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Psych Flashcards

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941251605Norman TriplettObs ppl perform better w/ others around than alone
941251606McDougall and RossWrote first Social Psych textbook
941251607VerplankConvo change depending on approval
941251608Reinforcement TheoryPavlov/Skinner/Thorndike
941251609Albert BanduraSocial Learning Theory (behavior is learned through imitation. Bobo doll
941251610Fitz Heider's Balance Theoryppl like to like something that someone they like likes as well (balanced +/-)
941251611Leon Festinger' Cognitive Dissonance TheoryConflict when attitudes do not match behavior. We will add consonant or remove dissonant elements
941251612Free choice dissonanceCong Diss Theory: deciding between 2 equally good things cause you to accentuate good qualities in one and bad in the other.
941251613Forced compliance dissonanceWhen forced to behave in a way that is inconsistent with attitudes.
941251614Daryl Bem's Self Perception TheoryPpl infer own attitudes based on obs of their own beh.
941251615Over-justification EffectRewarding ppl for something they like doing will make them like it less.
941251616Hovland & Weiss, 1952Communication by perceived to be credible source were more effective in changing attitudes than low cred.
941251617Two-sided messagesVery effective in attitude change. Argument pro and against.
941251618Petty and Caccioppo's Elaboration of Likelihood ModelIf we care about the topic, we will focus on strength of an argument, when we don't or are distracted, we focus on context (peripheral vs. central route)
941251619William McGuireInoculation analogy: ppl resist arg when vaccinated with refuted counter arguments.
941251620Reactancewhen social pressure is so great that freedom is threatened, ppl will assert freedom.
941251621Leon Festinger's Social Comparison Theory1. Ppl want to eval themselves by obj measures; when not possible compare to others. 2. Less similarity to other, the less likely comparison will be made 3. When there is a discrepancy, ppl will move to match the group.
941251622SchachterThe greater the need to compare (anxiety), the greater the desire to affiliate.
941251623Reciprocity TheoryWe tend to like those who like us.
941251624Gain-Loss principleAronson & Linder: We like someone more when their liking of us has recently increased.
941251625Social Exchange Theoryppl Weigh cost and benefits of interacting with another. vs. Equity Theory (we want benefits to be the same for the other party) vs. Need Complimentarity
941251626Edward ThorndikeJudgement of another's character is influenced by overall impression (e.g. Halo Effect)
941251627ZajoncMere Exposure Hypothesis. Also, obs that presence of others enhanced dominant responses
941251628Darley & LataneBy Stander Intervention: 1964 Kitty Genovese stabbed. Diffusion of responsibility and Social Influence (how others react or are present)
941251629Pluralistic IgnoranceWhen majority of a grp privately reject a norm, but assume incorrectly that others accept it.
941251630Batson's Empathy-Altruism ModelWhen faced with others needing help, ppl feel distress and/or empathy. When more distress than empathy run away.
941251631Muzafer Sharif Conformity StudyAutokinetic effect to show group conformity. Robber's Cave Experiment (created hostilities through competition and health them through coop)
941251632Asch's Conformity StudyComparing Lines. First round all agree. Then pressure to conform to wrong answer. 75% at least one changing of answer.
941251633Milgram's Obedience Experiment65% continue past "Danger". Drive to obey authority stronger than drive to not hurt others.
941251634ComplianceChange in behavior due to pressure
941251635Clark and Clark 1947Doll preference study used in the Brown vs. Board of Education case.
941251636Primacy Effect1st impressions are more important than subsequent impressions
941251637Attribution Theory/ErrorFritz Heider. Ppl over estimate dispositional over situational causes of beh in others.
941251638MJ LernerBelief in a Just World that causes blaming of the victim
941251639Theodore NewcombConservative women adapt to liberal norms at college (vote Roosvelt, 1936)
941251640Edward HallStudied Proxemics
941251641Social LoafingPpl do worse jobs when part of a group.
941251642Phil ZimbardoPpl commit antisocial acts when they feel anonymous. Prison Study-Beh change due to Deindividuation=a loss of personal ID, roles take over.
941251643Irving JanisHistorical blunders due to ignoring non-congruent evidence to reach consensus (Group Think)
941251644Value HypothesisGroup shifts to Riskier beh when riskiness is culturally valued.
941251645Kurt Lewin3 Leadership Styles in boys: 1. Autocratic 2. Democratic (more satisfied) 3. Laissez Faire
941251646John LockeTabula Rasa
941251647RousseauBelieved society detrimental to development. Emile: Concerning Education
941251648Stanley HallFather of Dev Psych. 1st to Empirical research with children!
