Updated 5/10/10
63933220 | Wundt | Introspection | 0 | |
63933221 | Tichner | Structuralism | 1 | |
63933222 | James | Functionalism | 2 | |
63933223 | Freud | Psychoanalysis | 3 | |
63933224 | Milgram | Nazi Obedience Experiment | 4 | |
63933225 | Broca | Expressive Language | 5 | |
63933226 | Wernicke | Receptive Language | 6 | |
63933227 | Pavlov | Classical Conditioning: Dogs | 7 | |
63933228 | Thorndike | Law of Effect: Cats | 8 | |
63933229 | Skinner | Behaviorist: Rats and Pidgeons | 9 | |
63933230 | Tolman | Latent Learning: Cog'tive Maps | 10 | |
63933231 | Bandura | Observational Learning: Bobo Dolls | 11 | |
63933232 | Ebbinghaus | Forgetting: Decay Model | 12 | |
63933233 | Chomsky | Native Theorist: Inherent Existence of Cognitive Struct's (For Language) | 13 | |
63933234 | Whorf | Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis | 14 | |
63933235 | (Whoe, Sarah,) Koko | Ape Language Studies | 15 | |
63933236 | Jung | Psychoanalist: Collective Unconscious | 16 | |
63933237 | Horney | Psychoanalist: Basic Childhood Anxiety | 17 | |
63933238 | Erickson | Psychoanalist: Life Crises | 18 | |
63933239 | Adler | Psychoanalist: Inferiority Complex | 19 | |
63933240 | Piaget | Cognitive Theorist: Cognitive Development Stages | 20 | |
63933241 | Rogers | Client-Centered Therapy | 21 | |
63933242 | (Albert) Ellis | Cognitive Theorist: Rational Emotive Therapy | 22 | |
63933243 | (Abraham) Maslow | Humanist: Hierarchy Of Needs | 23 | |
63933244 | Sheldon | Personality: Personality related to somatotyping: endomorph, mesomorph, ectomorph etc. | 24 | |
63933245 | Binet | Intelligence: Mental age; designed test to identify slow learners in need of remediation | 25 | |
63933246 | Eysenck | Biological Model Of Personality; Trait-Type Hierarchy; Intro/extroversion | 26 | |
63933247 | Harlow | Monkey Studies; Attachment | 27 | |
63933248 | Lorenz | "Survival Of The Fittest"; Imprinting | 28 | |
63933249 | (Phineus) Gage | Railroad Spike Victim | 29 | |
63933250 | (Aaron) Beck | Cognitive Therapy | 30 | |
63933251 | Murray | Need To Achieve; TAT (taps unconscious to reveal repressed aspects of personality, motives, need for achievement, power, intimacy, problem-solving abilities) | 31 | |
63933252 | Allport | Trait Approach: Cardinal, Central, Secondary | 32 | |
63933253 | Cattell | Crystallized And Fluid Intelligence; 16 Personality Factors (PF) | 33 | |
63933254 | Kelley | Personal Construct Theory | 34 | |
63933255 | Mishel | Social Learning Theory | 35 | |
63933256 | Gilligan | Moral Differences Between Boys And Girls Based On Social Roles | 36 | |
63933257 | Wertheimer | Gestalt Psychology | 37 | |
64444100 | Sternberg | Triarchic Theory of Intelligence: Analytical/Componential, Creative/Experiential, Practical/Contextual; Triangular Theory of Love | 38 | |
64444101 | Simon | Worked with Binet to identify struggling children in French educational system | 39 | |
64444102 | Terman | IQ: Mental age/Actual age * 100, Stanford-Binet Test: Revised Binet test for young children and young adults | 40 | |
64444103 | Wechsler | ________ Adult Intelligence Scale: Created to be like Stanford-Binet but aimed at adults, includes life situations, also did a _ISC for children that incl's IQ | 41 | |
67147265 | Anna Freud | Focused on child psychoanalysis, expanded on defense mechanisms; emphasized id's role. | 42 | |
67147266 | Schachter | Physical arousal + knowing emotion = experience emotion | 43 | |
67147267 | Zimbardo | Social: Stanford Prison Study; people's roles | 44 | |
67147268 | Kubler-Ross | Developmental: Five stages of grief: death, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance | 45 | |
67147269 | Loftus | Memory: Eyewitness testimony, false memories or misinformation effect. Nicole Taus' repressed memories of abuse. | 46 | |
67147270 | Clark | Social: Internalized racism; Doll studies with dolls: black children chose white dolls. )': | 47 | |
67147271 | Vygotsky | Developmental: how culture and interpersonal communication guide development; zone of proximal devel. | 48 | |
67147272 | Seligman | Positive Psych: learned helplessness in dogs | 49 | |
67147273 | Gardner | Intelligence: theory of multiple intelligences (logical-mathematic, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, linguistic, musical, interpersonal, naturalistic) | 50 | |
67147274 | Lewin | Social Psych: German refugee who escaped Nazis, proved the democratic style of leadership is the most productive; experiments on kids using three styles | 51 | |
67147275 | Rosenthal | Social: Nonverbal communication, self-fulfilling prophecies, effect of teacher's expectations on students | 52 | |
67147276 | Langlois | Developmental: social development, effects of appearance on behavior, origin of social stereotypes | 53 | |
67147277 | Rosenhan | Social Psych: Admitted self into mental facility, proved the crappiness of care, expectations of those labelled mentally ill | 54 | |
67147278 | Goleman | Intelligence: Emotional intelligence | 55 | |
67147279 | Spearman | Intelligence: (g) General abilities; certain mental abilities highly correlated | 56 | |
67147280 | Sullivan | Psychoanalysis: We are enmeshed in a network of relationships; cultural influence on mental illness; Self-System | 57 | |
67147281 | Yerkes | Intelligence: Sociality of primates; the ______-Dodson law states that the level of arousal relates to performance. | 58 | |
67147282 | Weber | Perception: Just-Noticeable Difference | 59 | |
67147283 | Fechner | Perception: Magnitude of a sensory experience is proportionate to the number of JNDs above the threshold of the stimulus | 60 | |
67147284 | Cover-Jones | Learning: systematic desensitization, maintained that fear could be unlearned | 61 | |
67147285 | Zajonc | Motivation: We invent explanations to label feelings | 62 | |
67147286 | Ekman | Emotion: Found that facial expressions are universal | 63 | |
67147287 | Hull | Motivation: Drive-reduction | 64 | |
67147288 | McClelland | Intelligence testing: devised a way to measure Murray's theory (TAT), developed scoring system for TAT's use in assessing achievement motivation | 65 | |
67147289 | Galton | Differential Psych (London): Personality, ability almost entirely dependent on genes; Hereditary Genius: normal distribution; "Law of Errors": differences in intellectual ability | 66 | |
67147290 | Darwin | Biology, geology: transmutation of species, natural selection, evolution by common descent | 67 | |
67147291 | Cannon | Motivation: Believed that gastric activity in empty stomach was the sole basis for hunger; inserted balloons in stomachs | 68 | |
67217357 | Kohler | Gestalt: Problem solving with apes: Insight | 69 | |
67217358 | Kohlberg | Stages of moral development | 70 | |
67217359 | Seyle | General Adaptation Syndrome: ARE (alarm, resistance, exhaustion) | 71 | |
67217360 | Premack | _______'s Principle, in behaviorist terms: *Activities become reinforcers.* | 72 | |
67472585 | Festinger | Cognitive Dissonance | 73 | |
67472586 | Clive | Injured: Had no short-term memory. | 74 |