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New World Beginning Flashcards

33,00 B.C.- A.D. 1769

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198175853nation-statethe modern form of political society that combines centralized government with a high degree of ethnic and cultural unity1
198175854matrilinearthe form of society in which family line, power, and wealth are passed primarily through the female side2
198175855confederacyan alliance or league of nations or peoples looser than a federation3
198175856primevalconcerning the earliest origin of things4
198175857sagaa lengthy story or poem recounting the great deeds and adventures of a people and their heroes5
198175858middlemenin trading systems, those dealers who operate between the original buyers and the retail merchants who sell to consumers.6
198175859caravela small vessel with a high deck and triangular sails7
198175860capitalisman economic system characterized by private property, generally free trade, and open and accessible markets8
198175861encomiendathe Spanish labor system in which persons were held to unpaid service under the permanent control of their masters, though not legally owned by them9
198175862mestizoa person of mixed Native American and European ancestry10
198175863provincea medium sized subunit of territory and governmental administration within a larger nation or empire11
198175864nationalismfervent belief and loyalty given to the political unit of nation-state12
198175865joint-stock companiesan economic arrangement by which a number of investors pool their capital for investment13
198175866chartera legal document granted by a government to some group or agency to implement a stated purpose, and spelling out the attending rights and obligations14
198175867feudalconcerning the decentralized medieval social system of personal obligations between rulers and ruled15
198175868tolerationoriginally, religious freedom granted by an established church to a religious minority16
198175869squattera frontier farmer who illegally occupied land owners or others or not yet officially opened for settlement17
198175870bufferin politics, a small territory or state between two larger, antagonist powers and intended to minimize the possibility of conflict between them18
198175871predestinationthe Calvinist doctrine that God has foreordained some people to be saved and some to be damned19
198175872electin Calvanist doctrine, those who have been chosen by God for salvation20
198175873conversiona religious turn to God, thought by Calvinists to involve an intense, identifiable personal experience21
198175874visible saintsthose who publicly proclaimed their experience of conversion and were expected to lead godly lives22
198175875callingin Protestantism, the belief that saved individuals have a religious obligation to engage in worldly work23
198175876heresydeparture from correct or officially defined belief24
198175877seditiousconcerning resistance to or rebellion against the government25
198175878commonwealthan organized civil government or social order26
198175879autocraticabsolute or dictatorial rule27
198175880passive resistancenonviolent action or opposition to authority in accord with religious or moral beliefs28
198175881asyluma place of refuge and security, especially for the persecuted or unfortunate29
198175882proprietaryconcerning exclusive legal ownership, as of colonies granted to individuals by the monarch30
198175883naturalizationthe granting of citizenship to foreigners or immigrants31
198175884blue lawslaws designed to restrict personal behavior in accord with a strict code of morality32
198175885ethnicconcerning diverse peoples or cultures, specifically those of non-Anglo-Saxon background33
198175886headrightthe right to acquire a certain amount of land granted to the person who finances the passage of a laborer34
198175887disenfranchiseto take away the right to vote35
198175888menialfit for servants; humble or low36
198175889corporationa group or institution granted legal rights to carry on certain specified activities37
198175890jeremiada sermon or prophecy recounting wrongdoing, warning of doom, and calling for repentance38
198175891hinterlandan inland region set back from a port, river, or seacoast39
198175892social structurethe basic pattern of the distribution of status and wealth in a society.40
198175893blue bloodof noble or upper-class descent41
198175894sectReligious groups that had broken away from an established church42
198175895agitatorsthose who seek to excite or persuade the public on some issue.43
198175896stratificationthe visible arrangement of society into a hierarchical pattern, with distinct social groups layered one on top of the other44
198175897mobilitythe capacity to pass readily from one social or economic condition to another.45
198175898elitethe smaller group at the top of a society or institution, usually possessing wealth, power, or special privileges.46
198175899almshousea home for the poor, supported by charity or public funds.47
198175900gentrylandowners of substantial property, social standing, and leisure, but not titled nobility.48
198175901tenant farmerone who rents rather than owns land.49
198175902penal codethe body of criminal laws specifying offenses and prescribing punishments.50
198175903vetothe executive power to prevent acts passed by the legislature from becoming law.51
198175904apprenticea person who works under a master to acquire instruction in a trade or profession.52
200337854speculationbuying land or anything else in the hope of profiting by an expected rise in price.53
200337855revivalin religion, a movement of renewed enthusiasm and commitment, often accompanied by special meetings or evangelical activity.54
200337856secularbelonging to the worldly sphere rather than to the specifically sacred or churchly.55
200337857domesticConcerning the internal affairs of a country56
200337858ministerIn politics, a person appointed by the head of the state to take charge of some department agency of government57
200337859magistratea civil official charged with upholding the law, often exercising both judicial and executive power58
200337860peasantA farmer of agricultural laborer, sometime legally tied to the land59
200337861coureurs des boisFrench-Canadian fur trappers (beavers); literally, "runners of the woods."60
200337862voyageursFrench-Canadian fur traders and adventurers61
200337863flotillaa fleet of boats, usually smaller vessels62
200337864ecologicalConcerning the relations between the biological organisms of their environment63
200337865mutinousconcerning revolt by subordinate soldiers or seamen against their commanding officers64
200337866strategicconcerning the placement and planned movement of large-scale military forces so as to gain advantage, usually prior to actual engagement with the enemy65
200337867guerilla warfareUnconventional combat waged by small military units using hit-and-run tactics.66
200337868bufferA territory between two hostile states, designed to soften an attack from one or the other side67
200337869siegea military operation of surrounding and attacking a fortified place, often over a sustained period.68
200337870regularstrained professional soldiers, as distinct from militia or conscripts69
200337871commissionsan official certification granting a commanding rank in the armed forces70

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