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Must Know AP world People Flashcards

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169093869Hammurabi1700s BCE---Semitic Amorite---Law Code and expanded Amorite, Law Code--Babylon0
169093870Confucius551-479 BCE---Kongzi/Government Official---Confucianism (Morality)---Zhou China1
169093871Hatshepsut1400s BCE---Queen of Egypt---first/only female ruler of Egypt; period of expansion---Egypt2
169093872Akhenaten1300s BCE---King of Egypt---Attempts to make Aten god supreme; sometimes credited with invention of monotheism; new art; moved capital; Tut = succesor---Egypt3
169093873Ramsesses II1200s BCE---King of Egypt---many building projects, and keeps Hittites back with battles and peace---Egypt4
169093874Cyrus550 BCE---King of Persian Empire---Unites Persian tribes, overthrow Median monarchy, founder of Persian Empire---Persia5
169093875Darius I522-486 BCE---Persian King---Expands Persian Empire to Indus Valley and into Europe, near Greece---Persia6
169093876Herodotus400s BCE---Anatolian Author---historian writing on cause of Persian/Greek war-"Father of History"---Southwest Anatolia7
169093877Socrates470-399 BCE---Sculptor/Philosopher---"Knew he knew nothing", "corrupts youth of Athens and not believing gods of city", "Sophist teachings"---Greece8
169093878Alex the Great323 BCE---Macedonian Emperor/King---Builds massive empire, defeats Persian empire, spreads Greek culture---Macedonia/Greece9
169093879Augustus/Octavianaround 000s BCE and CE---Roman Emperor---Roman Expansion, and solidifies idea of a Roman Empire---Roman Empire10
169093880Jesus000s CE---Jewish leader---Founder of Christianity---Israel/Palestinian part of Roman Empire11
169093881Paul00s CE---Jew---Spreading Christianity to non-jews---Palestine/Anatolia/Greece12
169093882Constantine300s CE---Roman Emperor---Reunites Roman Empire and establishes Christianity as religion, Edict of Milan = Freedom of Religion---Roman Empire13
169093883Shi Huangdi200s BCE---Qin Emperor---Begins Great Wall, strengthens Legalist philosophy, Unites China, etc...---China14
169093884BuddhaBCE---Siddhartha Gautama/Indian Prince---Buddhism religion---India15
169093885Ashoka200s BCE---Mauryan Emperor---Expands empire, Buddhism spread, and religious toleration in Gov't--- India16
169093886MuhammadCE---Merchant---Founder of Islam---Arabia-Mecca/Medina---17
169093887Charlemagne700s CE---Emperor of Franks---Massive empire all over Europe, also sets precedent of ties between emperors and pope, also starts brief intellectual revival---Germany/Europe18
169093888Vladimir I900sCE---Novogrod Ruler exiled---Prince of Kievan Russia, Some spread of Slavic Religion (not Christianity), Rejects Islam and Judaism, but eventually spreads Orthodox Christianity in Russia---Kievan Russia19
169093889Genghis Khan1200s CE---Mongolian Emperor---Mongolian Empire---Mongolian Empire (China, Russia, Middle East)20
169093890Timur1336-1405 CE---member of Mongols' Jagadai Khanate family---gains control over Central Asia, spreads Sunni Islam, descendants found Mughal Empire in India---Mongolian Central Asia21
169093891Ivan III1462-1505 CE----Prince of Moscow---autocratic ruler in late 1400s, founds term Tsar in Russia---Russia22
169093892Nasir Al-Din Tusi1200s CE---Persian mathematician/cosmologist---provides model for movements of planets for Copernican system---Persia/Tabriz23
169093893Rashid al-Dindied in 1318---Adviser to Il-Khan ruler of Ghazan---Advised Il-Khan to convert to Islam----Ghazan24
169093894Alexander Nevsky1200s---Russian national hero/Saint---Drives back Teutonic Knights, collaborated with Golden Horde to preserve area---Russia/Golden Horde/Novgorod25
169093895Khubilai Khan1200s---Russian national hero/Saint---Drives back Teutonic Knights, collaborated with Golden Horde to preserve area---Russia/Golden Horde/Novgorod26
