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Pre-AP World History II Final Exam Flashcards

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175263449Cottage Industryhappening before the Industrial Revolution0
175263450Giuseppe Garibaldibrought al the states of Italy together to form one big country1
175263451Otto von Bismarkbrought all the German born states into one country2
175263452Queen VictoriaGreat Britain3
175263453Napoleon IIItried to go to Mexico4
175263454Romanticismnature, non-realistic; Mary Shelly wrote about it5
175263455RealismCharles Dickens wrote in this genre6
175263456Universal male suffrageall white men could vote7
175263457Congress of Viennafiguring out who should be in charge; wanted to return to Monarchs8
175263458Conservatismbelieved in old monarchs9
175263459Liberalismless control10
175263460Nationalismpride in your country11
175263461Principle of interventionif a country was having a revolution, the other countries could send troops to stop the revolution12
175263462steam engineinvented by James Watt; used coal13
175263463Eli Whitneyinvented the cotton gin14
175263464railroadslowered prices of goods; transportation15
175263465spread of industrial revolutionwent to Wester Europe16
175263466growth of citiesbecame larger with new inventions17
175263467Irish potato faminepeople moved to USA18
175263468industrial middle classowned the factories19
175263469industrial working classwomen and children20
175263470Louis Pasteurcame up with the germ theory21
175263471Charles Darwinorigin of the species22
175263472products of late industrial revolutioncombustion engine, electricity, steel for iron, telephone23
175263473Alexander Graham Bellinvented the telephone24
175263475Internal-combustion engineran on oil and gas26
175263476Karl MarxCommunist Manifesto27
175263477Proletariatworking class28
175263478Bourgeoisiemiddle class, also upper class29
175263479new jobs of the late industrial revolutionreceptionist, new office workers, sales clerks, teachers, nurses30
175263480universal educationwanted everyone to be smart, wanted them to be smart so they would vote31
175263481literacyknowing how to read and write32
175263482new forms of leisure during late industrial revolutionsoccer and movies33
175263483Marie Curiediscovered Radium34
175263484albert EinsteinE=MC235
175263485Social Darwinismsome people are naturally better than others36
175263486Anti-semitismagainst the Jews37
175263487Zionismidea that Jews needed their own country38
175263488Modernismmore abstract39
175263489Impressionismless abstract40
175263490Claude MonetImpressionist painter41
175263491Vincent van GoghImpressionist painter42
175263492Pablo PicassoModernist painter43
175263493Reasons for imperialismwanted resources44
175263494Indirect Ruleif you get taken over, your leaders are still there but they have no power45
175263495King Leopoldwanted rubber; set up in Congo; very strict46
175263496South AfricaDutch at the beginning, then English47
175263497Egypthad Suez Canal48
175263498Suez Canalimportant for trade49
175263499Henry Stanleytried to find Dr. Livingston50
175263500British Indiawhen it was ruled by England it was broken into two countries because of religion51
175263501SepoyIndians that fought for the English52
175263502Sepoy Rebellionused bullets with cow fat; Sepoys got mad53
175263503Benefits of colonial ruleindustrial revolution, schools, hospitals54
175263504Costs of colonial ruletreated terribly, like second class in their own country55
175263505Simon Bolivarleader of revolutions from Spain56
175263506Triple AllianceGermany, Austria, and Italy57
175263507Triple EntenteFrance, Russia, Great Britain58
175263508mobilizationmobilizing everything forward59
175263509Eastern frontRussian and Germany60
175263510Trench warfarenew type of warfare61
175263511Luisitaniaship that was sunk that started WWI62
175263512unrestricted submarine warfareGerman submarines fired upon everyone, even the USA63
175263513Zimmerman telegramGermany sent a letter to Mexico saying they would help Mexico regain their land if the helped64
175263514armisticealliances, cease fire65
175263515Treaty of VersaillesGerman had to pay reparations; no navy or airforce66
175263516FascismHitler, Mussolini67
175263517Benito Mussoliniheld title of II Duce68
175263518Collectivizationcommunists took all private farmland69
175263519Adolf HitlerNazi's70
175263520Mein KampfHitler wrote it while he was in jail; "My Struggle"71
175263521Third ReichHitler wanted to start it. It was supposed to last 1,000 years72
175263522Hitler's propagandatold the people what the wanted to hear73
175263523Gandhistarted non-aggressive protest; no violence74
175263524RhinelandGermany military was not supposed to have troops75
175263525demilitarizedto take out all military76
175263527Sudetenlandpart of Check; had a ton of Germans78
175263528Munich ConferenceHitler and Chamberland79
175263529invasion of Polandstarted WWII80
175263530Blitzkreiglightning fighting81
175263531Attack on Pearl Harborwhen USA entered WWII82
175263532Battle of Midwayin the Pacific - between USA and Japanese83
175263533Dwight EisenhowerGeneral in the USA army84
175263534Douglas MacArthurgeneral in the US army85
175263535D-DayFrance - battle of Normandy86
175263536Battle of Iwo Jimraising the flag; between USA and Japan87
175263537Manhattan Projectatomic bomb construction88
175263538dropping the atomic bombWas it worth it?89
175263539Holocaustkilled millions of Jews90
175263540Bataan Death MarchPhillippines91
175263541kamikazeJapanese pilots92
175263542Iron Curtaindivided Europe into East and West; East = Communist, West = Free93
175263543Truman DoctrineTruman helped countries that were being threatened by communism94
175263544Marshall Planplan to help Europe's economic recovery95
175263545Division of GermanyGermany was divided East to West; West = free, East = Communism96
175263546NATOUSA, Canada, Non-communists97
175263547Warsaw Pactcommunist countries in Europe98
175263548Berlin Airliftwhere USA sent supplies and food to west Berlin (non-communist99
175263549Nikita Krushchevwas the leader of Soviet Union100
175263550Cuban Missile CrisisCubans had missiles, America was threatened101
175263551Domino Theorywhere if one place became Communist, it would spread102
175263553"Star Wars"idea that USA could shoot down enemy missiles104
175263554perestroikareforms made by the last soviet Union leader105
175263555collapse of soviet Unionpeople wanted more106
175263556fall of Berlin WallReagan helped cause to collapse107
175263557break-up of Yugoslaviahappened at the end of the war; had different ethnic views108
175263558American taken hostage in Iran30 Americans109

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