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Unit 2A AP Psy Masters

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68880988genotypethe genetic makeup of an individual
68880989phenotypephysical traits that appear in an individual as a result of its gentic make up
68880990genesparts of a chromosome that control inherited traits
68880991chromosomesthreadlike structures made of DNA molecules that contain the genes
68880992neuroncell that carries messages throughout the nervous system
68880993sensory neuronscarry incoming information from the sense receptors to the central nervous system
68880994motor neuronscarry outgoing information from the central nervous system to the muscles and glands
68880995interneuronscarry messages from one neuron to another
68880996dendritesshort fibers that branch out from the cell body and pick up incoming messages
68880997axonlong fiber that carries impulses away from the cell body of a neuron
68880998action potentiala neural impulse; a brief electrical charge that travels down an axon
68880999resting potentialstable, negative charge of an inactive neuron
68881000all-or-nothing principlestates that a neuron always fires with the same intensity; it will fire or not
68881001axon terminalsbulb like structers at end of axon contain neuro transmitters that carry neuron message into synapse
68881002myelin sheatha layer of fatty tissue encasing a neuron's axon that speeds transmission
68881003nodes of ranviergaps in the myelin sheath
68881004endorphina morphine like neurotransmitter that is produced in the brain and is linked to pain control and pleasure.
68881005norepinephrineneurotransmitter that is involved in arousal and the fight-or-flight system (also mood, sleep, and learning)
68881006acetylcholinea neurotransmitter that triggers muscle contraction and affects learning and memory
68881007dopamineneurotransmitter that influences voluntary movement, attention, alertness; too little = Parkinson's disease; too much =schizophrenia
68881008serotoninneurotransmitter that affects sleep, arousal, mood, appetite; lack of it = depression
68881009GABAmajor inhibitory neurotransmitter; undersupply linked to seizures, tremors, and insomnia
68881010Glutamatemajor excitatory neurotransmitter; involved in memory; too much= migraines or seizures
68881673synapsespace between two neurons
68881674synaptic vesiclestiny pouches or sacs in the axon terminals that contain neurotransmitters
68881675nerotransmitterschemical substances released in the synapse
68882875MRIa technique that uses magnetic fields and radio waves; produces computer-generated images; allows us to see structures within the brain; shows brain anatomy
68882876fMRIa technique for revealing blood flow and, brain activity by comparing successive MRI scans; show brain function
68882877EEGamplified recording of the waves of electrical activity that sweep across the brain's surface: measured by electrodes placed on the scalp
68887464CT Scanuses x-rays to take pictures of the brain at various angles
68887465PET scaninjection of radioactive dye into the blood stream; traced and detected to monitor blood flow to various regions of the brain
68887466roger sperrystudied split brain patients; showed that left/right hemispheres have different functions
68887467michael gazzanigasplit-brain research; important advances in our understanding of how the cerebral hemispheres communicate with one another
68887468phineas gagerailroad worker; severe brain injury that dramatically changed his personality and behavior
68888663behavior geneticsstudy of the relationship between heredity and behavior
68888664nature vs nurtureasks which has more impact on out development; the traits we inherit or the environment we live in
68888665strain studiesstudies the heritability of behavioral traits; animals that are inbred so they are genetically similar
68889969twin studiesstudies of identical/fraternal twins; to determine influence of heredity and environment on behavior
68889970adoption studiesstudies children adopted at birth; to determine the influence of heredity and enviornment on behavior

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