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Unit 5 Vocab #3 Flashcards

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162743372Helsinki AccordsA 1975 political and human rights agreement signed in Helsinki, Finland, by Western European countries and the Soviet Union0
162743373Hubble Space TelescopeOptical telescope that was placed in Earth orbit by the space shuttle in 1990. Hubble now produces accurate images of bodies that cannot be observed clearly by terrestrial telescopes due to atmospheric distortion.1
162743374International Space StationA vehicle sponsored by sixteen nations that circles the earth while carrying out experiments2
162743375Service IndustriesOccupations that provide a service rather than a manufactured or agricultural product3
162743376SputnikWorld's first artificial satellite, launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957. Weighing 83.5kg (184lb) and with a radio transmitter, Sputnik 1 circled the Earth for several months.4
162743377CubismA school of art in which persons and objects are represented by geometric forms5
162743378Balfour DeclarationBritish minister Lord Balfour's promise of support for the establishment of Jewish settlement in Palestine issued in 19176
162743379Kabuki theaterA form of Japanese theater developed in the seventeenth century that features colorful scenery and costumes and an exaggerated style of acting7
162743380Mass consumerismTrade in products designed to appeal to a global market8
162743381National Organization of Women(NOW) U.S. organization founded in 1969 to campaign for women's rights9
162743382New DealU.S. President Roosevelt's program to relieve the economic problems of the Great Depression; it increased government involvement in the society of the United States10
162743383No theaterThe classical Japanese drama with music and dances performed on a simple stage by elaborately dressed actors11
162743384Welfare stateA nation in which the government plays an active role in providing services such as social security to its citizens12
162743385Green RevolutionA program of improved irrigation methods and the introduction of high-yield seeds and fertilizers and pesticides to improve agricultural production; the Green Revolution was especially successful in Asia but also was used in Latin America13
162743386Guest workersWorkers form North Africa and Asia who migrated to Europe during the late twentieth century in search of employment; some guest workers settled in Europe permanently14
162743387Ozone depletionThe thinning of the layer of the gas ozone high in the earth's atmosphere; ozone serves as a protection against the sun's ultraviolet rays15
162743388Coup d'étatSudden overthrow of a government16
162743389Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity SphereThe pseudo-political and economic union of Japanese-dominated Asian and Pacific territories during World War II. By the end of the war, the Co-Prosperity Sphere had become an object of hatred and ridicule.17
162743390Weimar RepublicThe republic that was established in Germany in 1919 and ended in 1933.18
162743391Viet MinhCommunist-dominated Vietnamese nationalist movement; operated out of base in southern China during WW II; employed guerilla tactics similar to Maoists in China.19
162743392PropagandaInformation or material spread to advance a cause or to damage an opponent's cause.20
162743393European UnionBegan as European Economic Community (or Common Market), an alliance of Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, to create a single economic entity across national boundaries in 1958; later joined by Britain, Ireland, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Austria, Finland, and other nations for further European economic integration.21
162743394Viet CongName given to the by the Diem regime to the communist guerilla movement in southern Vietnam; reorganized with northern Vietnamese assistance as the National Liberation Front in 1958.22
162743395African National CongressBlack political organization within South Africa; pressed for end to policies of apartheid; sought open democracy leading to black majority rule; until 1990s declared illegal23
162743396Free Officers MovementMilitary nationalist movement in Egypt founded in the 1930s; often allied with the Muslim Brotherhood; led coup to seize Egyptian government from khedive in July 195224
162743397Dien Bien PhuMost significant victory of the Viet Minh over French colonial forces in 1954; gave the Viet Minh control of northern Vietnam25
162743398National Liberation Front(FLN) Radical nationalist movement in Algeria; launched sustained guerilla was against France in the 1950s; success of tactics led to independence of Algeria in 195826
162743399Afrikaner National PartyEmerged as the majority party in the all-white South African legislature after 1948; advocated complete independence from Britain; favored a rigid system or racial segregation called apartheid27
162743400Muslim LeagueFounded in 1906 to better support demands of Muslims for separate electorates and legislative seats in Hindu-dominated India; represented division within Indian nationalist movement28
162743401Atlantic Charter of 1941World War II alliance agreement between the United States and Britain; included a clause that recognized the right of all people to choose the form of government under which they live; indicated sympathy for decolonization29
162743402Total WarA conflict in which the participating countries devote all their resources to the war effort.30
162743403VichyFrench collaborationist government established in 1940 in southern France following defeat of French armies by the Germans31
162743404PolitburoExecutive committee of the Soviet Communist party; 20 members32
162743405Twenty-one DemandsTwenty-one Demands (1915), instrument by which Japan secured temporary hegemony over China. Japan used its declaration of war against Germany (Aug., 1914) as grounds for invading Kiaochow, the German leasehold in Shandong prov., China. Disregarding the Chinese request to withdraw, Japan secretly presented (1915) President Yüan Shih-kai with an ultimatum comprising 21 demands divided into five sections.33

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