169093896Yongle1400s---Emperor of Ming empire---built forbidden city, encyclopedia project, Zheng He voyages, reopens Chinese borders for trade/travel---Ming China27
169093897Zheng HeLate 1300s and early 1400s---Muslim imperial Eunuch---Explores Indian Ocean, SE Asia, Africa---Ming China28
169093898Ibn BattutaLate 1300s and early 1400s---Muslim imperial Eunuch---Explores Indian Ocean, SE Asia, Africa---Ming China29
169093899Mansa Musa1300s---Ruler of Mali---Travels to Egypt and Mecca, spreading reputation of wealth in Mediterranean world---Mali and Islamic areas30
169093900Moctezuma1466-1520---Last Aztec Emperor---Aztec emperor overthrown by Hernandez Cortes---Aztec empire-Central America31
169093901Henry the Navigator1394-1460---Portuguese prince---promotes study of navigation, directs voyages to W. Coast of Africa---Portugal/Africa32
169093902AtahualpaEarly 1500s---Last Incan emperor of Peru---Executed by Spanish-Fall of Incan empire---Incan Empire/Andes33
169093903Martin Lutherearly 1500s---German Monk---Protestant Reformation/Founder of Protestants---Germany and etc.34
169093904John Calvin1500s---French theologist---Calvinism (predestined salvation)---France/Etc35
169093905Henry VIIIEarly 1500s---English King---Anglican Church---England36
169093906CHarles V1519-1556---Holy Roman Emperor---Habsburg family, stops Ottoman advance in Vienna, attempts to centralize empire but fails---Germany/Europe37
169093907Louis XIVLate 1500s?---King of France---Revokes Edict of Nantes (Nantes originally guaranteed religious freedom), attempts to expand France's borders---France38
169093908Copernicus40. Copernicus---1473-1543---Polish monk/mathematician---Copernican model-Heliocentric---Poland/Europe39
169093909Galileo1564-1642---Astronomer---Heliocentric theory, telescope, and discovery of other planets/moons---Europe40
169093910Bartolommeo des las Casas1474-1566---Spanish missionary/historian---first to criticize oppression of Native Americans by Europeans---Spain/Central America41
169093911Elizabeth I1558-1603---Queen of England---Elizabethan Age, Female Ruler, defeats Spanish Armada, Shakespeare, Joint Stock companies---England42
169093912Akbar1556-1605---Indian Ruler---Unifies India, religious toleration (Islam/Hinduism), eliminates head tax on Hindus, attempts to eliminate sati---India/Mughal Empire43
169093913Babur1526---Mongolian Ruler---Invades India, and establishes Mughal Empire---India/Mughal Empire44
169093914Shah Abbas the Great1587-1629---Safavid Ruler---Most renowned ruler of Safavid Dynasty in Iran, moves capital to Isfahan---Iran/Safavid45
169093915Aurangzeb1618-1707---"Last of Great Mughal Emperor in India"---Expands empire to max, revokes policy of religious toleration, executes Sikh leader---India46
169093916Suleiman the Magnifiscent1494-1566---Ottoman emperor---Significantly expands empire, Golden Age, Lays siege on Vienna---Ottoman Empire47
169093917Tokugawa ieyasu1543-1616---Japanese Shogun---Gov't founds Tokugawa Shogunate-Roads = trade, Tokyo = capital, Political unity, but regional lords still have much power, samurai = more educated, murch art, etc...---Japan48
169093918Kangxi1654-1722---Qing emperor---oversees greatest expansion of Qing empire---China49
169093919Peter the Great1672-1725--- Russian tsar---introduces Western languages/technologies to Russian elite, moves capital from Moscow to Petersburg---Russia50
169093920Benjamin Franklin1706-1790---American printer, author, diplomat, philosopher, scientist---Contributes to American Revolution and federal government (help write Dec. o/ Independence, treaty of paris, influences French rev. , attempts to abolish slavery)---America51
169093921Joseph Brant1742-1807---Mohawk Chief/Friend of British---Spreads Christianity by translating it into Mohawk language, aids British in French and Indian War, fights against Americans---Eastern Woodlands/America52
