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Unit 2: Europe Flashcards

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12468995parliamentsbodies representing privileged groups; institutionalized feudal principle that rulers should consult with their vassals; found in England, Spain, Germany, and France0
12468996William the Conquerorinvaded England from Normandy in 1066; extended tight feudal system to England; established administrative system based on sheriffs; established centralized monarchy1
12468997middle agesthe period in western European history from the decline and fall of the Roman Empire until the 15th century2
12468998magna cartaGreat Charter issued by King John of England in 1215; confirmed feudal rights against monarchical claims; represented principle of mutual limits and obligations between rulers and feudal aristocracy3
12468999holy Roman emperorsemperors in northern Italy and Germany following the split of Charlemagne's empire; claimed title of emperor c. 10th century; failed to develop centralized monarchy in Germany4
12469000vikingsseagoing Scandinavian raiders from Sweden, Denmark, and Norway who disrupted coastal areas of western Europe from the 8th the the 11th centuries5
12469001Urban IIcalled First Crusade in 1095; appealed to Christians to mount military assault to free the Holy Land from the Muslims6
12469002serfspeasant agricultural laborers within the manorial system of the Middle Ages7
12469003CharlemagneCharles the Great; Carolingian monarch who established substantial empire in France and Germany c. 8008
12469004guildssworn associations of people in the same business or craft in a single city; stressed security and mutual control; limited membership, regulated apprenticeship, guaranteed good workmanship; often established franchise within cities9
12469005vassalsmembers of the military elite who received land or a benefice from a feudal lord in return for military service and loyalty10
12469006gothican architectural style developed during the Middle Ages in western Europe; featured pointed arches and flying buttresses as external supports on main walls11
12469007manorialismsystem that described the economic and political relations between landlords and their peasant laborers during the Middle Ages; involved a hierarchy of reciprocal obligations that exchanged labor or rents for access to land12
12469008Cyrilalong with Methodius, missionary sent by Byzantine government to eastern Europe and the Balkans; converted souther Russians and Balkans to Orthodox Christianity; responsible for creation of written script for Slavic known as Cyrillic13
12469009Clovisearly Frankish king; converted Franks to Christianity c. 496; allowed establishment of Frankish kingdom14
12469010Black Deathplague that struck Europe in 14th century; significantly reduced Europe's population; affected social structure15
12469011Hagia Sophianew church constructed in Constantinople during reign of Justinian16
12469012Hundred Years Warconflict between England and France from 1337 to 1453; fought over lands England possessed in France and feudal rights versus the emerging claims of national states17
12469013greek fireByzantine weapon consisting of mixture of chemicals that ignited when exposed to water; utilized to drive back the Arab fleets that attacked Constantinople18
12469014iconsimages of religious figures that became objects of veneration within Christianity of hte Byzantine Empire; particularly prevalent in eastern monasticism19
12469015Vladimir IRuler of Russian kingdom of Kiev from 980 to 1015; converted kingdom to Christianity20
12469016Thomas Aquinascreator of one of the great syntheses of medieval learning; taught at University of Paris; author of several Summas; believed that through reason it was possible to know much about natural order, moral law, and nature of God21
12469017boyarsrussian aristocrats; possessed less political power than did their counterparts in western Europe22
12469018Russian Orthodoxyrussian form of Christianity imported from Byzantine Empire and combined with local religion; king characteristically controlled major appointments23
12469019three field systemsystem of agricultural cultivation by 9th century in western Europe; included one-third in spring grains, one-third fallow24

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