237547669 | Religon | instrument of politics | 0 | |
237547670 | Mecca | achieved prosperity rapidly | 1 | |
237547671 | Muhammad's revelations | written originally on leather and bone | 2 | |
237547672 | Shi'ites | transformed from a political movement to a religious sect due to Husayn's martyrdom | 3 | |
237547673 | Ulama | well-educated scholars | 4 | |
237547674 | Crusaders | political pawns, and had respect for Muslims | 5 | |
237547675 | Hierarchy | Islam escaped the _____ of Christianity | 6 | |
237547676 | Sunna | tradition | 7 | |
237547677 | Muhammad | received revelations from the angel gabriel, a prophet | 8 | |
237547678 | Ka'ba | located in Mecca, cubical shrine | 9 | |
237547679 | Abraham | the first muslim | 10 | |
237547680 | Umma | Muslim community | 11 | |
237547681 | Abbasid | The ____ caliphate was responsible for the golden age of the Muslims | 12 | |
237547682 | Fatamid | established control over egypt | 13 | |
237547683 | Mecca | Muhammad was born here | 14 | |
237547684 | Seljuk | The___ Turks who ruled much of the middle east | 15 | |
237547685 | Sufi Brotherhoods | mystic groups | 16 | |
237547686 | Judaism and Christianity | were considered negligent religions | 17 | |
237547687 | Medina | refuge place for early Muslims | 18 | |
237547688 | single god | Muslims had faith in a supreme and __. | 19 | |
237547689 | hadith | supplemented the Quran, added material on legal issues not covered | 20 | |
237547690 | paper making | an invention that fostered the spread of Islam | 21 | |
237547691 | Arabs | group of people who were more farmers than nomads | 22 | |
237547692 | southern pastoralists | isolated from Arabic civilization and related more closely with the Africans, Indians, and Persians | 23 | |
237547693 | Mecca | W. Arabian caravan city | 24 | |
237547694 | Muhammad | prophet of god, founder of Islam | 25 | |
237547695 | mysticism | Arabic religion before Islam | 26 | |
237547696 | hijra | the flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina to escape persecution a.d. 622: regarded as the beginning of the Muslim Era. | 27 | |
237547697 | Muslim | A follower of Islam, means "one who has submitted" | 28 | |
237547698 | Islam | the religion based on the revelations of the prophet Muhammad; means "submission to the will of God." | 29 | |
237547699 | Quran | Islam's holy book. (Similar to the bible and Torah) | 30 | |
237547700 | Abu Bakar | In 632 _______ became the "chosen" successor to Muhammad. He claimed the title of 1st caliph or deputy. | 31 | |
237547701 | faith, prayer, alms, fasting, pilgrimage | 5 Pillars of Islam | 32 | |
237547702 | Sunnis | Muslims belonging to branch of Islam believing that the community should select its own leadership. The majority religion in most Islamic countries. | 33 | |
237547703 | Shi'ites | Muslims belonging to the branch of Islam believing that God vests leadership of the community in a descendant of Muhammad's son-in-law Ali. The state religion of Iran. | 34 | |
237547704 | Umayyad Caliphate | first hereditary dynasty of Muslim caliphs | 35 | |
237547705 | Umar | conquered Syria and Egypt and defeated the Sasanid shah | 36 | |
237547706 | coherent movement | no____ ____ to force the religion of Islam onto conquered peoples | 37 | |
237547707 | secular | caliphs were primarily ___ | 38 | |
237547708 | Fall of the Umayyad | attacks from the Shi'ites and Kharijites | 39 | |
237547709 | Kharijites | this group rejected the caliphs, they believed only a Muslim free of sin could lead. | 40 | |
237547710 | cosmopolitan | when more foreigners became Muslim, the empire became more ___. | 41 | |
237547711 | refined | culture in the Abbasid empire was __. | 42 | |
237547712 | expanse of the empire | made ruling difficult | 43 | |
237547713 | mamluks | Under the Islamic system of military slavery, Turkish military slaves who formed an important part of the armed forces of the Abbasid Caliphate of the ninth and tenth centuries. | 44 | |
237547714 | Samarra | new capital of the empire | 45 | |
237547715 | Samanid | one of several Iranian states to acheive independence | 46 | |
237547716 | Berber revolts | created Iranian city states | 47 | |
237547717 | Ghana | First known kingdom in sub-Saharan West Africa known as the Land of Gold, peacfully converted to Islam | 48 | |
237547718 | Fatamid Caliphate | An independant Muslim state that sprang up in the Abbasid caliphate. The caliphate began in North Africa and spread across the Red Sea to Western Arabia and Syria. | 49 | |
237547719 | Umayyad Spain | developed a distinctive Islamic culture blending Roman, Germanic, and Jewish traditions with the Arabs and Berbers | 50 | |
237547720 | Shari'a | law of islam | 51 |
Rise of Islam Flashcards
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