169093922Maxmillien Robespierre1758-1794---French Lawyer/Political Leader---French revolution and Reign of Terror, Jacobin Club---France53
169093923Napoleon1769-1821---Emperor of France---Expands France, Napoleonic code, "Constitution"---France/Europe54
169093924Tossaint L' Ouverture1743-1803---Haitian General---Leads only successful anti-slavery rebellion---Haiti55
169093925Adam Smith1723-1790---British philosopher/economist---Wealth of Nations---Britain/World56
169093926Josiah Wedgewood1700s---Potter/Founder of Wedgewood company---Industrialization of pottery---England/World57
169093927Richard Arkwright1700s---Spinning/Water frame, carding engine converts cotton into yarn---England/World58
169093928James WattIndustrial Revolution1700s-early 1800s---Inventor/Engineer---Steam Engine designer--- Scotland/World59
169093929Muhammad Ali1800s-1849---Ottoman Viceroy of Egypt---Defends against British, eliminates Mamluks, expands empire, and secedes from Ottoman empire---Egypt/Ottoman Empire60
169093930Simon Bolivar1783-1830---South American revolutionary, military and political leader---major figure in independence of multiple Latin American countries, and attempted to create a federation of Latin American states---South America61
169093931Hidalgo y Costilla1753-1811---Mexican priest/revolutionary---major leader in Mexican independence--Mexico62
169093932Morelos1765-1815---Mexican priest---leads Mexican independence after Costilla = captured---Mexico63
169093933Andrew jacksonEarly 1800s---US President---political era where end of domination by planter and commercial aristocracy in Virginia and New England, also trail of tears---USA64
169093934Benito Juarez1806-1872---National Hero/President of Mexico---liberal reforms, reduction of Catholic Church's influence in Mexico---Mexico65
169093935Shaka1787-1828---Zulu Warrior chief---Sets mfecane in motion-A period of war/forced migrations of South Africans and builds up Zulu army---South Africa66
169093936QUeen Victoriaearly 1800s-1901---Queen of the UK---Victorian age-rise of middle class, conservative morality, also British empire expands---UK/British Empire67
169093937MahmudVery late 1600s-mid 1700s---Sultan of Ottoman Empire---attempts to modernize Ottoman army with firearms/etc, loses territory to Iran and Russia---Ottoman empire68
169093938Nicholas IILate 1800s-1917---Last emperor of Russia---Period marked by more conflicts between rich and poor, bloody Sunday, etc..---Russia69
169093939Karl Marx1800s---German political leader/influential thinker---Communist manifesto---Germany/All70
169093940Otto Von Bismarck---Late 1800s---First German Chancellor---Unites Germany into a strong industrialized nation, facilitates scramble for Africa---Germany71
169093941William IILate 1800s and early 1900s---Emperor of Germany/King of Prussia---dismisses Bismarck, industrializes Germany, facilitates scramble for Africa---Germany72
169093942Empress Dowager Cixi1860s to very early 1900s---Virtual Ruler of China---against some modernization, pro-boxer rebellion, then pro-modernization, grants constitution---China73
169093943Matthew Perryearly to mid 1800s---American Naval Officer---supervises construction of steam ships, veteran of Mexican war, goes to japan and china, ends Japanese isolation---Japan/China/USA74
169093944Cecil RhodesMid 1800s-1902---British Colonial statesman/financier---Found diamonds in Cape Colony-facilitating scramble for Africa---Africa/Britain/Eruope75
169093945Franz FerdinandFranz Ferdinand---1863-1914---Archduke of Austria---assassinated starting WWI---Austria/World76
169093946Woodrow WilsonEarly 1900s---US president during WWI---creates League of Nations, reforms for better standard of living---USA77
169093947Lenin1910s---Russian political leader---Russian communism-redistribution of land, economic growth, pulled out of WWI---Russia78
