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Unit 12 B Flashcards

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8228512987Who consolidated their power and began forming nation-sates in the late medieval period?European Monarchies0
8228529898Statesindependent countries/political units1
8228537680nationa group of people who share a common heritage and culture2
8228550387nation-statesindependent countries with people who share a common heritage and culture3
8228566950For centuries who is England invaded by?Germanic Tribes4
8228574090Who is Alfred the GreatUnites Angles and saxons from forming England (land of the tribes)5
8228599385Who is Edward the confessor?A descendent of Alfred and leaves no heirs.6
8228608249Who is William the conqueror?Leader of Norman conquest unites most of England during the Battle of Hasting in 10667
8228633240Who Henry II?strengthens the royal courts and helps create the body of common law8
8228675690Who is king John?Loses most of his French lands a forced to signed the Magna Carta (1215) limiting the kings' power9
8228702972Who is king Edward I?Summons the first parliament of nobles and commoners10
8228714028What is the Hugh Capet?Establishes the French throne in Paris, and the Capetian dynasty gradually expands their control over most of France11
8228747551Who is King Phillip II?Regains land from land from England, triples the land under his control, and established central government of France12
8228773251What does Phillip IV include?The third estate in the meeting of the estates general, which helps increase royal power.13
8228790785Who sets rule of the king above papal rule?Phillip IV14
8228796723What challenged the church authority?The great Schism15
8228812496What happens to scholars who criticize Church excesses?The dealt with harshly16
8228821783Who is John WycliffeChrist is head of Church and bible alone was the final authority for Christian life; English translations of the Bible.17
8228843196Who is Jan Hus?Bohemian professor burned at the stake for teaching Bible as ultimate authority.18
8228872399What happened in the 14th century?The Black Death (bubonic plague) decimated the population if Asia and then Europe.19
8228896744Where does the Bubonic Plague start?Asia and then sweeps across Europe killing 1/4 of the population.20
8228916483What happens every few years with the plague?It further reduces population and disrupts society.21
8228931562What does scarcity of labor do?Breaks down the manorial system and towns are freed from feudal obligations22
8228972774What did the people do with the church?They became disillusioned with the church pessimistic about the future, or preoccupied with pleasure23
8228995815What three things did the plague do?Decline in population Disrupts trade decline of church influence24
8229010985What did the hundreds years war do?Pits France against England in a struggle for land25
8229023540What is the English long bow used for?to defeat the French and spells the end of chivalrous warfare26
8229050623What Joan of Arc become?He becomes the unifying factors for France and leads France to victory although captured and executed by the English27
8229095969The Hundred Years' War gives rise to _________ and _______ _______ as a nation, empowers French _______ and English ___________, and marks ________ of the _______ _______.Nationalism, defines france, king, parliament, end, middle ages28
8229145913What happened to Spain in medieval Europe?It was divided into 4 areas.29
8229154038What were the four areas of Spain called?Portugal, Castile, and Aragon(christian) and Granada (Muslim Moors)30
8229172515What did Ferdinad and Isabella do?Unify the country as a Christian nation and expelled Jews and Moors (reconqusita)31
8229185626What is established to suppress Heresy?Inquistion32
8229201381What happens to the Spanish Empire in the western hemisphere?It is expanded under Charles V33
8229211981Who is Ivan the great?He threw off the rule the Mongols, centralized power in Moscow, and expanded the Russian nation34
8229228059What happens in the hands of tsar?Power was centralized35
8229246402What did the Orthodox Church influence?Unification36
8229259625Who emerged onto the world scene at the beginning of the 1200's under Genghis KhanThe mongol armies37
8229273776Who invaded russia, china, and Muslins states in Southwest Asia, destroying cities and countryside?The mongol armies38
8229288038Who created an empire that stretches from the Yellow Sea to the baltic and from the Himalayas to northern russia?The mongol armies39
8229297638What is the Eurasian steppe?It is a vast grassland serving as a trade routes as a mature for nomads40
8229309780Who are steppe nomads?They are pastoralists who move in seasonal patterns and live in clans41
8229319755Who do steppe nomads trade with?Settled communities but also raid them42
8229348023Mogol clans unite under who?The leadership of Genghis Kahn (Temujn) and conquer central asia43
8229361935Who is Genghis Kahn?A brilliant organizer and strategist, uses new weapons, technology, and terror to overwhelm his enemies44
8229388829What does the mogol conquest create?The largest land empire yet known.45
8229396941What happened over time to the empire?It was divided into four khanates46
8229410594What do mongols do after conquering an area?They would often adopt many aspects of the local culture47
8229426873What does the period of mongol peace encourage?Trade and cultural exchange between Europe and asia.48
8229449632Who was education largely confined to?Clergy49
8229453654What was uneducated?The masses50
8229462613What was the nobility concerned about?Fedual obligations51
8229479147What did church scholars do?Preserved ancient literature in monasteries in the East and West52
8229495131Were among the very few who could read and write?Church Scholars53
8229499206Worked in monasteriesChurch scholars54
8229505816Translated greek and arabic works into latinChurch scholars55
8229515345Made new knowledge in Philosophy, medicine, and science available in EuropeChurch Scholars56
8229522018Laid in foundations for the rise of universities in EuropeChurch scholars57

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