941251649John WatsonExtreme Behaviorist. Parents have all the responsibility and should avoid sentimentality
941251650Arnold GiselleDev is a process of maturation (bio process). Blue print exists (Nativist)
941251651Cognitive StructuralistsBelieve there is a blueprint. E.g. Piaget
941251652Sequential Cohortgroup 1, 2, 3 over time 1, 2, 3.
941251653GameteSex cells. Haploid (23 chrome v.s. full 46)
941251654Lewis TermanFound adoptive children are more like bio parents than adopt parents in IQ and criminal ben (heritable)
941251655RC Tryon1942. Bred "Maze-bright" and "Maze-dull" rats. Showed learning has some genetic basis.
941251656Baby Reflexes1. Rooting = turn head to stim on cheek 2. Moro = abrupt head movement causes reach and hug self. 3. Babinski = stim on foot, spread toes 4. Grasping
941251657FertilizationConception. In falopian tubes
941251658Germinal periodSecond stage. 2 weeks
941251659Embryonic StageGrowth 2 million %. Hormone production at 8 weeks
941251660Fetal Periodat 3rd mo, electrical act in brain
941251661Jean PiagetSchema = thought patterns. Adaptation through assimilation (use old schema) or accommodation (change schema)
941251662Piaget's 4 Stages of Dev1. Sensorimotor-Primary (body) and secondary circular rxns. No obj permanence 2. Preoperational-2-7 years. Centration (only focus on part of situation) No Conservation of matter. 3. Concrete operational-7-11 Master conservation of matters 4. Formal Operational - Think like a Scientist
941251663Lev VygotskyDev is cultural internalization. Zone of Proximal Dev (test with and without help)
941251664SemanticsWord meaning
941251665Syntaxsentence making, word order
941251666PragmaticsInflexion and style of how things said
941251667Noam ChomskyNativist. Transformational Grammar (change word order changes meaning). LAD (lang acquisition device)--Critical Prd. (Genie)
941251668LibidoSexual energy present at birth. Desire to reduce libidinal tension drives dev.
941251669Freud's 5 Dev Stages1. Oral - 0-1 Fixation is dependence 2. Anal - 1-3 Fixation is too orderly 3. Phallic - Oedipal. 3-5 4. Latency - puberty Sublimation Occurs 5. Genital - normal hetero relationship
941251670Erik Erikson 8 stages1. Trust/Mistrust 2. Autonomy/Shame 3. Initiative/Guilt 4. Industry/Inferiority 5. ID/Role Confusion 6. Intimacy/Isolation 7. Generativity/Stagnation 8. Integrity/Despair
941251671Thomas & Chess3 infant beh styles. easy difficult and slow to warm
941251672Harry HarlowCloth mothers. Contact Comfort is more important than food
941251673John BowlbyInfant studies of attachment. Separation anxiety.
941251674Mary AinsworthStranger Situation Procedure. 3 types of infant: Insecure/avoidant, secure, insecure
941251675Konrad LorenzRapid formation of attachment with obj in enviro. Imprinted Jackdaw bird
941251676Kohlberg3 stages of Moral Dev: 1. Preconventional (hedonistic) 2. Conventional (Social rules) 3. Post-Convention (greater good)
941251677Heinz DilemmaUsed moral dilemmas to find what Kohlberg' stage.
941251678Carol GilliganCriticized Kohlberg. Boys more rule based, girls more interpersonal.
9412516793 Stages of Self-Socialization1. Gender Labeling 2. G. Stability 3. Gender Consistency (regardless of clothes)
941251680Diane BaumrindParenting Styles: 1. Authoritarian - punitive, no emo warmth 2. Authoritative - hi demands, but hi emo 3. Permissive - low demands
941251681William Sheldon1. Endomorphy - soft spherical 2. Ectomorphy - thin, light muscled 3. Mesomorphy - hard muscular, rectangle
941251682BoringStudy of Psych relates to the Zeitgeist of the time
941251683IdHouses psychic energy. Pleasure Principle - wants immediate satisfaction (Primary Process helps to cope, e.g. imagine food)
941251684EgoReality Principle - inhibits Id to postpone pleasure
941251685Super EgoMoral branch: Good (ego-ideal) vs. Bad (Conscience). Strives for perfection.
941251686TransferencePatient attributes attitudes of past lovers to therapist
941251687RepressionDefense Mechanism, unconscious forgetting
941251688SuppressionConscious forgetting
941251689Reaction FormationDefense Mechanism - Repressed wish is warded off by opposite
941251690DisplacementDefense Mechanism - Feeling discharged on less dangerous obj/person
941316971Philippe PinelReformed asylums in Paris 1792.
941316972HumanismPatients should be taken as a whole, not just ben or instinct.
941316973General ParesisCaused by Syphilis. Proof that psych and bio related.
