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Unit 4 #2 Vocab Flashcards

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153093966Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the FemaleA statement of the rights of women written by Olympe de Gouge in response to the Declaration of the Rights of man0
153093967EstatesThe divisions of society in pre-revolutionary France1
153093968FeminismThe movement to achieve women's rights2
153093969Gran ColombiaThe temporary union of the northern portion of South America after independence movements led by Simon Bolivar; ended in 18303
153093970JacobinExtreme radicals during the French Revolution4
153093971LiberalismAn Enlightenment philosophy that favored civil rights, the protection of private property, and representative government5
153093972Natural RightsRights that belong to every person and that no government may take away6
153093973ProletariatIn Marxist theory, the class of workers in an industrial society7
153093974QueueHair braid worn by Chinese men that was required by the Qing leaders; cutting it off meant execution8
153093975RadicalismWestern European political philosophy during the nineteenth century; advocated democracy and reforms favoring lower classes9
153093976Reign of TerrorThe period of most extreme violence during the French Revolution10
153093977Revolutions of 1848Democratic and nationalistic revolutions, most of them unsuccessful, that swept through Europe11
153093978Self-Strengthening MovementA late nineteenth century movement in which the Chinese modernized their army and encouraged Western investment in factories and railways12
153093979Separation of PowersThe division of powers among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the government13
153093980Seven Years' WarConflict fought in Europe and its overseas colonies; in North America, known as the French and Indian War14
153093981Social ContractEnlightenment concept of the agreement made by the people living in a state of nature to give up some of their rights in order for governments to e established15
153093982SocialismEconomic and political philosophy based on the idea that the benefits of economic activity should be equitably distributed throughout a society16
153093983System of Checks and BalancesConstitutional system in which each branch of government places limits on the power of other branches17
153093984Taiping RebellionRevolt in southern China against the Qing Empire18
153093985Universal Male SuffrageThe right of all males within a given society to vote19
153093986Berlin ConferenceMeeting of European imperialist powers to divide Africa among them20
153093987BoersSouth Africans of Dutch descent21
153093988Boer WarWar between the British and Dutch over Dutch independence in South Africa; resulted in a British victory22
153093989DumaThe Russian parliament23
153093990Economic ImperialismControl of a country's economy by the businesses of another nation24
153093991Great TrekThe emigration of some 12,000 to 14,000 Boers from Cape Colony in South Africa between 1835 and the early 1840s, in rebellion against the policies of the British government and in search of fresh pasturelands. It is regarded by Afrikaners as a central event of their nineteenth century history and the origin of their nationhood25
153093992ImperialismThe establishment of colonial empires26
153093993Indian National congressPolitical party that became the leader of the Indian nationalist movement27
153093994Manifest DestinyConcept of U.S. territorial expansion westward to the Pacific Ocean that saw the occupation of the rest of the continent as a divine right of the American people. The term was used to justify the U.S. annexation of Oregon, New Mexico, and California and later U.S. involvement in Alaska, Hawaii, and the Philippines28
153093995RajIn many Indian languages, it literally means Prince or Royalty thought it is often used to mean something more like the english term of empire and as such is oftern used in reference to the mughal Raj and the British Raj: the period of direct colonial rule of India by the British Empire29
153093996Revolution of 1905Strikes by urban workers and peasants in Russia; prompted by shortages of food and by Russia's loss to Japan in 190530
153093997Sepoy RebellionRevolt of Indian soldiers against the British; caused by a military practice in violation of the muslim and hindu faiths31
153093998SepoysSouth Asian soldiers who served in the British army in India32
153093999Social DarwinismThe application of Darwin's philosophy of natural selection to human society33
153094000Spanish-American WarConflict between the U.S. and Spain that began the rise of the U.S. as a world power. The U.S. gained possession of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines as a result34

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