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Transformation of Europe Flashcards

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252697474Global connectionswest contact w/ east; tech. innovations1
252697475Sea-based trade equaled level of land-based tradesea empires > land2
252697476European kingdoms = world powerspower and prosperity; didn't eclipse SW Asia, Africa, and East Asia3
252697477Power of Nomadic Groups Declinedtrade and cultural diffusion; threaten borders of land-based empires; power declined as trade/travel by water >4
252697478Labor Systems Transformedresults of colonies; slave labor; systems in S. America adapted from native traditions by Spanish and Portuguese5
252697479Gunpowder Empires in M. East and Asiaold area, new strength; still suffered old issues land-based empires felt; end of era many less powerful than sea-based kingdoms of Europe6
252697480Medicispatrons of arts in Florence, Italy; centers of commerce, ed., and arts7
252697481MachiavelliThe Prince; absolute power; end justifies means; better feared than loved8
252697482Humanismhuman potential and achievements; classic values and arts9
252697483Petrarchfather of humanism; Latin and Italian sonnets10
252697484New Art Techniquesrealism (depict subjects realistically, not ideally); perspective (3-D, depth); vernacular (native language as opposed to Latin)11
252697485Why Italy?Urban growth (trade during Crusades; revitalized Rome); Merchant class values (stressed indiv. achievement); Classical heritage (decline of Constan. and renewed interest in classics)12
252697486Johann Gutenbergmovable type and printing press; literacy and access to books >13
252697487ErasmusChristian humanist; The Praise of Folly; Christ. of heart, not ceremony14
252697488Shakespearepoet & playwright; poems, comedies, and tragedies15
252697489Merging artistic styleshumanist ideas and Christianity16
252697490Protestant ReformationPeople began to question lives and authority of Catholic Church17
252697491Martin LutherGerman monk, questioned prac. like indulgences; 95 Theses (95 things church doing wrong; posted on church door in Germany); Grew because of printing press; ideas include faith alone saves; bible in vernacular; priests have no special powers; simple sacraments of baptism and comm..; religious ed for all; Luther excommunicated after not recanting at Diet of Worms18
252697492John CalvinCalvinism; faith alone and predestination; spreads all over Europe19
252697493Henry VIIIwanted to divorce Catherine to marry Anne; pope refused so Henry declared himself Head of the Church of England in "Act of Supremacy" 1534 aka Anglican Church (king > pope in England)20
252697494Catholic ReformationCouncil of Trent determined def. of heresy; launched Inquisition and Jesuits; Spanish Inquisition ended church unity in West Europe21
252697495Jesuitsreligious order; spread Christianity; supported papacy22
252697496Edict of Nantesstopped persecution of Protestants23
252697497Thirty Years' WarCatholic vs. Protestant; < power of Catholic Church24
252697498Treaty of Westphaliaended TYW; ensured German states freedom of religion25
252697499Scientific Revolutionintellectual powers discover natural laws that govern universe26
252697500Copernicusheliocentric system27
252697501Keplerlaws of planetary motion and elliptical orbits28
252697502Galileliexperimental method; Law of Inertia; telescope29
252697503Isaac NewtonUniversal Law of Gravitation; Three laws of motion30
252697504William Harveyblood circulation; heart beginning of b.c.; same blood throughout31
252697505The Enlightenmentnatural laws govern human affairs32
252697506Concernsabsolute monarchies; propose reforms to eliminate abuses and promote indiv. freedom33
252697507Absolute Monarchyall power within state was theirs; control everything; divine right34
252697508Thomas HobbesSocial Contract; humans wicked; without govt. war; escape life by having strong leader; abs. mon.35
252697509John Lockeeople could learn and improve; nat. ability to govern own affairs; look after welfare of society; self-govt; life, liberty, and property; govt-main duty to protect rights; govt. power=consent of governed, not divine right36
252697510Philosophyheight in France 1700's; Paris; philosophes (social critics in France, apply reason to all aspects of life)37
252697511Adam SmithThe Wealth of Nations; supply and demand; founded capitalistic economy38
252697512Montesquieuadmired power of British parliament; advocated more radicalism; 3 indiv. branches (Leg. Exec. Jud.)39
252697513Voltaire and Rousseauabsolutism and intolerance of monarchies and Catholic; freedoms deserved by laws of nature limited; R's social contract "Man born free and everywhere in chains"40
252697514Fundamentals of PhilosophyReason, Nature, Happiness, Progress, Liberty41
252697515Consequences2 revolutions; constitutional monarchies; modern age of democracy42
252697516Female philosophersMary Astell (low view of marriage) and Mary Wollstonecraft (women treated as inferiors because of people's narrow ways of thinking; govt. puts too many obstacles before women who wish to become well educated)43

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