169093948Sun Yat-sen1911---Chinese Revolutionary Leader---Helps overthrow Qing dynasty, establishes Guomindang and Republic of China---China79
169093949Chiang Kaishek1911-1949---Chinese Republic Leader---helps form Guomindang and Republic of China, leads war against Chinese communism but brutal tactics and Long March creates PRC---China80
169093950Margaret Sangerearly 1900s---Leader of birth-control movement---spreads info on birth control and STDs81
169093951Einsteinearly to mid 1900s---German scientist (lived in USA)---Relativity, supported atomic bomb (BUT DIDN'T BUILD IT), Photoelectric effect, support of Quantum mechanics, Photons---USA/Germany82
169093952Stalin30s and 40s---Soviet Dictator---Industrializes Russia, WWII, communism vs. capitalism---Russia83
169093953FDR30s and 40s---US president---Leads USA out of recession and WWII---USA84
169093954Mussolini30s and 40s---Dictator of Italy---Holocaust, WWII, Communism vs. Capitalism, fascism, etc.---Italy/Germany/All85
169093955Hitler1930s and 40s---Dictator of Germany---Holocaust, WWII (leads some countries out of recession), provides place for Communism vs Capitalism, fascism---Germany/all86
169093956Mao Zedong1910s-40s and later 60s---Chinese communist leader---Communism in China (leading to issues with containment, etc), Cultural Revolution, Industrialization and etc...---China87
169093957Truman50s---US president---Truman doctrine-aiding containment-escalating cold war, authorizes atomic bombing of Japan---USA/All88
169093958Gandhi1940s/50s---Aristocratic political leader---peaceful movements lead to India's independence---India89
169093959Nehru40s/50s---political leader---aids Gandhi and also becomes political leader of India; helps India industrialize---India90
169093960Cardenasmid to late 1900s---Mexican political leader---joins National Liberation Movement, supports Cuban rev., Backs PRI---Mexico91
169093961Diazmid 1800s until early 1900s---Mexican soldier/politician---stabilizes Mexican economy but Americans exploit Mexican economy, leads to poor and driving out of native Americans, exiled during Mexican revolution in 1910---Mexico92
169093962Peronsmid 1900s---President of Argentina---overthrows Argentinean presidency, some reforms for poor---Argentina93
169093963Castro1960s---Cuban dictator---Cuban Missile crisis and communist cuba---Cuba/Russia94
169093964Brezhnev64-82---General secretary of Communist Soviet Party---attempts to improve technology, Brezhnev doctrine/Warsaw Pact, respects human rights by signing Helsinki Accords95
169093965Khrushchevmid 1900s till 64---Secretary of Soviet Communist Party and prime minister of USSR---criticism of Stalin, begins De-Stalinization, attempts to improve agriculture,96
169093966Gorbachev85-91---Last leader of USSR---Perestroika (Economic) and Glasnost (Openness), democratization of soviet regime---USSR97
169093967LBJ60s---US president---succeeds Kennedy, Containment, escalates Vietnam War, war on poverty, integration and NAACP, six day war, Gulf Tonkin resolution---USA98
169093968JFK60s---US president---Vietnam war, highly influential in space race, Civil Rights, Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis---USA99
169093969Deng Xiaoping70s to present---Communist dictator in China---household responsibility + SEZ and other more capitalistic economic policies = China's massive economic growth---China100
169093970Bin Laden90s to present---Al-Qaeda/terrorist leader---Multiple plots on USA including 9/11 and etc, used as propaganda tactic against Middle Eastern governments/civilians, Islamophobia, leads to/influences rise of Iranian anti-US sentiment, etc...---Middle east, esp. Afghanistan and Pakistan101
169093971Hussein1990s and 2000s---Iraqi dictator---mass murders and etc.; sets stage for war in Iraq---Iraq/USA102

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