, imaginary features
a comedy that contains an extravagant and nonsensical disregard of seriousnss, althougt it may have a serious, scournful purpose
implies meanings.. metaphors, similies, personification

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