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shepard cumulative vocab 1-7 (complete) Flashcards

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36883133malign(v) slander, criticize, smear, libel; (adj) harmful, hurtful, damaging, destructive0
36883134prodigious(adj) remarkable, exceptional, impressive, phenomenal; huge, vast, copious, giant, enormous, profuse1
36883135daunt(v) intimidate, deter, discourage, overwhelm2
36883136clemency(n) mercy, leniency, forgiveness, pity, compassion3
36883137encomium(n) praise, tribute, accolade, compliment4
36883138expedient(n) device, means, maneuver: (adj) convenient, practical, beneficial; fitting, appropriate, advisable5
36883139alacrity: (n) eagerness, enthusiasm, quickness, speed, promptness6
36883140disapprobation: (n) disapproval, censure, criticism, rejection, condemnation7
36883141inured(adj) accustomed, hardened, habituated8
36883142concupiscencea strong physical desire, lust9
36883143intrepid(adj) fearless, bold, brave, courageous, valiant, resolute, audacious10
36883144abet(v) assist, help, support, back, : encourage, incite, put up to11
36883145infallibleperfect, foolproof, reliable, fail-safe, waterproof12
36883146precipitate(adj) impulsive, impetuous, sudden, rash; (v) hasten, cause, occasion,13
36883147nettle(v) annoy, irritate, grate on one's nerves, vex, exasperate14
36883148ignominious: (adj) nefarious, reprehensible, disgraceful, shameful15
36883149inundate: (v) overwhelm, flood, deluge, swamp16
36883150potent(adj) powerful, compelling, persuasive, effective17
36883151providence(n) fate, chance, luck, outside influence, divine intervention, destiny18
36883152junta: (n) military rule, stratocracy, government by army19
36883153temperance(n) restraint, self-control, reasoned action20
36883154promulgate(v) proclaim, disseminate, announce, publicize, declare21
36883155circumspect(adj) cautious, judicious, prudent22
36883156puissance(n) power, might, strength, force23
36883157Eschewshun, avoid, disdain24
36883158Laudablepraiseworthy, commendable, valiant, admirable, couragous25
36883159LaconicBrief, concise, economical26
36883160odiousdeplorable, appalling, horrible27
36883161Iniquitywickedness, immorality, crime, vice28
36883162Posteritydescendants, offspring, children29
36883163Beguileentice, mesmerize, fool, charm30
36883164Fervidpassionate, impassioned, intense31
36883165Tumultclamor, commotion, turmoil, mayehm32
36883166Sagaciouswise, perceptive33
36883167Eruditionscholarship, sophistication34
36883168Tacitimplicit, implied, unstated but understood35
36883169eminentwell known, distinguished, prominent36
36883170Vehementpassionate, intense, violent37
36883171Encroachtrespass, intrude38
36883172Countenancetolerate, allow, (n) expression, face39
36883173Insolentimpudent, disrespectful, rude40
36883174Suffusepremeate, saturate, fill41
36883175feignfake, simulate42
36883176Profoundinsightful, deep, meaningful43
36883177Copiousabundant, plentiful, profuse, numerous44
36883178Assiduousdiligent, industrious45
36883179Juxtapositionconjunction, cembination46
36883180Inchoateunclear, tentative, undeveloped47
36883181callousHeinous, uncaring, ruthless48
36883182Obsequiousflattering, submissive, sycophantic49
36883183Ripostereply, retort, wisecrack50
36883184Freneticfrantic, hectic, chaotic51
36883185Solacecomfort, relief52
36883186Speculationconjecture, assumption, theory, guesswork53
36883187Importuneplead, annoy, harass, pester54
36883188Approbateaffirm, approve, praise, aknowledge55
36883189Adumbrateforeshadow, prefigure indistinctly56
36883190RepudiateDisown, abjure57
36883191Pithyterse, brief, succinct, concise58
36883192Expiatecompensate, recompense, redress59
36883193Timorousfearful, timid60
36883194Portentouspompous, arrogant, haughty or significant, fateful, ominous61
36883195Divertredirect, deflect, distract62
36883196Ensueresult, arise63
36883197acrimonybitterness, irascibility, wrath, rudeness :-(64
