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Soc: Chapter 5 Flashcards

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126567795Axumkingdom located in Ethiopian highlands; received strong influence from Arabian peninsula; eventually converted to Christianity0
126567796Ethiopiaa Christian kingdom that developed in the highlands of Eastern Africa; retained Christianity in the face of Muslim expansion elsewhere in Africa; overthrow Axum; had trade contacts with Mediterranean1
126567797Silk Roadsthe most famous of the trading routes established by pastoral nomads connecting the European, Indian, and Chinese; transmitted goods and ideas among civilizations2
126567798Shintoismreligion of the early Japanese culture; worshipped numerous gods and spirits associated with the natural world (polytheistic, animistic); offered food and prayers to gods and nature spirits3
126567799Olmec Culturefeatured irrigated agriculture, urbanism, elaborate religion; beginnings of calendrical and writing systems4
126567800Mayaextended over broad region; featured monumental architecture, written language, calendrical and mathematical systems; higly developed religion5
126567801Incagroup of clans, centered at Cuzco; empire that incorporated various Andean cultures; careful agriculture; creation of elaborate cities and religious monuments6
126567802Polynesianspeople from Polynesia; reached islands such as Fiji and Samoa7
126567803Yellow TurbinsChinese Daoists who launched a revolt in 184 in China promising a golden age brought about by divine magic8
126567804Rajputregional princes in India following the collapse of the Empire; emphasized military control of their regions9
126567805Islammajor world religion based on the prophecies of Muhammad; split into 2 groups of believers, Sunni and Shia10
126567806Allahthe supreme God in the monotheistic Islam11
126567807Byzantine EmpireEastern half of the Roman Empire following the collapse of the West; retained particularly Greek culture; capital at Constantinople; lost Palestine, Syria, and Egypt to Islam12
126567808JustinianEastern Roman emperor who tried to restore unity of the old Roman Empire; known for issuing most famous compilation of Roman Law; built the Hagia Sophia13
126567809Augustineinfluential church father and theologian; Bishop of Hippo; champion of Christian doctrine against various heresies and very important in the long-term development of Christian thought on such issues as predestination14
126567810Coptic ChurchChristian minority; larger church branch from the split of North African Christianity15
126567811BodhisattvasBuddhist holy men; built up spiritual merits during their lifetimes; prayers even after death could aid people to achieve reflected holiness16
126567812MahayanaChinese version of Buddhism; placed considerable emphasis on Buddha as God or Savior17
126567813Jesus of Nazarethprophet and teacher among the Jews; believed by Christians to be the Messiah18
126567814Paulone of the first Christian missionaries; moved away from insistence that adherents of the new religion follow Jewish Law; use of Greek as language of the Church19
126567815PopeBishop of Rome; head of the Christian Church in western Europe20
126567816Benedictfounder of monasticism in what had been the western half of the Roman Empire; known for establishing Benedictine Rule; paralleled development of Basil's rules in the Byzantine Empire21
126567817Han and Gupta dynastyboth suffer invasions from nomadic tribes -huns-22
126567818Government Corruptionincreases, particularly in the Confucian civil service exam23
126567819Signs of Decline in China and Indiagov't corruption, increased taxs, promises of golden age brought about by religious magic, civil war, new diseases24
126567820Signs of decline in RomeDeclining population, difficulty maintaining an army; had to hire Germanic mercenaries,series of weak and corrupt emperors, increased financial difficulties, lack of tax revenues, new diseases, lack of scholarship, creation of manor-like feudal systems25
126567821Constantinoplebecomes second capital26
126567822476Rome is sacked27
126567823Samsarawheel of reincarnation in Buddhism28
126567824Christianitylegalized in 31329

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