941316974Emil KraepelinDev precursor to DSM
941316975Cerletti and BiniShock therapy for schizophrenia
941316976Carl JungLibido is not sexual. Ego = conscious mind. Personal and Collective Unconscious (Common experiences=archetypes). Persona (social Mask); Anima (gender); Shadow (animal instinct); Self (collective uncon and conscious meet). Mandala
941316977Alfred AdlerStriving for Superiority. Coinded "inferiority complex"
941316978Fictional FinalismPpl are more motivated by expectations of future than experiences in the past.
941316979Ana FreudEgo Psychology = conscious ego
941316980Karen HorneyNeurotic personality = unbalanced needs
941316981Martin SeligmanLearned Helplessness Study (dogs)
941316982Phenomenological Theories of BehFocus on internal processes
941316983Maslow's hierarchy of needsAll leading to Self-actualization
941316984George KellyPpl are scientist dev Schemas of Anticipation. Psychopathology = predictions unsuccessful.
941316985Carl RogersHumanist. Client-Centered Therapy = Client is in control and solve own probs. when given unconditional positive regard.
941316986Humanist Existential TherapiesFinding meaning in life by making own choices. Psychopathology = no meaning in life.
941316987Victor FranklSurvivor of Nazi camps. Believed mental illness is feeling like no meaning in life.
941316988Raymond CattellUsed factor analysis to find 6 basic personality traits.
941316989Hans EysenkUsed factor analysis to test Jung's Enxtro-introvert. Found 2 more, neuroticism and psychoticism
941316990Gordon AllportUsed Lexical approach: 1. Cardinal (shape our lives around) 2. Central (major personality traits) 3. Secondary
941522812Functional AutonomyWhen means to a goal become the goal (e.g. hunting).
941522813David McClellandFound need for achievement (nAch). Avoid risks and proud of accomplishments.
941522814Herman WitkinsField-Independend (good): rxns are specific to specific stim. Field-Depended: rxns diffuse.
941522815Julian RotterExternal vs. Internal Locus of control
941522816Sandra BemAndrogyny = scoring high on both fem and masculine.
941522817Walter MischelBeh is dependent on chars of the situation, not on personality.
941522818DSM16 major diag classes. 5 Axes: i. Clinical disorder ii. Personality dis. or mental retardation iii. Medical conditions. iv. Life stressors v. Global Assess. of Functioning
941522819Dementia Praecox"Split mind" = schizophrenia
941522820schizophrenia sxsPos = Added to norm, eg. delusions Neg = Absence of norm beh, e.g. flat affect
941522821schizophrenia typesProcess = slow, insidious, hard to treat Reactive = intense and sudden. Better outcomes.
941522822Double-Bind Hypothesisschizophrenia is caused by receiving conflicting messages from parents. Creates unreliable sense of reality.
941522823Dopamine Hypothesisschizophrenia caused by excessive dopamine in the brain. Supported by effectiveness of Haldol and other dopamine inhibs.
941522824Bipolar DisorderFormally known as Manic Depressive. I: Manic (shorter) and dep episodes (longer) II: Hypomania (more optimistic, does not impair func.)
941522825Monoamine/Catecholamine Theory of DepressionToo much norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and serotonine = mania, and too little = depression
941522826Somatoform Disorderssxs not fully explained by medical conditions. 1. Conversion disorder - once called hysteria is unexplained motor or sensory sxs 2. Hypochondiasis - Misinterp of body leads to belief of disease.
941522827Dissociative DisordersPerson avoids stress by dissociating from identity: 1. D. Amnesia - loss of mem 2. D. Fugue - amnesia and ID confusion due to change in enviro 3. D. ID - (Multiple personality) Sybil, Chase. 4. Depersonalization Dis. - feels like an outside observer
941522828Personality DisorderA pattern of beh that is inflexible and maladaptive and causing distress/func impairment. Passive Agressive was removed. 10 types
941522829Schizoid Personality DisorderSocial detachement, Restrictive emo range.
941522830Narcissistic Personality DisorderGrandiose sense of self. Fantasies of success. Disturbances in relationships.
941522831Diathesis stress ModelPredisposition + enviro stressors = mental illness.
941522832Anti Social Personality DisorderFormally, sociopathic. Disregard for others freedoms. Illegal acts with lack of remorse.
941522833Primary PreventionReduce prevalence of mental ill through prevention.
941522834David RosenhanHad ppl admitted to wards to show how normal seems crazy in crazy context.
941522835SzaszThe Myth of Mental Illness- ppl shouldn't have to conform to norm
941522836Fanz GallInvented Phrenology
941522837Pierre FlourenzDid Extirpation (ablation) on pigeons: Specific parts - func impairment.
941522838William JamesFunctionalist (mind helps adapt to enviro)
941522839John DeweyFirst Functionalist paper, criticized Reflex Arc.
