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Unit 4 AP Psy Masters

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68916482sensationstimulation of the senses
68916483perceptionorganizing and interpreting sensory information
68916484psychophysicsstudy of relationships btw physical characteristics of stimuli and our experience of them
68916485absolute thresholdlowest level of stimulation that a person can detect
68922329difference thresholdsmallest change in stimulation that a person can detect (aka just noticeable difference)
68922330weber's lawthe stronger the stimulus the greater the change must be in order for it to be noticed
68922331signal detection theorytheory that a person's experience, expectations, motivation, and level of fatigue influnce thresholds
68922332pupiladjustable opening in the center of the eye through which light enters
68922333lenstransparent structure behind the pupil; bends and focuses light rays on the retina
68922334retinathe layer of rods and cones that lines the back of the eye
68922335optic nervecarries neural impulses from the eye to the brain.
68922336foveasmall depression in the retina; mostly cones; clearest vision
68922337blind spotwhere the optic nerve leaves the eye, no rods or cones
68922338frequencynumber of waves per second
68922339amplitudeheight of a wave
68922340conescolor receptors
68922341rodsreceptors that detect black, white, and gray
68922342hueshade of color; determined by the wavelength of light
68922343nearsightednessimage focused in front of retina; see close objects clearly; distant objects less clear
68922344farsightednessimage focused behind retina; see far objects clearly; close objects less clear
68922345night blindnessdecreased ability to see in reduced light; impaired rod function; deficiency of vitamin A
68922346colorblindnessinability to dintinguish colors; defiency or absence of cones
68923003afterimagevisual image that persists after a stimulus is removed
68923004binocular fusionprocess of combining the images received from the two eyes into a single image
68923005retinal disparitydepth cue; compare images from the two eyes; brain computes distance; greater the difference btw the two images, the closer the object
68923006auditory nervenerve that carries impulses from the inner ear to the brain
68923007pitchhighness or lowness of a tone; frequency
69138621hertzunit of frequency, pitch
69138622decibelsmeasurement of intensity or loudness, amplitude
69138623cochleaa snail-shaped tube; inner ear; lined with receptor cells; sound
69138624middle earchamber btw the eardrum and cochlea; hammer, anvil, and stirrup; concentrate the vibrations of the eardrum on the
69138625inner earinnermost part of the ear; cochlea, semicircular canals, and vestibular sacs; relay sound waves to the auditory nerve fibers
69138626opponent process theorycolor vision is derived from three pairs of opposing receptors; blue and yellow, red and green, and black and white.
69138627place theoryin hearing, pitch liked with the place where the cochlea's membrane is stimulated
69138628frequency matching theoryfiring rate of a neuron matches the frequency of a sound wave to determine pitch
69138629vestibular systemthree semicircular canals; sense of balance, in the inner ear; connected to the brain by a nerve
69138630olfactory nervecarries impulses from olfactory receptors in the nose to the brain
69138632flavorExperience of taste, smell, temperature,texture
69138633kinesthesissystem for sensing the position and movement of individual body parts
69138634figure groundorganization of visual field into objects (figures) that stand out from their surroundings (ground)
69138635visual clifflaboratory device for testing depth perception in infants and young animals
69138636gestaltthe human eye sees objects in their entirety before perceiving their individual parts
69138637subliminal messagesbrief auditory or visual messages that are presented below the absolute threshold
69138638illusionsperception does not accurately represent the world
98135628gustav fechnerfather of psychophysics, built on the work of Weber, refined principles of perception.
98135629ernst weberpioneered study of Just Noticeable Difference, which became Weber's law. JND is proportional to size of the stimulus.
98135630david hubelw/Torsten Wiesel discovered feature detector groups of neurons;in visual cortex, respond to different types of visual images

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