36883198loquacioustalkative, chatty, verbose, garrulous65
36883199levityhumor, cheerfulness, flippancy66
36883200admonishreprove, reprimand, chide, scold, caution67
36883201proprietydecorum, respectability, modesty, correctness, appropriateness68
36883202enmityanimosity, rancor, loathing, malice69
36883203lugubrioussad, melancholy, depressing, somber70
36883204candiddirect, frank, honest, forthright, sincere, uncensored71
36883205predicamentdilemma, quandary, mess, jam72
36883206tawdrycheap, sleazy, gaudy73
36883207Imbueinstill, fill, saturate, permeate74
36883208Lasciviouslicentious, lustful, immoral75
36883209Transcendentalconcerned with a pror basis of knowledge, exalted or mystical76
36883210Insidioussinister, subtle, sly, cunning77
36883211Lassitudelethargy, weakness, indolence78
36883212Salutaryhelpful, beneficial, productive79
36883213Codapostscript, addendum, afterthought80
36883214Peripherymargin, border, edge, boundary81
36883215Propinquityproximity, vicinity; concurrence or kinship82
36883216Execratedcursed or denounced, to declare as evil or detestable83
36883217Presageforeshadow, portend, foretell, predict84
36883218Stigmatamark or brand, a sign of disease, Christs wounds85
36883219Accedeapprove, approach, consent, assent86
36883220Refractorystubborn, unmanageable, immune, insusceptible87
36883221Noxiouspernicious, harmful, corrupting, destructive88
36883222Rancorenmitiy, ill-will, hostility, abhorrence89
36883223Inanebana, empty, prosaic, vampid, asinine, ludicrous90
36883224Turpitudewickedness, depravity, inherent baseness of character91
36883225Pedagogythe art, science or pfrofession of teaching92
36883226Dexterityadroitness, mental skill or quickness, eas in use of hands93
36956319Fiascodisaster, Debacle, flop, ignominy, disgrace, humiliation94
36956320Coquetrya flirtatious act or attitude95
36956321insinuateimply, suggest, intimate; ingratiate yourself, wheedle (Wheedle: to persuade someone.)96
36956322Pedanta male school teacher; one who is exacting and perfectionist in the minutiae of knowledge, one who parades his learning97
36956323Piquanthot, spicy, tangy, sharp98
36986202Auspiciousfavorable, promising, fortunate, propitious, good99
40220063Bereftto deprive of something, desolate100
40220064sonorousproducing a full, deep ritch sound, resonate101
40220065reticencereluctance, reserved, unwillingness102
40220066renunciationdenial, abandonment // acceptance103
40220067Benignantkind, gentle, gracious, favorable, beneficial // cruel, pernicious104
40220068Indefatigableuntriring, inexhaustible, unrelenting // enervated105
40220069Cravencowardly, gutless, timorous. pusillanimous // brave106
40220070Spectralghostly, haunted, supernatural, phantom107
40220071SolipsismPhilosophical theory of the self as the only knowable reality108
40220072Panoplyarrary, myriad, countless, numerous // few109
40220073Apotheosisglorification, deification, elevate to a transcendent position110
40220074Solecismmistake, faux pas, error in grammar or etiquette111
40220075Trepidationfear, apprehensiveness, alarm, dread112
40220076Truculentpugnacious, scathing, belligerent, violent113
40220077Calumnyslander, falsehoods about someone (Not Malign)114
40220078Snivelwhine, complain, sniffle115
40220079CannyWily, smart, shrewd, frugal in spending116
40220080Sedulousindustrious, assiduous, persevering // lackadaisical117
40220081Elucidateenlighten, clarify, shine a light upon118
40220082Insouciantnonchalant, cavalier, unconcerned119
40220083Polemicdiatribe, tirade, a controversy or argument, especially one that is a refutation of or an attack upon a specified opinion, doctrine, or the like. The term can refer to the person who is engaged in the argument.120
40220084Unctuousgreasy or oily, sycophantic or groveling121
40220085Chastenpunish or chastise, censure, reprimand, castigate122
40220086Estrangealienate, disaffect , push away or separate from123
40220087Ruminateponder, consider, think, meditate, reflect124