941522840Paul BrocaSpecific brain region - specific func. Broca's Area = lang production
941522841Phineas GagePole through the frontal lobe - personality change.
941522842Johannes MüllerLaw of Specific Nerve Energies - sensory nerves only respond to specific stim.
941522843Herman HelmholtzFirst to measure speed of nerve impulse (rxn = science!)
941522844Sir Charles SherringtonFirst inferred existence of synapse. Thought electrical not chem
941522845Types of Neurons1. Sensory - Afferent. Transmit from sensory receptors to spine and brain 2. Motor - Efferent. From brain and spine to muscles 3. Interneurons - Most numerous, in brain and spine. B/n other neurons. Linked to reflexive beh.
941522846Peripheral Nervous SysOpposite to Central. 1. Somatic - sensory/motor. 2. Autonomic - Automatic, organ func etc.
941522847Autonomic NSAutomatic funds: 1. Sympathetic - Fight or Flight (Adrenaline) 2. Parasympathetic - Rest and Digest (Acetylcholine)
941522848ForeBrainMost recently evolved. Complex cogn and beh.
941522849MidBrainSecond to evolve. Sensorimotor func/ reflexes that help survive.
941522850Hind-BrainWhere meets spine. Oldest part of the brain. General arousal, breathing, motor.
941522851ThalamusSorts sensory stim and sends to appropriate brain region.
941522852Hypothalamus(Walter Cannon) Homeostatic Functions= Drive behaviors (hunger, sex, thirst). Regulates Fight or Flight.
941522853Lateral HypothalamusOsmoreceptors - when to drink water. Damage = aphagia (refusal to eat). Think "Lacking Hunger"
941522854Ventromedial HypothalamusSatiety Center. Damage = hyperphagia. Think "Very Hungry"
941522855Anterior HypothalamusSexual Beh. Damage = inhib of sexual beh.
941522856Basil GangliaReceived signals from Cortex and relays through Extrapyramidal Motor Sys to CNS. Smooth movement (Parkinson's affects)
941522857VentricalsPockets of fluid. Too large - schizophrenia
941522858Limbic System2nd brain region to evolve after HindBrain. Emo and memory.
941522859SeptumIn Limbic Sys. One primary Pleasure Center (sexual arousal). (Olds and Milner - rats prefer stim than eating). Damage = Septal Rage.
941522860AmygdalaIn Limbic Sys. Regulate defense and aggressive ben. Lesion = docility and hypersexual
941522861HippocampusLearning and Mem. H.M. (Brenda Milner)- Anterograde Amnesia (no new mem)
941522862Medula OblongataIn Hind Brain. Vital Funcs like heartbeat/breathing.
941522863CerebellumIn Hind Brain. Posture, balance (alcohol affects)
941522864Ponds VaroliiIn Hind Brain. Sensorimotor tract (relay)
941522865ConvolutionsPeaks and valleys on cortex.
941522866Frontal LobeAn Association Area (integrates input from diverse regions). Lesion = decrease in impulse control/depression. Contains primary motor cortex.
941522867Parietal LobeSomatosensori Cortex (incoming sensory info). Spacial processing and manipulation
941522868Occipital LobeVisual striate Cortex. Some learning and motor.
941522869Temporal LobeAuditory Cortex. Wernike's Area - lang comp. Memory processing (Hippocampus here).
941522870ContralateralCommunication where hemisphere controls opposite side of body (most ppl). Vs. Ipsilaterally (same side).
941522871Left HemisphereDominant in 97% of ppl. Controls Lang, Logic and math.
941522872Right HemisphereIntuition and creativity. Music. Makes holistic images. Context of lang.
941522873Sperry and GazzingaCutting Corpus Collosum (Split Brain)
941522874Axon HillockWhere axon meets cell body
941522875Nodes of Ranvierspace between myelin sheaths. Axn potential is regenerated in Saltatory Conduction.
941522876Glial CellsProtect Neurons by providing myelination.
941522877DendritesBranch off cell body. Can regenerate and change. Receive info (axons convey).
941522878Resting PotentialAka. membrane potential. Slight neg electrical charge neurons have at rest (neuron polarized).
941522879MembraneAllow small/pos (sodium) ions to enter and exit and large/neg (potassium) ions stuck inside.
941522880Sodium-Potassium PumpMechnism that keeps flow of ions in balance so as not to neutralize cell.
941522881All-or-nothing LawWhen depolarization reaches critical threshold of -50mV, cell will fire no matter what, peaking at +35mV regardless of intensity of stim.
941522882Eric KandelExperiments with sea snails. Found when habituation to stim, neurons release smaller amounts of neuropterans (ben related to neurons)

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