If you were absent, or just want the full definition she gave us in class, (with the etymology, and big words to be held accountable for) here you go!
230789642 | ignominy | [L. ig-not + nomen-name] (n) shame, disgrace; dishonor, degradation | |
230789643 | caprice | (n) whim; vagary; a sudden unpredictable change of one's mind; the tendency to change one's mind without apparent or adequate motive | |
230789644 | capricious | (adj) fanciful, whimsical, erratic | |
230789645 | physiognomy | [Gk. physio-natural order + gnomon-interpreter] (n) the "science" (popular at various times throughout history; now disproven) of determining a person's character from the physical features of his/her face or body; a person's face, when used as an index to his/her character | |
230789646 | incredulous | [L. in-not + credere-to believe] (adj) skeptical, doubtful, unwilling or unable to believe; showing disbelief (ant.: credulous: gullible, willing to believe) | |
230789647 | eminence | [L.eminere-to stick out] (n) high station, rank, or repute; outstanding reputation; distinction, renown; high elevation; a title of honor for cardinals (not to be confused with imminence) | |
230789648 | sojourn | [Fr. jour-day] (n) a temporary stay (not necessarily one day) (vi) to stay somewhere temporarily | |
230789649 | abash | (vt) to destroy (someone's) confidence; to shame, humiliate, humble, abase, degrade | |
230789650 | purport | (v) to claim or profess, to present the appearance of being; to convey, express, or imply (n) the meaning, import, or sense; a purpose or intention | |
230789651 | mien | (n) demeanor, air, manner, deportment, or bearing; the affect created by one's behavior and appearance | |
230789652 | superfluous | [L. super-over + fluere-to flow] (adj) excessive, extra, unnecessary; being more than what is needed | |
230789653 | edifice | (n) a building, especially one of large size or imposing appearance; any large, complex system or organization | |
230789654 | peremptory | (adj) leaving no opportunity for denial or refusal; imperative, dictatorial, decisive, authoritative, bossy, demanding | |
230789655 | auspicious | (adj) propitious, promising, encouraging, favored by fortune, likely to turn out well, boding good things (ant.: ominous) | |
230789656 | vivify | [L. vivere-to live] (v) to give live to, animate; to enliven, brighten | |
230789657 | penitent | (adj) repentant, contrite, remorseful, sorry for having sinned and seeking atonement (n) a person who confesses sin and submits to a penance | |
230789658 | congenial | (adj) pleasant, agreeable; well-suited, compatible | |
230789659 | imbibe | [L. bibere-to drink] (v) to drink | |
230789660 | progenitor | [L. pro-forth, before + gen-to create] (n) ancestor; precursor, that which originates something and serves as a model | |
230789661 | retribution | (n) vengeance, revenge, payback, justice, requital of evil acts; in theology, the distribution of rewards and punishments in an afterlife | |
230789662 | indict | (vt) to charge (one) with committing a crime; to accuse, castigate, criticize |