42292735Redolentaromatic, fragrant, scented, malodorous125
42292736Cajolecoax, wheedle, entice, inveigle126
42292737Effaceto eliminate or make indistinct, to make oneself, modestly inconspicuous127
42292738Intrinsicinnate, inherent, native, essential, built-in128
42292739Brusquecurt or abrupt in nature, gruff, brisk129
42292740Ennuiworld wearines, boredom130
42292741Peremptoryauthoritative, absolute, dogmatic, dictatorial131
42292742Abatestop, halt, subside, decrease132
42292743Menageriea diverse group, zoo133
42292744Banalhackneyed, trite, prosac, dull, clichéd134
42292745Intimationsuggestion, hint, allusion, insinuation135
42292746Largessemunificence, generosity, bounty, charity136
42292747Obviateprevent, preclude, avert, hinder137
42292748Soporifichypnotic, heavy, sleep-inducing, dull, monotonous138
42292749Raptengrossed, absorbed, ethralled, captivated139
42292750Purgecleanse, clean, rid, eliminate, eradicate; pardon, exonerate, excuse140
42292751Miscreanttroublemaker, scoundrel, malefactor, reprobate, villain141
42292752Desultoryaimless, random, haphazard, indiscriminate142
42292753Throngcrowd, horde, mob; crowd, pack, jam, inundate143
42292754Facetiousintended as humorous or funny, but usually illy, inappropriate, teasing144
42292755Rubicundrosy or reddish tint to the skin145
42292756Disgruntleddissatisfied, unhappy, irritated, peeved146
42292757Draconianextremely harsh or severe, unjust147
42292758Amiablefriendly, sociable, genial, affable148
42292759Wanediminish, decrease, fade, decline149
45154963fainhappily, preferably' eager, compelled to as in forced by obligation // unwillingly; halfhearted150
45154964reconditeobscure, abstruse, complex, hidden // obviouse, clear, apparent, evident, understandable151
45154965warrantmerit or deserve, demand, guarantee, affirm, assure152
45154966fastidiousfinicky or picky, fussy, painstaking //easygoing, careless, slapdash153
45154967vitriolicspiteful, venomous, acerbic, vicious, caustic// kind, mild, soothing154
45154968limpidclear and transparent, lucid; unworried, calm, composed // confused, incoherent; worried, irrational, insane155
45154969untenableindefensible, weak, invalid, flawed//defensible, valid, bona fide, convincing, compelling156
45154970esotericobscure, arcane, cryptic, mysterious// knowable, fathomable // beatin yo meat157
45154971vicissitudeunexpected changes, fortunes158
45154972zeitgeistthe ideas prevalent in a period or place, the spirit of the age159
45154973gamutfull range, length, extent, breath160
45154974ineluctableunavoidable, inescapable, ordained, inexorable, unavoidable // unnecessary, preventable161
45154975nexusconnection, link, center, focus // edge periphery, fringe162
45154976surmiseguess, deduce, infer, construe, postulate, assume// to know absolutely163
45154977malingershirk, feign illness, play hooky// accept, attend, take on, assume164
45154978harbingerportent, omen, forerunner, herald // afterthought, epilogue165
45154979hiatusgap, pause, break, lull, interval //continuance, extension, persistence166
45154980plaintivemournful, nostalgic, melancholic, sad, lamenting // cheerful, happy, merry, celebratory, festive, congratulatory167
45154981spectralghostly, phantom, haunted, supernatural// natural, earthly, mundane168
45154982bemuseconfuse, bewilder, puzzle, perplex, muddle // clarify, enlighten, elucidate169
45154983imperiousdomineering, authoritative, arrogant, haughty // subservient, submissive, meek, docile170
45154984sophistryflawed method of argumentation, faulty logic or reasoning that appears good, but is only clever and dishonest171
45154985tiradeoutburst, diatribe rant, invective // encomium172
45154986luridgarish, gaudy, vivid, loud, explicit, sensational, shocking // bland, decorous, restrained, proper, appropriate173
45154987vociferousvoluble, enthusiastic, raucous, strident, noisy // soft, measured, mellifluous, gentile174

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