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Pre-AP World History Fall Final Flashcards

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115735787Cultural DiffusionThe spreading of cultural traits from one society to another0
115735788Causes of social rankings in early human societiesThe growth of settled communities and civilizations1
115735789World MigrationCaused by climate changes2
115735790Ice ages affect on worldwide migrationLand briges connecting continents were exposed3
115735791Neolithic revolutionThe shift of hunting and gathering to agriculture4
115735792Farming advancements (irrigation)Was most important to the developement of cities5
115735793Invention of writtingWritting has existed for 5,000 years6
115735794Significance of rivers in early civilizationsCities developed around rivers7
115735795Tigris and Euphrates riversMesopotamian civilizations formed around these rivers. Theses rivers formed the Fertle Cresent.8
115735796CuneiformSystem of wedge-shaped writing that developed in early Mesopotamia.9
115735797Hammurabi's CodeImportant because it was written down and displayed for all to see10
115735798Cyrus IFounded the Persian Empire and was respected because he let those he conquered keep their customs.11
115735799Persian Empire successThe Royal Road, Advanced Administration techniques, Standardized taxes and toleration practices.12
115735800PersepolisLocated in modern day Iran13
115735801MenesUnified Upper and Lower Egypt14
115735802TheocracyEgyptians believed that Pharaoh was a god in human form15
115735803AkhenatonEgypt became monotheistic under his rule16
115735804MummificationThe process that Egyptians developed to prevent the breakdown of a dead body17
115735805Rossetta StoneMade the translation of Egyptian writing, hieroglyphics, possible18
115735806PiankhiKushite ruler who conqured Egypt and was known as "The Foreign Pharaoh"19
115735807RamsesBuilt monuments in Egypt and Kush20
115735808MonsoonsHeavy rains brought on by seasonal winds21
115735809Indus RiverInstrumental to the development of India22
115735810KarmaThe sum effect of a person's actions, both good and bad, which helps shape future experiments23
115735811AhimsaNonviolence, carefully avoiding harming any living creature. Fundemental part of Jainism24
115735812Siddartha Guatamasingle founder of Buddhism25
115735813Yellow and Yangzi RiversThe two rivers that supplied water for China's earliest civilizations.26
115735814Mandate of HeavenThe principle that stated the gods would support a just ruler, but they would not allow anyone corrupt to hold power.27
115735815ConfucianismChinese philosophy dealing with love and respect, traditional manners, and rituals.28
115735816HinduismHad no single founder29
117989122AcropolisHigh area used for housing for the gods, and public ceremonies.30
117989123Causes of the Persian WarsFirst: Sending aid to Ionian Greek city-states that rebelled againist the Persians. Second: Xerxes wanting to redeem his father31
117989124SocratesGreek philosopher that is known as the father of western philosophy.32
117989125StoicismInfluential Hellenistic philosophy was characterized by an emphasis on reason, self-discipline, emotional control, and personal morality.33
117989126Alexander's influenceHellenistic culture, which spread over the areas Alexander conquered.34
117989127ArchimedesHellenistic scientist that used mathematics and physics to build practical inventions including the lever and pulley35
117989128Punic WarsSet of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage36
117989129Gracchi BrothersMajor social reformers who were killed because they re-distributed land to soldiers and small farmers.37
117989130Pax RomanaWas characterized by stable government, widespread trade, and strong legal system.38
117989131AqueductsMan-made channels used to bring water to the cities39
117989132DiocletianEmperor who delayed the fall of the Roman Empire by declaring it an absolute monarchy and dividing the empire in 2.40
117989133ConstantineEmperor who supported Christianity and moved the capital of the Roman empire to the east at Byzantine41
117989134Fall of RomeWas caused by weak leaders and invasions, economic crises, and social unrest and insecurity.42
117989135Geography and the EnviornmentDetermined how the Inuit, the Iroquois, and the Plains Indians obtanied food, created shelter, and organized their society.43
117989136AnasaziNorth American culture that developed pueblos, kivas, and cliff dewlings in their architecture in modern states of Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico.44
117989137OlmecsThe Mesoamerican civilization developed an extensive trade network, invented a calendar, used writting, and carved giant stone heads.45
117989138LegalismA political philosophy which believed that a powerful and efficient government was key to maintaining order and control over an empire46
117989139Silk TradeChina's trade economy centered around one particular good which was very secretive.47
117989140Qin Control of ChinaStrengthened China by expanding and improving irrigation systems, roads and canals.48
117989141AshokaOne of India's greatest leaders, expanded the Mauryan Empire, helped spread Buddhism throughout India and beyond, and worked to improve the lives of his people.49
117989142AryabhataAstronomer who discovered that the earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the Sun50
117989143KautilyaWrote the Arthasastra, a manual for statecraft that called for strict state control, use of spies, and the use of assassination.51
117989144HijabLiterally translates as "curtain" or "veil" refers to the headscarf and nonrevealing clothing worn by many Muslim women to maintain modesty.52
117989145CaliphThe prophets successor on earth53
117989146MosquePlace of worship for Muslims, recognized by tall minarets or towers54
117989147ShariaThis is the name for Islamic law, based on the Qur'an and the sayings of the prophet Muhammad55
117989148KaabaThe cube-shaped structure at the heart of the city of Mecca is known as56
117989149Battle of ToursThis battle in France stopped Islamic expansion from going past Spain and further into Europe.57
117989150Spread of IslamSpread to West Africa and Southeast Asia through lively trade and exchange.58
117989151GriotThis was a storyteller whose job was to pass down oral traditions to the next generation59
117989152Religion in AksumChristianity came in the 30060
117989153Sahara DesertThe Hausa city-states, Yoruba kingdoms, and the kingdom of Benin did not grow as powerful as the Mali or Songhai because of their location; they could not control or profit from trade across the __________.61
117989154Trade goods in Africaglassware, silk and porcelain62
117989155Great ZimbabweWas part of Africa's thriving trade network because archeoligists found glass beads and gold coins at the Great Zimbabwe site. Great Zimbabwe's location allowed it to serve as a middleman for trade between Africa's interior and coastal city-states.63
117989156EthiopiaThe stone churches built under the rule of King Lalibela show the impressive technical knowledge and skill of Ethopians at that time. Ethopia's Christain kings persecuted the Beta Israel Jews. Christianity provided a unifying identity for the Ethiopian people.64
117989157Mansa MusaThis leader performed a Hajj, with over 60,000 people and gave away a fortune in gold65
117989158King LalibelaThis Ethiopian king built many stone churches, showing the impressive technical knowledge and skill of Ethiopians at that time.66
117989159Gaius MariusSocial reformer who forever changed the Roman military by eliminating the property requirements to serve in the army.67
117989160Liu BangPheasant leader who led a rebellion that caused the fall of the Qin dynasty, and instilled Confucian values as emperor.68
117989161SufismThe Sufis who were one sect of Islam. They seek a mystical personal relationship with Allah.69
117989162PericlesLeader who was credited with the rebuilding of Athens and glorified democracy in his funeral oration.70
117989163MuhammadProphet who founded Islam71
117989164Dar al IslamHouse of Heaven of Islam72
117989165Nile Riverriver that runs north and south. Mainly used by the Egyptians. Longest river in the world73
117989166Qin Shi HuangdiUnified China. Comissioned the building of the Great Wall of China. Not liked by many in the Empire. Legalist.74
117989167RamadanIslamic holy month or the ninth month in the Islamic calendar during which Muslims fast from dawn to dusk to honor the period when Muhammad recieved his first revelations from God.75

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