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Unit 2 Flashcards

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2317518404 noble truths1. life contains suffering 2. cause of suffering 3. suffering can be "cured" 4. follow "middle way" (Eightfold Path)0
2317518418 fold pathTo reach Nirvana 1. right views, 2. intention, 3. speech, 4. actions, 5. living, 6. effort, 7. mindfulness, 8. concentration1
231751842AchaemenidsDynasty ruling in Persia from Cyrus I to Darius III (553-330 BC).2
231751843Alexander of Macedonia356-323 B.C. established the Hellenic Age (the fusion of Greek culture with the East).3
231751844AnalectsCollection of the ideas and teachings of Confucius4
231751845Anatoliaa peninsula in southwestern Asia that forms the Asian part of Turkey5
231751846Animismthe doctrine that all natural objects and the universe itself have souls6
231751847Ashokaa ruler of the Mauryan Empire who converted to Buddhism7
231751848Athensthe capital and largest city of Greece8
231751849BactriaThe ancient region stretching from the Hindu Kush mountain range to the ancient Ganhara region of the Indian subcontinent.9
231751850Brahmathe Creator10
231751851Brahminany of several breeds of Indian cattle11
231751852Buddhafounder of Buddhism12
231751853Bureaucratan official of a bureaucracy13
231751854Carthagean ancient city state on the north African coast near modern Tunis14
231751855Caste systema social structure in which classes are determined by heredity15
231751856Conscriptioncompulsory military service16
231751857ConstantineEmperor of Rome who adopted the Christian faith and stopped the persecution of Christians (280-337)17
231751858ConstantinoplePreviously known as Byzantium, Constantine changed the name of the city and moved the capitol of the Roman Empire here from Rome.18
231751859Consulschief executives elected to run the government in ancient Rome19
231751860CyrusKing of Persians; expanded the Persian Empire from Afghanistan to the Aegean Sea20
231751861Daoismphilosophical system developed by of Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu advocating a simple honest life and noninterference with the course of natural events21
231751862DariusThe great king of Persia. He was able to become a king after a year of a civil war following the death of someone. He is responsible for the expansion of Persia. He made a province in western India and expanded Persia as far north as Macedonia22
231751863Deforestationthe removal of trees23
231751864Desertificationthe gradual transformation of habitable land into desert24
231751865Dharmain Hinduism, the duties and obligations of each caste25
231751866Diasporathe dispersion of the Jews outside Israel26
231751867Diplomacywisdom in the management of public affairs27
231751868Eunucha man who has been castrated and is incapable of reproduction28
231751869Filial PietyRespect for parents29
231751870Gaulan ancient region of western Europe that included what is now northern Italy and France and Belgium and part of Germany and the Netherlands30
231751871Han WudiThe most important Han Emperor. Expanded the Empire in all directions. Created the Civil Service System. Established Public Schools.31
231751872Hegemonythe domination of one state over its allies32
231751873HunsNomadic people from Asia who attacked the Roman Empire.33
231751874Jainismreligion founded in the 6th century BC as a revolt against Hinduism34
231751875Jatisub castes; were groups of people within each caste that worked together for one economic function35
231751876Jesusa teacher and prophet born in Bethlehem and active in Nazareth36
231751877Julius CeasarRoman general and dictator. He was murdered by a group of senators and his former friend Brutus who hoped to restore the normal running of the republic37
231751878LegalismIn China, a political philosophy that emphasized the unruliness of human nature and justified state coercion and control. The Qin ruling class invoked it to validate the authoritarian nature of their regime. (p.52)38
231751879MagiThe wise men from the East who brought gifts for the baby Jesus39
231751880Monastica male religious living in a cloister and devoting himself to contemplation and prayer and work40
231751881Monsoonsseasonal wind patterns that cause wet and dry seasons41
231751882Octavian AgustusThe Roman ruler who began the "Pax Romana".42
231751883Parthiansa native or inhabitant of Parthia43
231751884Patriciansthe wealthy class in Roman society; landowners44
231751885Patronage(politics) granting favors or giving contracts or making appointments to office in return for political support45
231751886Pax Romanathe Roman peace46
231751887Plebeiansof the common people of ancient Rome47
231751889Punjaba historical region on northwestern India and northern Pakistan49
231751890Qanatunderground canal used in water systems of ancient Persians50
231751891Reincarnationa second or new birth51
231751892Sanskrit(Hinduism) an ancient language of India (the language of the Vedas and of Hinduism)52
231751893Satrapiesthe 20 states into which Darius divided the Persian Empire53
231751894SeleucidsThey controlled Persia after the death of Alexander. Their king was one of Alexander's generals.54
231751895SenateIn ancient Rome, the supreme governing body, originally made up only of aristocrats.55
231751896Shamanisman animistic religion of northern Asia having the belief that the mediation between the visible and the spirit worlds is effected by shamans56
231751897Siddartha Gautamafounder of Buddhism57
231751898SpartaGreek city-state that was ruled by an oligarchy, focused on military, used slaves for agriculture, discouraged the arts58
231751899StoicsHellenistic group of philosophers; emphasized inner moral independence cultivated by strict discipline of the body and personal bravery59
231751900Tributesomething given or done as an expression of esteem60
231751901Varnaa basic subdivision of humanity in the Hindu caste system61
231751902Venerationa profound emotion inspired by a deity62
231751903VisigothsGermanic tribe that was forced into the Roman Empire by the Huns63
231751904Xerxesson of Darius; became Persian king. He vowed revenge on the Athenians. He invaded Greece with 180,000 troops in 480 B.C.64
231751905XiongnuA confederation of nomadic peoples living beyond the northwest frontier of ancient China. Chinese rulers tried a variety of defenses and stratagems to ward off these 'barbarians,' as they called them, and dispersed them in 1st Century. (168)65

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