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Soc: Chapter 4 Flashcards

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99263725Minoanssuccessful traders from the island of Crete, adapted ideas and technology from Egypt and Mesopotamia, destroyed by Mycenaean invasion0
99263726Mycenaeanssea traders that spoke Greek, dominated Aegean world for 200 years, acquired skills and customs from Minoans, developed city states, defeated by Dorian invasion1
99263727DoriansSea raiders, spoke Greek, defeated Mycenaeans, invasions caused decline of cities, trading and writing throughout Mediterranean2
99263728Cyrus the GreatKing of Persia established the Persian Empire3
99263729ZoroastrianismA new religion developed by the Persians. Stressed importance of moral choice. Saw material existence as battle between good and evil.4
99263730Olympic GamesHeld during a time of peace and no fighting between city states. Only men participated - without clothing.5
99263731PericlesFamous great political figure, dominated Athenian politics, was an aristocrat, Took part in the democratic political structure.6
99263732Peloponnesian WarsA war between Spartans and Athenians, split Greek world in half, weakened both city-states. Easily conquered by Philip the 2nd of Macedon.7
99263733Philip the 2nd of MacedonConqueror of Greece in 338 BCE. Succeeded by son Alexander the Great.8
99263734Hellenistic PeriodTime where Greek art and culture merged with influences from Middle East. Comes from the Hellenes (the Greeks).9
99263735AlexandriaCity named after Alexander the Great. Trade flourished. Was an important scientific center. Center of world trade and culture.10
99263736Roman RepublicA government by the educated people. They developed a strong military, and extended their influence to the Italian peninsula and Greece.11
99263737Punic WarsA series of 3 was against the city of Carthage. Fought because Rome wanted to extend their territory - Carthage fought back.12
99263738CarthagePhoenician city on the northern coast of Africa. Had the brilliant general Hannibal.13
99263739HannibalBrilliant general from the Phoenician city of Carthage. Was able to watch his opponents fight, and find their weaknesses.14
99263740DiocletianRoman emperor who ruled during Rome's decline. Tried to save the empire. Implemented tetrarchy - rule of 4 that divided the empire.15
99263741ConstantineRoma emperor that adopted Christianity. Passed the edict of Milan.16
99263742PolisGreek word for city-state. Our word politics comes from Polis17
99263743Direct DemocracyGovernment where major decisions of state are made by general assemblies, where all citizens should participate.18
99263744SenateMost important body of legislative politics; composed mainly of aristocrats. Members held virtually all executive offices in the Roman state.19
99263745ConsulsTwo political figures who shared executive power. Example: Publius Cornelius Sapio20
99263746AristotlePhilosopher who stressed the importance of moderation and balance in human behavior. Balance not found in political life.21
99263747StoicsEmphasized inner moral independence, strict personal discipline, and personal behavior.22
99263748SocratesAthenian philosopher, encouraged his students to question proven theories.23
99263749PlatoPupil of Socrates, philosopher. Believed that human reason could approach an understanding of 3 perfect forms - the true, good, and beautiful.24
99263750SophoclesAthenian dramatist. Writer of tragedies - where everyone dies. Author of Oedipus Rex.25
99263751The Iliad and the OdysseyStories written by the poet Homer. Knowledge of Greek polytheism.26
99263752Doric, Ionic, Corinthian columnsDoric - most simple Ionic - most common Corinthian - most ornate27
99263753AutonomySelf controlled, governing (Greece)28
99263754SpartaStrong military aristocracy. Large slave population.29
99263755AthensDemocracy (people get the power). Artistic and intellectual leadership. Evolved into a Direct Democracy.30
99263756SophistsQuestioned accepted ideas (Greek).31
99263757Greek ArchitectureSought reflected harmony in the universe.32
99263758Greek ArtSculptor emphasized the realistic human form.33
99263759EuripidesWriter of tragedies.34
99263760HerodotusCreated the standards for future historians.35
99263761Pax RomanaPeace and prosperity36
99263762Roman Decline476 CE, Rome is sacked by invaders from the north, after several years of decline.37
99263763Aristocratic AssembliesMost popular form of city-state government in Greece. Established guidelines for city-state policy.38
99263764AristocracyGreek word for "rule of the best".39
99263765The Twelve TabletsCirca 450 BCE. Common laws that integrate society.40
99263766Important Laws to RomansProperty Law Laws of Commerce41
99263767"Bread and Circuses"Cheap food, the gladiator, and the coliseum.42
99263768PythagorasMathematics and geometry.43
99263769PtolemyAstronomy; planetary movement44
99263770Rome's AccomplishmentsRoads, bridges, aqueducts, arches, religiously inspired art (statues, temples, music, plays, etc.).45
99263771FeudalType of land system with higher lords and tenant farmers.46
99263772Loss of LandLoss of voting rights (Rome).47
99263773Solution for Lack of Grain Producing Land"Grain Colonies". Rome=Sicily & N. Africa. Greece = Middle East48

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